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  • 4. Answer the following question about yourself

  • Translate the following into English

  • Реферат. Английская школа. A_DAY_AT_ENGLISH_SCHOOL (Задание. Гофуров. М.О). Read the text. A day at english school

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    1. Read the text.


    Come and spend a day in an English school! It is nearly 9 on Monday morning, and the boys and girls are going to school again, after having had Saturday and Sunday free. Some of them walk to school, some come on their bicycles, and others who live further away from the school, come by bus. There goes the bell. The pupils are marched to the classrooms for the first lesson.

    11 o’clock is mid-morning break when most of the younger children have a drink of milk. The boys and girls go out into the play-ground where they can play until it is time to go back inside for lessons. The boys play football, and the girls play with a ball, or a skipping rope. But the older boys and girls just stand, talk and watch the games. Then the bell goes. It is time for lessons again and they all hurry inside.

    There are lessons till 1 o’clock, when it is time for lunch. The boys and girls queue up to get their lunch from the cooks. Nearly all school-children in England have their lunch at school, though some, who live very near to their school, go home.

    The break for lunch lasts about an hour. After lunch, there is still time to go out and play. In summer everyone wants to go outside in the sun, but in winter, when it is cold, everyone tries to hide in the cloakroom. The older boys and girls, who act as prefects, make the others go outside to get some fresh air. It is not good for children to be indoors all day. But when it is raining, of course, the prefects let the boys and girls go into the classroom and read, or play quietly. Many children do their homework, so that they will be free in the evening to go out with their friends, or to watch television.

    At 2 o’clock lessons start again. In this school the children not only do lessons like History, Geography and Math: the girls learn to type and sew, and to cook, and the boys do metal-work and wood-work. Some schools also allow girls to do metal-work if they want to (they make jewelry for themselves) and teach cookery to boys. It is very useful to be able to cook for yourself, if your mother is away!

    At 3 o’clock it is time for games. In English schools, the girls usually play grass-hockey in winter and tennis and various team games in summer, the boys play football in winter and cricket in summer.

    Lessons are over at 4. The children collect the books they need to do their homework, hurry to the cloakroom, to fetch their hats and coats, and go home. Very soon after 4 o’clock the school is empty, except for a few children and teachers. One or two children have to stay behind as a punishment for bad behavior. Others are staying for a club which has its meeting after school. Then they will go home too, and the school will be empty until tomorrow!


    Приходите и проведите день в английской школе! В понедельник почти 9 утра, и мальчики и девочки снова идут в школу, после того как суббота и воскресенье были свободны. Некоторые из них идут в школу пешком, некоторые приезжают на велосипедах, а другие, которые живут дальше от школы, приезжают на автобусе. Вот и звонит колокол. Учеников ведут в классы на первый урок.

    11 часов - это перерыв в середине утра, когда большинство младших детей пьют молоко. Мальчики и девочки выходят на игровую площадку, где они могут играть, пока не придет время возвращаться в дом для уроков. Мальчики играют в футбол, а девочки играют с мячом или скакалкой. Но старшие мальчики и девочки просто стоят, разговаривают и смотрят игры. Затем раздается звонок. Снова время уроков, и все они спешат внутрь.

    Уроки идут до 1 часа, когда наступает время обеда. Мальчики и девочки выстраиваются в очередь, чтобы получить свой обед от поваров. Почти все школьники в Англии обедают в школе, хотя некоторые, кто живет очень близко к своей школе, идут домой.

    Перерыв на обед длится около часа. После обеда еще есть время выйти и поиграть. Летом все хотят выйти на улицу на солнце, но зимой, когда холодно, все стараются спрятаться в раздевалке. Старшие мальчики и девочки, которые выполняют обязанности старост, заставляют остальных выходить на улицу подышать свежим воздухом. Детям нехорошо весь день находиться в помещении. Но когда идет дождь, конечно, префекты разрешают мальчикам и девочкам идти в класс и читать или спокойно играть. Многие дети делают домашнюю работу, чтобы вечером быть свободными, чтобы пойти куда-нибудь с друзьями или посмотреть телевизор.

    В 2 часа занятия начинаются снова. В этой школе дети не только занимаются историей, географией и математикой: девочки учатся печатать, шить и готовить, а мальчики работают по металлу и дереву. Некоторые школы также разрешают девочкам работать с металлом, если они этого хотят (они делают украшения для себя), и обучают мальчиков кулинарии. Очень полезно уметь готовить для себя, если ваша мама в отъезде!

    В 3 часа наступает время для игр. В английских школах девочки зимой обычно играют в хоккей на траве, а летом - в теннис и различные командные игры, мальчики зимой играют в футбол, а летом - в крикет.

    Уроки заканчиваются в 4. Дети собирают книги, которые им нужны для выполнения домашней работы, спешат в гардероб, берут свои шляпы и пальто и идут домой. Очень скоро после 4 часов школа пуста, за исключением нескольких детей и учителей. Один или двое детей должны остаться в качестве наказания за плохое поведение. Другие остаются в клубе, который проводит свое собрание после школы. Тогда они тоже пойдут домой, и школа будет пуста до завтра!

    2. FindEnglishequivalentsinthetext:
    Звонок (the bell to)

    Маршировать (march)

    Перемена (change to)

    Спешить (hurry to)

    стоять в очереди (stand in line to)

    длиться (last the)

    гардероб (wardrobe to)

    прятаться (hide the)

    староста (headman to)

    делать домашнее задание (do homework to)

    шить (sew)

    ювелирные украшения (jewelry to)

    закончиться (end)

    пустой (empty)

    наказание (punishment)

    поведение (behavior)

    3. Answer the following questions to the text:

    1. How do the boys and girls go to school again after the weekend?

    It is nearly 9 on Monday morning, and the boys and girls are going to school again, after having had Saturday and Sunday free

    1. How do they go to school?

    Some of them walk to school, some come on their bicycles, and others who live further away from the school, come by bus.

    1. At what time s there the mid-morning break?

    11 o’clock is mid-morning break when most of the younger children have a drink of milk.

    1. What do the younger children do during this break?

    The boys and girls go out into the play-ground where they can play until it is time to go back inside for lessons. The boys play football, and the girls play with a ball, or a skipping rope.

    1. What do the older children do during this break?

    But the older boys and girls just stand, talk and watch the games.

    1. When do the children have lunch?

    There are lessons till 1 o’clock, when it is time for lunch.

    1. How long does the break for lunch last?

    The break for lunch lasts about an hour.

    1. What do the children do after lunch?

    . After lunch, there is still time to go out and play.

    1. What do the children do during the break for lunch if the weather is bad?

    . In summer everyone wants to go outside in the sun, but in winter, when it is cold, everyone tries to hide in the cloakroom.

    1. What subjects do the children do at school?

    History, Geography and Math: the girls learn to type and sew, and to cook, and the boys do metal-work and wood-work. Some schools also allow girls to do metal-work if they want to (they make jewelry for themselves) and teach cookery to boys.

    1. When are the lessons over?

    Lessons are over at 4.

    1. Who stays at school after 4 o’clock?

    . Very soon after 4 o’clock the school is empty, except for a few children and teachers. One or two children have to stay behind as a punishment for bad behavior. Others are staying for a club which has its meeting after school.

    4. Answer the following question about yourself:

    1. When did your lessons at school begin?

    If you try to remember, they started at 8 in the morning
    2. How did you get to school?

    When I lived near my studies, I walked. After moving, I had to get on the bus.
    3. At what time did you have a break for breakfast?

    as far as I can remember at 10 am
    4. At what time did you have a break for lunch?

    Anything, as long as they don't bother the teachers and don't get caught in the eye
    5. How long did this break last?

    only 20 minutes
    6. What did you use to do after lunch?

    We went on to the lesson
    7. How many lessons did you use to have?

    On weekdays for 5, on Saturday for 3-4 lessons
    8. What subjects did you do at school?

    History, Biology, Mathematics, Russian language, Technology, Geography, literature
    9. When were the lessons over?

    Usually ended at 2 p.m.

    10. Did any stay at school after the lessons?

    Most teachers, preschoolers and a security guard
    5. Translate the following into English:

    1.В понедельник утром мы снова идём в школу после выходных.

    2. Кто-то идет в школу пешком, кто-то едет на автобусе.

    3. Звенит звонок, и мы расходимся по классам на первый урок.

    4. Перерыв на завтрак бывает после первого урока, и младшие ребята едят горячий завтрак.

    5. Перерыв на обед бывает примерно в час.

    6. Почти все школьники обедают в школе.

    7. После обеда еще остается время выйти на улицу подышать свежим воздухом.

    8. Если погода плохая, школьники обычно остаются в классе во время перемен.

    9. Уроки заканчиваются около трех часов.

    10. После 4 часов дня школа пустеет.
    1. On Monday morning we go to school again after the weekend.

    2. Someone goes to school on foot, someone goes by bus.

    3. The bell rings, and we go to classes for the first lesson.

    4. There is a break for breakfast after the first lesson, and the younger guys eat a hot breakfast.

    5. Lunch break is about an hour.

    6. Almost all students have lunch at school.

    7. After lunch, there is still time to go outside to get some fresh air.

    8. If the weather is bad, students usually stay in class during recess.

    9. Lessons end around three o'clock.

    10. After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the school is empty.

    6. Compare the school-day in England and Russia.
    In England, compulsory education begins at the age of 5, in this country there is a 13-year education system. Up to 5 years old children can attend kindergartens and preparatory groups. From 5 to 11 years old (in many private schools up to 13 years old), children study in primary school. At the end of primary school, students take exams and move on to secondary school. From the age of 14, preparation for GCSE exams begins, some of the subjects studied are mandatory, the rest can be chosen. After graduating from high school, English schoolchildren take the state GCSE exams (an analogue of the certificate of secondary education). Further, depending on the exam results and future plans, British teenagers can continue their studies at school or college in A-level or International Baccalaureate programs (grades 12-13). There are no compulsory subjects in high school, high school students are invited to choose 3 - 4 subjects that they plan to study in the future. Thus, in the last two grades, English schoolchildren study only those disciplines that they will need to enter the selected universities. To enroll in the best universities, excellent results in the A-level program or a high score in the IB (international Baccalaureate) are required. The procedure for passing final exams and admission to universities in the UK is similar to the unified State exam of the Unified State Exam in Russia.
    What are the main differences between Russian and English schools?

    1) In Russia, schooling begins at the age of 6-7, and ends at the age of 16-17. In England, students study from 5 to 18 years old, the last 2 years of school are equivalent to the first courses of Russian universities.

    2) Education in Russia is carried out in large classes (25-30 people), as a result, not all students receive enough attention from teachers. In English private schools, as a rule, there are small classes (15-20 people), which provides a more individual approach.

    3) There is a large selection of schools in the UK that accept only boys or only girls. If parents are looking for a separate school for their child, it makes sense to pay attention to English boarding schools.

    4) In England, in high school (A-levels, IB), students study only those subjects that they themselves have chosen. In Russia, some subjects taught in graduate classes are mandatory.

    5) In the English education system in high school (A-levels, IB), school subjects are studied in more depth. English schoolchildren have the opportunity to choose the subjects they are interested in at the age of 14, which is a prerequisite for early determination of goals and plans for the future. Studying in high school involves a lot of independent work (searching for information, analyzing it, your own ideas and conclusions).

    6) In the UK, the interaction between teachers and students is very different from the Russian model. British teachers treat students with respect and tact. The learning process is more of a dialogue than just the transfer of knowledge and materials.

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