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  • Послушайте, о чем говорят дети и их родители. Отметьте галочкой соответствующую графу таблицы.

  • Чтение II

  • Прочитай текст.

  • Выбери правильный ответ из предложенных в скобках.

  • Лексика и грамматика. IV . Вставьте пропущенные слова из рамки. Пять слов лишние.

  • Тест. Разрешение совет

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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Тест по английскому языку

    для 3 класса в 3 четверти.

    В данной разработке представлена контрольная работа по УМК В.П. Кузовлева, Э.Ш. Перегудовой и др. Тест проводился по окончанию 3 четверти (по unit 5, 6, 7). Тест направлен на контроль навыков аудирования, чтения, лексики и грамматики. Задание на аудирование взято из рабочей тетради данного УМК.

    Составила Корягина М.Б.

    TEST. Form 3. Term 3.

    Name _________________________ Surname _________________________ Date_________

    Задание из рабочей тетради

    Activity Book Ex. 1, p. 78

    1. Послушайте, о чем говорят дети и их родители. Отметьте галочкой соответствующую графу таблицы.










    II. Прочитай тексты и соотнеси их с заголовками; один заголовок лишний.
    a. My doll d. A dog and a strange (странный) umbrella.

    b. My parrot can talk. e. Father and son went to the zoo.

    c. Children and their pets.


    I've got a pet; it's a bird - a parrot. His name is Chatterbox. He’s green blue and yellow. He is a big and funny nice bird. I teach him to talk. Now Chatterbox can say: "Hi!" and "Let's play!"


    Last week Mr. Smith and his son Ted went to the zoo. They saw many animals there: tigers and lions, monkeys and giraffes, foxes and bears. They saw many birds there, too.


    This is my doll. her name is Polly. She's got big blue eyes, little ears, a small nose and mouth. My doll is very pretty. I like to play with it. She's got beautiful clothes: dresses, blouses, jeans, skirts and shoes.


    Pif is a funny little dog. One day Pif wants to go for a walk. He puts on his blue jeans, a grey sweater, brown boots, a red cap and goes for a walk. But it's rainy and Pif doesn't have an umbrella. Pif sees a tree. He takes the tree like (как) umbrella and goes home. That's a good idea.






    1. Прочитай текст.

    I have a pet at home. It's a dog. His name is Jim. The name is small but the dog is big. He is brown and black. Our flat (квартира) is small for my dog. I walk my dog every morning and every evening. When Jim wants to walk he barks (лает).

    In the yard (двор) he runs and jumps. We play with a ball or play hide-and-seek (прятки). But Jim can't close his eyes and always sees where I hide.

    Jim likes to run after cats. But cats always run away and climb a tree.

    My dog is very kind and smart. He helps me to carry my bag from the shop. I like dogs, they are good friends.
    Выбери правильный ответ из предложенных в скобках.
    1. My pet lives … (a. on the farm; b. at home).

    2. I walk my dog … (a. every day; b. every morning and every evening).

    3. My dog is … (a. red and brown; b. black and brown).

    4. Jim likes to run after … (a. birds; b. after cats).

    5. Jim is … (a. funny; b. smart).

    6. (1.Hamsters; 2. dogs) … are good friends.

    Лексика и грамматика.
    IV. Вставьте пропущенные слова из рамки. Пять слов лишние.

    born, November, summer, shorts, a warm coat, hand, hair, January, snowy, rainy, give, wash

    1. The winter months are December, _______, February.

    2. It is often hot in _________.

    3. We put on a cap, a t-shirt and _______ in summer.

    4. Some people have blond ________.

    5. In winter the weather is sometimes _________.

    6. Children _______ water to their pets.

    7. I was ______ in June, in summer.
    V. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
    1. Можно я пойду погулять?

    a) Must I go out? b) May I go for a walk?
    2. Тебе следует взять зонт, идет дождь.

    a) You can take an umbrella, it's rainy. b) You should take an umbrella, it's rainy.
    3. Выдолжныноситьформувшколе.

    a) You must wear a uniform at school. b) You should wear a uniform at school.
    4. Нельзя забывать кормить своего питомца.

    a) You must forget to feed your pet. b) You mustn't forget to feed your pet.
    5. Вы можете поиграть с хомяком.

    a) You must play with the hamster. b) You may play with the hamster.

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