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  • ИТОГОВОЕ ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ по дисциплине «Английский язык»

  • ФИО студента Москаленко Екатерина Владимировна Направление подготовки

  • Группа ДОУ-Б-01-З-2020-1 Москва 2021 I . Translation

  • III. Summary

  • Is Your Job in Jeopardy Due to a Sluggish Economy

  • англ ипз. Российский государственный социальный университет итоговое практическое задание по дисциплине Английский язык

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    Российский государственный социальный университет


    по дисциплине «Английский язык»

    ФИО студента

    Москаленко Екатерина Владимировна

    Направление подготовки

    Документоведение и архивоведение



    Москва 2021

    I. Translation

    Еще со времен первых пуритан дисциплинированная и продуктивная деятельность высоко ценилась в американском обществе. В стране "избранных немногих" Доллар всегда был мерилом человеческой ценности, создателем друзей и влияния людей. Без сомнения, это основная единица энергии на американской электростанции, где не стыдно быть бедным, но это, конечно, неудобно.

    Американцы беспокоятся о федеральном дефиците и о максимизации (превышении кредитного лимита) своих пластиковых (кредитных карт). Люди делают покупки в торговые точки и дисконтные магазины, вступайте в клубы, чтобы они могли пользоваться преимуществами покупки оптом, и ждите распродаж со сниженными ценами. Почти у каждого американца сердце бьется чуть быстрее, когда он слышит слова "Продается сейчас! скидка 50 процентов! Бесплатный подарок! Только сегодня!"

    II. Glossary

    Job candidats – Соискатели, Кандидаты на работу

    Employment - Трудоустройство

    Vacant positions - Вакантные должности

    Downsizing - Сокращение штатов

    Lay off - Уволить

    Marketplace - Рыночная площадь

    Workforce - Рабочая сила

    Hoopla - Шумиха

    Layoff - Увольнение

    Free-agent - Свободный агент
    III. Summary

    Ever since the times of the first Puritans, disciplined and productive activity has been highly valued in American society. In the land of the elected few, " the Dollar has always been the measure of human worth, the maker of friends and the influencer of people. Americans worry about the federal deficit and about maxing out (exceeding the credit limit on) their plastic (credit cards). Most Americans have traditionally relied on their jobs for an income. But the exporting of jobs and cost-cutting led, in the early 1990s, to widespread layoffs (also known as corporate downsizing) and downshifting (being forced to accept a less well-paid job). Hard-working Americans worried about their financial security. People want to protect their IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts), 401(K)s (corporate-sponsored retirement funds), and other savings plans, and they wonder about whether Social Security will still be when they reach retirement age.
    Is Your Job in Jeopardy Due to a Sluggish Economy?

    The mid-to-late 1990s were a very good tin America as far as the economy was concerned. Instead of job candidates combing the streets for employment, employers searched frantically high and low to fill vacant positions. In 2001, words and phrases such as "downsizing" and "laid off" are popping up more often. It appears that the economy is slowing down, and while many companies are preparing for possible changes in the marketplace, others are handing out tons of pink slips. According to the polls conducted by Wirthlin Worldwide, although 73 percent of working adults feel secure in their current jobs, more than half of the respondents (58 percent) are taking precautions to prepare for the possibility of layoffs due to concerns that a recession may hit the US economy. Improving personal finances topped the list, with 26 percent indicating that they are saving money. Another interesting discovery was that 35 percent of workers believe layoffs would affect them if their company chose to cut staff. Professionals need to view the job search a little differently nowadays. Now many people possess a free-agent mind-set. These individuals are people who have been downsized in the past or are reluctant offspring of the era of constant downsizing through the past 10 years. People who are free agents are the ones who realize there is no such thing as old-fashioned job security. Many experts say that as long as consumer confidence is up and productivity remains strong, the overall economy should continue to thrive. Even after the economy picks up, job insecurity never goes away completely.
    IV. “My future job”

    There are many interesting professions in the world, but everyone chooses what they like. Despite the spread of electronic technologies and the decline in demand for printed books, I am attracted to the work of a librarian. Why the librarian? I like to read books and I want to do something that will bring me pleasure. This is a good way to combine hobbies and earn money.

    When I read a book, it seems to me that a new world opens up before me, I can find something fascinating, interesting and unusual in it, learn something new for myself.

    The profession of a librarian provides an opportunity to understand various genres of literature and art, study scientific materials, and give advice on choosing a book to library guests. Every person is different: people have different needs, thoughts, and moods. The librarian, having helped the reader in the selection of the necessary literature, will give the person the joy of communicating with the book. To give this joy is the main thing in the profession of a librarian. Even in ancient times, the profession of a librarian was among the honorary ones. Book knowledge was highly valued. A librarian needs to know a lot, be a creative person, a good psychologist, and be friendly. And then readers will be drawn to it.

    Many people think that maybe it's good to be a librarian, but it's very boring. But the librarian has no time to be bored. He works with books, magazines, readers, catalogs, filing cabinets, and book exhibitions, which requires his artistic abilities. Everything should be colorful, competent, and understandable to the reader.

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