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  • Адрес учредителя, издателя и редакция Журнала «Российский электронный научный журнал»

  • Address of the founder, publisher and editorial board of the «Russian electronic scientific journal»


  • Энергоаудит. Российский электронный научный журнал - Башкирский ГАУ. Российский электронный научный журнал

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    В составе редакционной коллегии «Российского электронного научного журнала» состоят:

    • академики РАН – 1 чел.

    • члены-корреспонденты – 1 чел.;

    • доктора наук – 19 чел.;

    • кандидаты наук – 3 чел.;

    • зарубежные ученые – 11 чел.

    Число внешних экспертов составляет  - 13 чел., что составляет 59% от общего числа.

    Главный редактор журнала 
    «Российский электронный 
    научный журнал»                                                                       И.И. Габитов

    Annex 1.
    Table 1. The editorial board of the reviewed scientific publication "Russian Electronic science journal"

    Item number

    Full name

    Membership in state science academies, academic degree and title

    Place of work, position

    Substantiation of significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of knowledge


    Gabitov Ildar

    Doctor of technical sciences, professor a

    Bashkir State Agrarian University, Rector

    The author of more than 160 scientific works including more than 40 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 19.


    Chudov Ivan

    Doctor of biological sciences, professor of the Bashkortostan Science Academy  

    Bashkir State Agrarian University, vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities

    The author of more than 100 scientific publications including 21 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 9.


    Linenko Andrei

    Doctor of technical sciences, professor a

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of more than 80 scientific publications including 15 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 8.


    Avzalov Ruzil

    Doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of more than 100 scientific publications including 30 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles.


    Andreeva Alfiia

    Doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of more than 300 scientific publications including 57 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 20.


    Lukmanov David

    Doctor of economic sciences, professor

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of more than 210 scientific publications including 34 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles.


    Hasanov Eduard

    Doctor of technical sciences, professor a

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of about 90 scientific publications including 25 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 15.


    Khabirov Ilgiz

    Doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The author of more than 250 scientific publications including 68 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 17. Prepared 16 candidates and two doctors of science.


    Kuznetsova Alfiia

    Doctor of economic sciences, professor

    Bashkir State Agrarian University, professor

    The author of more than 160 scientific publications on Economics and Management of the national economy, including 45 papers published in the journals reviewed by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles. The Hirsch index is 17.


    Kostiaev Aleksandr

    Member of the Russian Science Academy, Doctor of economic sciences, professor

    Director of the Federal  State Budgetary Scientific Institution Northwest Research Institute for Economics and Agriculture

    The author of more than 200 scientific works in economics and management of agro-industrial complex, methodology and theory of economic and regional agri-environmental research. Prepared 11 doctors and 24 candidates of sciences. The Hirsch index is 28.


    Nikonova Galina

    member of the Russian Science Academy, Doctor of economic sciences, professor

    Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University, professor 

    The author of more than 100 scientific  publications on Economics and Management for agrarian production. Prepared 1 doctor and 14 candidates of sciences. 
    The Hirsch index is 18.


    Ozan Bahar 

    professor, doctor PHD

    Dean of the Tourism Department, Mugla University 
    Dean of Tourism Faculty
    Mugla University

    He is the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism in Turkey. The author of more than 100 scientific works in foreign publications as well as 7 monographs. Member of editorial boards in 7 foreign scientific journals.  Holder of the Muğla Sıtkı Award 2007 given by Kochman University


    Mr.Muharrem Tuna

    professor, doctor PHD

    Gazi universuty Turkey, Ankara

    President of the Association of Tourism Academics Gazi University Tourism Faculty Allied Academies International Spring in Conference Jury work Award (2008). The author of more than 150 scientific publications, 7 monographs, supervisor of 9 international projects
    +90 (312) 485 14 60/109


    Arie Kaijzer

    Doctor Ph.D.

    Aeres University of Applied Science

    The author of more than 50 scientific works.


    Zuzana Dvořáková

    prof. Ing. CSc.

    University of Economics, Prague
    Faculty of Business Administration
    Director of the Institute of Personnel Management
    Department of Human Resource Management

    Supervisor of more than 10 scientific projects. The author of more than 100 scientific publications, member of the editorial board of the journal


    Uazhanova Raushan 

    Doctor of technical sciences, professor a

    Almaty University of Technology, Head of the "Food Safety and quality" chair

    The author of more than 150 scientific works, 5 inventions, 3 monographs. Under her supervision three doctoral dissertations (Ph.D.), 20 dissertations for Master's degree in Technical Sciences were prepared. Awarded a Certificate of Honor for significant contribution to develop the standardization system of the Kazakhstan Republic in 2015.


    Pugachev Nikolai

    Doctor of economic sciences, professor
    Correspondent member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

    Deputy Director of the National Science Centre "Institute of Agrarian Economics"

    The author of more than 100 scientific publications. Prepared five candidates and one doctor of economic sciences.


    Omarhanova Zhibek

    candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the Finances chair

    S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro technical University

    Total scientific and pedagogical experience is more than 25 years. Has a title of the "The best teacher of 2015" given by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan Republic. The author of 2 scientific papers on the investigation theme published in the Scopus, 1 work in Thomson Reuters, 9 papers in foreign scientific journals. 


    Rustembaev Bazarhan

    Doctor of economic sciences, professor candidate of technical sciences,  
    Elected as a,member of the International Academy of Agrarian Education (Moscow).
    Full member of the Kazakh Academy of Agricultural Sciences (29.06.2013).

    Head of the Marketing and service chair, the Kazakh S. Seifullin Agro technical University.

    The author of more than 200 scientific works in publications of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and other countries. Internship in Germany (2000, 2012). Under his supervision four dissertations for candidate's degree are protected, two dissertations for doctor's degree and four  for candidate's degrees are ready to be defended.


    Kiriyenko Natalia

    candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor

    Head of the market department in the Republican scientific unitary enterprise "Institute of System Studies for Agro-industrial Complex of the Belarus National Science Academy"

    Expert of the FAO on agriculture and trade in Europe and Central Asia; member of the working group at the Advisory Board of the Agroindustrial Policy Department of the Euroasian Economic Commission on «Scientific and technical cooperation”; member of the negotiation group for Belarus to join the WTO in terms of agricultural products availability at market. The author of more than 150 published works, 10 adoptions of research findings into practice in the Belarus Republic.


    Schur Vladimir

    Candidate of philosophical sciences

    Head of the Sociological Research Laboratory, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belarus

    The author of more than 55 scientific publications.


    Jerzy Jaworski

    Professor Doctor

    Houchschule Heilbronn, 
    Germany, Faculty International Business 

    Head of the project group: “International Business – Eastern Europe”

    The editorial board of the "Russian Electronic Scientific Journal":

    • members of the Russian Science Academy - 1 person.

    • correspondent members of the Russian Science Academy - 1 person;

    • doctors of sciences - 19 people;

    • candidates of sciences – 3 people;

    • foreign scientists - 11 people.


    "Russian Electronic Scientific Journal "                                                                   I. Gabitov 

    Адрес учредителя, издателя и редакция Журнала «Российский электронный научный журнал»:

    450001, Республика Башкортостан, г. Уфа, ул. 50-летия Октября, 34.
    Тел./факс: (347) 228-15-11
    Е- mail: el-journal.bsau@mail.ru 


    Address of the founder, publisher and editorial board of the «Russian electronic scientific journal»:

    450001, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 50-letiya Octyabrya St., 34.
    Phone/fax: (347) 228-15-11
    Е- mail: el-journal.bsau@mail.ru 


    Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Башкирского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал Баш ГАУ) основан в 2013 году.
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