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  • Read and translate the text джордж и роберт стивенсоны

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    1. Read and translate the text

    Джордж Стивенсон был британским изобретателем и инженером. Он известен тем, что построил первый практический железнодорожный локомотив. Стивенсон родился в 1781 году в Англии. В юности он работал пожарным, а затем инженером на угольных шахтах Ньюкасла. Он изобрел одну из первых безопасных шахтерских ламп независимо от британского изобретателя Хамфри Дэви. Первые локомотивы Стивенсона использовались для перевозки грузов в угольных шахтах, и в 1823 году он основал в Ньюкасле завод по их производству. В 1829 году он сконструировал локомотив, известный как «Ракета», который мог перевозить как грузы, так и пассажиров с большей скоростью, чем любой локомотив, построенный в то время. Успех «Ракеты» положил начало локомотивостроению и прокладке железнодорожных путей.

    Роберт Стивенсон, сын Джорджа Стивенсона, был британским инженером-строителем. Он в основном известен строительством нескольких примечательных мостов.

    Он родился в 1803 году. Получил образование в Ньюкасле и Эдинбургском университете. В 1829 году он помог своему отцу построить локомотив, известный как Ракета, а четыре года спустя он был назначен инженером-строителем Бирмингемской и Лондонской железной дороги, строительство которой было завершено в 1838 году.

    Стивенсон построил несколько известных мостов, в том числе мост Виктории в Англии, мост Британия в Уэльсе, два моста через Нил в Египте и мост Виктории в Монреале, Канада.

    1. Answer the questions:

    George Stephenson was a British inventor and engineer. He is famous for building the first practical railway locomotive.

    His main invention is the steam locomotive.

    Robert Stephenson was a bridge builder.

    Stephenson built several famous bridges, including the Victoria Bridge in England, the Britannia Bridge in Wales, two bridges across the Nile in Egypt and the Victoria Bridge in Montreal, Canada.

    I don't know of any other inventions by George and Robert Stephenson.

    1. Grammatical section

    Выразите вопросительные предложения косвенной речью

    1. Мy friend asked me which book I had taken.

    2. Father asked Kate what she was doing then.

    3. Tom asked if I had met Pat before.

    4. Judy asked Nike if he had invited his friends.

    5. My aunt asked me if I had already finished my exams.

    6. The teacher asked his pupils if they liked the story.

    7. The passenger asked what time the plane arrived.

    8. Grandmother asked Jack if he would send a telegram the next day.

    9. She asked her guest if he preferred coffee to tea.

    10. Mother asked her children who had broken the cup.

    11. The child asked his father what that toy was made of.

    12. The doctor asked his patient how he was feeling then.

    13. Sam asked Jane if he hadn’t I seen her somewhere before.

    14. He asked his friend if he could get him something to drink.

    15. John asked Chris when she(he) was leaving.

    1. Oral topic:

    Make a report on topic: «Great Britain: location»

    Great Britain is an island country in the north-west of Europe. Great Britain is one of the largest states in Europe, a nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The heiress of the British Empire, the largest state in history, which existed in the XIX — early XX century.

    The state consists of four: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    The state is located on the British Isles, washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, and the southeastern coast is located just 35 km from the northern coast of France, which are separated by the English Channel.

    The area of Great Britain is 243,809 km2, the land is 240,579 km2, the inland waters are 3,230 km2. As of 1993, 10% of the land was forest, 46% was used for pastures, and another 25% was used for agriculture. The coastline is 17,820 km long.

    Scotland occupies just under a third of the entire territory of the UK, covering 78,772 km2. The rugged mountainous region contains almost all of Scotland's mountains, including Ben Nevis, which with a height of 1,343 m is the highest point of the British Isles.

    Wales occupies only less than one tenth of the entire territory of the UK, covering 20,779 km2. Wales is mostly mountainous, although South Wales is less mountainous than the rest. The main population and industrial zones are located in South Wales. The highest mountains in Wales are located in Snowdonia and include Mount Snowdon 1,085 m high, which is the highest point in Wales.

    Northern Ireland covers only 13,843 km2 and is mostly hilly. Here is Loch Ney with an area of 388 km2, the largest lake in the British Isles by area. The highest point in Northern Ireland is Slieve Donard in the Mourne Mountains with an altitude of 852 m .

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