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  • ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК В ЭКОНОМИКЕ (английский) Письменное контрольное задание / контрольная работа № 1

  • Вариант 2 Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

  • Задание 2. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание. (20 баллов)

  • marketing activities

  • Задание 4. Грамматика. (20

  • Правильно закончите разделительные вопросы. (10 баллов)

  • Задание 5. Прочитайте следующий текст. Определите, какие высказывания соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие нет.

  • иностранный язык. Иностранный язык в экономике (англ) часть 1 ЭК. Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при президенте российской федерации сибирский институт управления филиал ранхигс факультет заочного и дистанционного обучения

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    Кафедра иностранных языков



    Письменное контрольное задание / контрольная работа


    Студент: Суонси Али Валерьевич

    Группа: № 18421

    Дата: 12.06.2020 г.

    Преподаватель: Ковалева М.И.

    Новосибирск 2020

    Вариант 2

    Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант. (20 баллов)
    1. Nowadays marketing philosophy is …………… .

    a) consumer-oriented b) seller-oriented c) market-oriented

    2. Marketing is what you do when your product is no ……………… .

    a) valuable b) bad c) good

    3. The marketing mix is a(n) tool used in marketing.

    a) ineffective b) business c) industrial

    4. The 4Ps include product, price, ………………., promotion .

    a) field b) spot c) place

    5. Marketing puts the customer ……………….. of the organization.

    a) in the middle b) at the centre c) at the end

    6. Market research provides significant information to identify and analyze ………………… .

    a) the market share b) the competition c) the company

    7. Companies are always looking for ………………………. opportunities.

    a) market b) necessary c) marketing

    8. The aim of the market leader is to ……………... .

    a) get the position b) remain the leader c) to leave the market

    9. Marketing covers planning ……………………. of goods.

    a) choice b) selection c) assortment

    10. A company’s marketing strategies depend on ……………….

    a) market share b) market size c) position in the market
    Задание 2. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание. (20 баллов)

    market share, customer, innovation, marketing research, coordinating, opportunities, market followers, marketing mix, target market, marketing activities

    1. Once a ………… target market ………….. has been identified, a company has to decide what goods or services to offer.

    2. Marketing is a system of running all the business activities of a company in respect of ……… coordinating ………… supply and demand for the goods produced.

    3. To protect ………… market share ………., a company can innovate in products, customer services, distribution channels, cost reductions.

    4. ………… opportunities ………….. is a human activity directed to satisfying needs.

    5. The majority of companies are merely ……… market followers …………which present no threat to the leader.

    6. All ……… marketing activities ………. in a firm should be organizationally coordinated.

    7. Business has only two functions – marketing and ………… innovation ………….

    8. The ………marketing mix…………. is a business tool used in marketing and by marketing professionals.

    9. Marketing is about the ……… customer…….. .

    10. …… marketing research ……. should be distinguished from market research.
    Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. (10 баллов)
    1. What does the term “marketing mix” mean?

    2. What are marketing activities?

    3. What is the difference between market coverage and market penetration?

    4. What are the benefits of online shopping?

    5. What do usually famous companies do to promote their products?

    1) organizational discipline that focuses on the practical application of marketing orientation, on its techniques and methods in enterprises and organizations, as well as on the management of marketing resources and activities of the company.

    2) the period of time during which a product circulates on the market, from the moment it enters the market and ends with its departure from the market. One of the fundamental concepts of the concept of modern marketing.

    3) Strategic Marketing is a process of planning, developing and implementing maneuvers to obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche. This process is necessary to outline and simplify a direct map of the company's objectives and how to achieve them.

    4) tactics will be most effective in achieving strategy goals. Tactical marketing involves creating a marketing mix of four components—product, price, place, promotion.
    Задание 4. Грамматика. (20 баллов)

    1. Составьте новое предложение из предложения, данного в скобках. (10 баллов)

    1. (What time does the train arrive?) I wonder ……………………………….

    I wonder what time the train arrives?

    2. (Why is Thomas so cruel?) Could you tell me ………………….……….?

    Can you tell me why Thomas is so cruel?

    3. (Are they eating out tonight?) I don’t have any ideas ……………………………..

    I don't have any ideas about them having dinner at a restaurant tonight

    4. (How much do these products cost?) Do you know ……………………..………..?

    Do you know how much these products cost?

    5. (What is that man doing?) I don’t know ………………..………………………….

    I don't know what this person is doing.

    6. (How far is it to the police station?) Can you tell me ……………………………..?

    Can you tell me how far it is to the police station?

    7. (Why didn’t Denis come to the party?) I can’t remember ……….…………………

    I can't remember why Denis didn't come to the party

    8. (Did Ann leave the company last Monday?) I wonder ………………………..……

    I wonder if Ann left the company last Monday

    9. (Is there a cafe near here?) Can you tell me …………………………...................?

    Can you tell me if there's a cafe nearby?

    10. (Where is the post office?) Do you know ………………………………………..?

    Do you know where the post office is?

    1. Правильно закончите разделительные вопросы. (10 баллов)

    11. Mike will come in time home?

    12. You're not afraid of mice?

    13. Bruce was recently promoted is this true?

    14. They all will tell you this interesting news?

    15. He's already met her before, last year?

    Задание 5. Прочитайте следующий текст. Определите, какие высказывания соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие нет. (30 баллов)
    The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms. The marketing mix is the tactical or operational part of a marketing plan. The marketing mix is also called the 4Ps and the 7Ps. The 4Ps are priceplaceproduct and promotion. The services marketing mix is also called the 7Ps and includes the addition of processpeople and physical evidence. The offer you make to your customer can be altered by varying the mix elements. So for a high profile brand, increase the focus on promotion and desensitize the weight given to price.

    The company’s goal in terms of price is really to reduce costs through improving manufacturing and efficiency, and most importantly the marketer needs to increase the perceived value of the benefits of its products and services to the buyer or consumer.

    Place is also known as channel, distribution, or intermediary. It is the mechanism through which goods and/or services are moved from the manufacturer/ service provider to the user or consumer.

    For many a product is simply the tangible, physical item that we buy or sell. You can also think of the product as intangible i.e. a service.

    Promotion includes all of the tools available to the marketer for marketing communication. As with Neil H. Borden’s marketing mix, marketing communications has its own promotions mix. There are many promotions elements that are often included such as sales, advertisingsales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, online communications and personal selling.

    1. The marketing mix is not as famous as it used to be. FALSE

    2. The marketing mix is the part of a marketing plan. TRUE

    3. The 4Ps and the 7Ps are the common names for the marketing mix. FALSE

    4. The 4Ps contain priceplaceproduct and promotion. TRUE

    5. The 7 Ps include the same components as the 4Ps. TRUE

    6. The offer you make to your customer can be changed by varying the mix elements TRUE

    7. Place can’t be the mechanism, because it is considered to be a channel, distribution, or intermediary. TRUE

    8. The product can be both tangible and intangible. TRUE

    9. Marketing communications has its own promotions mix. TRUE

    10. Many promotions elements include sales, advertisingsales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, online communications and personal selling. TRUE

    Список использованной литературы

    1. Давыдова, В.В., М.И. Ковалева Reading in Finance: учеб. Пособие / В.В. Давыдова, М.И. Ковалева. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СибАГС, 2008. – С. 74-91.

    2. Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S., Rogers, J. Market Leader (Pre-Intermediate Business English Course Book) / D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent et.al. – Pearson Education Limited, 2010. – P. 62-69.

    3. Foley, M., Hall, D. MyGrammarLab / M. Foley, D. Hall. – Pearson Education Limited, 2012. – 356 p.

    4. Griffin, W.R., Ebert, J.R. Business / W.R. Griffin, J.K. Ebert. – Canada: PEARSON, 2013. – 816 p.

    5. MacKenzie, I. English for Business Studies (Student’ s Book) / I. MacKenzie. – Cambridge University Press, 2006. – P.50-55.

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