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  • Пассажиру выписан билет с участием другого перевозчика. Возможно ли сделать сквозную регистрацию

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  • Кейс практикум 4_2017. Решение о допуске пассажира на рейс. Переведите Тиматик

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    1. По предоставленным документам и выдержки из Тиматик, примите решение о допуске пассажира на рейс. Переведите Тиматик.

    Origin BCN - Barcelona Airport (ESP)

    Destination SYD - Sydney (NS) Kingsford Smith Airport (AUS)

    Date 15 May 2018

    Visitors require either a visa or an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).

    Minors must hold their own passport or travel document when crossing the border of the Schengen Area and cannot be included in their parents' except when travelling back to their home country.

    Visa is not required for permanent residents of Norfolk Island, provided their passport is endorsed with an authority to reside indefinitely in Norfolk Island. However, passengers must apply for a 'Permanent Residents of Norfolk Island Visa' (PRNIV) at the Australian border.

    Passengers holding an ImmiCard issued by Australia are accepted for entry in lieu of a passport provided they also hold an Australian visa. This is valid for a single entry only.


    Before visiting Australia you may need to get the following vaccinations or take the following precautions. It is best to seek medical advice as your individual health and your planned activities will be a factor. Seek advice 4-6 weeks before travel.

    Required Vaccinations

    There is no risk of yellow fever in Australia. The government of Australia requires proof of yellow fever vaccination from travellers 1 year of age or older who are arriving from a country with risk of yellow fever, including transit in an airport located in a country with risk of yellow fever. For further information on this recommendation, please visit the CDC Yellow Fever Advice.

    Routine and Recommended Vaccinations

    It is recommended that travellers are up to date on routine vaccinations including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT), varicella (chickenpox), polio, and yearly flu shots.

    As hepatitis A outbreaks occur throughout the world and sometimes in countries with a low risk for hepatitis A, travellers should consult with their doctor prior to travel to see if the hepatitis A vaccine is necessary.

    A hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for those who may have sexual contact with a new partner, who may get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

    Travellers may need a Japanese Encephalitis vaccination depending on their travel plans, particularly if they will be in Australia longer than a month or plan to visit rural areas or spend significant time outdoors. Consultation with a doctor regarding this vaccination should be sought prior to travel. For further information on this recommendation, please visit the CDC Japanese Encephalitis Advice.

    A rabies vaccination is recommended for those planning an outdoor holiday, for wildlife professionals and researchers, or for those who may come into contact with bats.

    General Advice

    Dengue cases have been reported in Australia. For further information, please visit the CDC Dengue Advice.

    For more detailed information see the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

































    1. При покупке билета по маршруту Москва-Южно Сахалинск пассажир в качестве документа предъявил удостоверение депутата Государственной Думы. Примите решение о перевозке данного пассажира.








    1. Пассажир хочет вернуть билет, но статус купона уже изменился на C. Каким образом возможно это сделать?








    1. У пассажира билет Москва - Токио - Москва по тарифу DFMA. Он не собирается вылетать по первому купону MOW-TYO, но просит сохранить ему обратный вылет. Можно ли снять первый сегмент и потом произвести его возврат?








    1. Пассажиру выписан билет с участием другого перевозчика. Возможно ли сделать сквозную регистрацию?








    1. Каким образом можно отменить онлайн-регистрацию? Можно ли это сделать через сайт?








    1. Опишите правила перевозки образцов животного мира неинфецированнык.








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