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  • Ex. 5 Write sentences with the same meanings, using the word in brackets. In some cases you need to add a verb ending to the word given.

  • Ex. 6 Choose words or expressions from the box to complete these texts.

  • Ex. 7 Work in pairs. Here is the first part of a newspaper article. Decide with your partner why the writer has chosen to start each fresh paragraph in the places she has.

  • Ex. 8 Answer the questions

  • Ex. 10 A discursive essay

  • Ex. 11 Discuss these questions

  • Ex. 12 In small groups discuss the following questions.

  • Text 16 Ex. 13 Read the text. The Incredible Ageing Woman

  • Вильковская

  • Дударь

  • Руководство для студентов 3 курса специальностей 1 02 03 06 01 Английский язык. Немецкий язык

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    НазваниеРуководство для студентов 3 курса специальностей 1 02 03 06 01 Английский язык. Немецкий язык
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    Ex. 2 Translate the words:

    Uterus, placenta, fallopian tubes, foetus, ovaries.

    Ex. 3 Put these stages in the development of a new life in order

    Conception, delivery, fertilization, labour, pregnancy.
    Ex. 4 Correct these sentences which use the vocabulary in В and С.

    1 The whole country is in morning after the President's death.

    2 I'd like my dust scattered at sea.

    3 My extinct grandfather was a shepherd all his life.

    4 I'm afraid her elderly godmother has just passed off.

    5 My car is on its last leg.

    6 My grandfather inherited me his gold watch in his will.

    7 Mrs Wilson seems to have been at death's window for years.

    8 Over two thousand people were perished in the earthquake.

    9 It was amazing there was no fatality when the bridge collapsed.

    10 My uncle left me a request of five hundred pounds in his will.
    Ex. 5 Write sentences with the same meanings, using the word in brackets. In some cases you need to add a verb ending to the word given.

    1 Both my sisters are pregnant at the moment. (expect)

    2 Twins were born to Amanda Harrison last Monday. (BIRTH)

    3 She has been taking medication to help her conceive. (fertility)

    4 All my grandparents lived to their 80s or 90s. (ripe)

    5 My grandmother is 90 but she is still very mentally alert. (wits)

    6 Unfortunately the deceased died intestate. (WILL)

    7 John bequeathed £1,000 to each of his three nephews. (INHERIT)
    Ex. 6 Choose words or expressions from the box to complete these texts.

    deceased bequest bequeathed inherited

    perished passed away fatalities slaughtered
    Yesterday was indeed a black day for our country. Twenty-five people _______ (1) in an earthquake. There were ten road accident _________ (2) and five more were ________ (3) in a terrorist bomb attack. Among the _________ (4) was one of our most popular young politicians.

    I'm very sad to have to tell you that my grandfather _________ (5) last month. He was very kind and ________ (6) each of his grandchildren quite a large sum of money. I'd love to spend some of the money I ________ (7) on visiting you. He also left a very large ________ (8) to the university where he worked for most of his life.
    Text 15
    Ex. 7 Work in pairs. Here is the first part of a newspaper article. Decide with your partner why the writer has chosen to start each fresh paragraph in the places she has.
    Greys set to shake up German political scene
    West Germany, which has Europe's youngest pensioners and oldest students, now has a rebellious Grey Party claiming that "old is beautiful" and calling for a greater say for the over 60s.

    The leader of the new party, Mrs Trude Unruh, aged 64, says she has decided that remaining quiet is "no good." Clubs for old people should be turned into "centres for political education and agitation."

    Mrs Unruh (her name in English means "restless") spent just more than two years sitting as a Green in the Bundestag. But she says the Greens used her to attract pensioners' votes without rewarding the Greys with promised constituencies.

    Equipped with a cloth cap and megaphone, she is ready to take on the established political parties in next year's general election. She will campaign for a guaranteed minimum state pension of up to DM1,500 a month (£500), and pledges to put an end to "old people being totally at the mercy of the system and the welfare mafia."

    As far as possible, the Greys want to do without homes for the old, care insti­tutions or psychiatric estab­lishments. Old people should have a free choice of residence, where their freedom would be maintained and the necessary level of care provided.

    "We want to lead autonomous lives, and move away from the concept that old people must be manageable," she said at the party's spacious headquarters in Wuppertal, which is also a "cultural centre" for pensioners.
    Ex. 8 Answer the questions:

    1 Do you know any elderly parties in Belarus or Russia?

    2 Is it possible? Will they succeed?
    Ex. 9 Work in pairs. Here is the last part of the same article, printed here with no paragraphs. Decide with your partner where you would break it into paragraphs. (The original text consisted of eight paragraphs.)
    "We need cooperation and not polarisation," Professor Lehr said. Both the economy and society had to face the enormous challenge of adjusting to the demogra­phic changes caused by a drastic fall in birth-rates, she said. But she added that a minimum pension would not solve the problems linked to aging. "The Greys have opted for the wrong path." At present, some 90 per cent of the two million West Germans who need care are looked after by their families, and 600,000 people live in homes. But staffing problems in hospitals and in the care sector have reached alarming pro­portions, and reports of "scandalous conditions" in old people's homes make headlines almost every week. The anger of those involved in caring for the old has recently been fuelled by a decision of a Mannheim court which, in response to a complaint from residents in a small town in Baden-Wuerttemberg, ruled that old people's homes should not be situated in "high-quality residential areas." The plaintiffs argued that they were "disturbed at night by the sound of ambulances and occasional screams from home inmates." It was high time, Mrs Unruh said, that those in power in Bonn realised that West Germany was fast becoming a society hostile not only to children, but also to the aged. She said her proposals for greater integration of the old and reduced dependence on the state welfare system had exposed the serious gap between private care pro­vided by the family and the official welfare system in hospitals, homes and other institutions.
    Ex. 10 A discursive essay

    Creative writing

    What will you live on when you retire?

    Plan now to enjoy your retirement. . .

    Properly planned, retirement should give you some of the best years of your life – with money to spend and the leisure to enjoy it. The Personal Pension Plan, from National Mutual Life, will give you just that.

    With your own Personal Pension Plan you can retire with a pension for life, a substantial capital sum, and the opportunity to turn your dreams into reality!

    It's your future. The sooner you start, the greater your pension. The later you leave it, the more you will have to pay for a similar benefit.

    Ex. 11 Discuss these questions:

    1 What are your reactions to the advertisement above?

    2 How is life for retired people in your country different from the kind of life they lead in other countries?

    3 What can we learn from other cultures about attitudes to older people?

    4 How would you set about improving conditions for older people in your country and perhaps changing people's attitudes?
    Ex. 12 In small groups discuss the following questions.

    a) If you had a problem and wanted to talk to someone about it, would you go to your parents or someone their age, your grandparents or someone their age, or a brother or sister or a friend your own age? Explain the reasons for your answer.

    b) Do you find it easy or difficult to communicate with old people? Why? What topics of conversation can you talk about with old people? What topics are difficult to discuss with them?

    c) Which of the people in the photos above would you like to interview about their lives? Why?

    d) In your country, who has more social status – old people, young people, or middle-aged people?

    e) Old people's feelings.

    f) The practical problems of disguising oneself as an old person.

    Text 16
    Ex. 13 Read the text.
    The Incredible Ageing Woman
    In an amazing three-year experiment, Pat Moore, a young product design­er, lived as an elderly woman on the streets of New York. As 'Old Pat' she roamed around trying to find out what it was like to be old. During the contro­versial experiment, Pat, now 36, was short-changed by shopkeepers, verbal­ly abused when she got in the way and assaulted and left for dead by a gang of youths out for drugs money. By going into disguise, she had intended to find out hard architectural, design and engineering data. But soon her strict design aims were lost in the welter of new and shocking experience.

    One of the most alarming discoveries was the difference in attitude the same people had to the old and the young Pat. Typically, a shop assistant in a Manhattan stationery store ignored the old Pat. He barked at her when she asked if he sold typewriter ribbons and when she genuinely misheard his question about what kind of typewriter she owned, he yelled out her mistake to humiliate her. To ensure she wasn't en­countering people's off-days, Pat would return to the same store the next day as her young self, with shoulder length blond hair, young tanned skin and often the same cheap print dress as the Old Pat — not that anyone ever noticed. In the stationery shop the next day the exchange followed the exact same format, right down to her making the same mistake. This time, however, it elicited laughter and jovial response. The young Pat left distraught and dazed. Irascible behaviour became almost a Pavlovian response to her 'aged' appearance.

    As far as the disguise was concerned the clothes were the easy pan. With the help of friend Barbara Kelly, a make-up artist, they built up a latex mask. To sim­ulate as many of the sensory conditions of the ageing as possible was as impor­tant to her as the facial ageing. She put high density 'steel worker's' wax in her ears to impair her hearing and dabs of baby oil in her eyes to cloud her vision. For her body, she developed a wrap mat stopped her standing upright and even gave her a slight dowager's hump. Small splints of balsa wood placed at the back of each knee restricted her flexion and a tight tube of material around both thighs stopped her walking too fast She taped her fingers to simulate arthritic hands and the gloves concealed the tape. She could bend her fingers only with difficulty. The two features which risked giving her away were her voice and her bright white teeth. A paste of crayon and oil stained her teeth and an actor friend advised her that a paste of salt and water held at the back of the throat for several minutes ensured a rasping voice for the next six hours.

    Despite the success of the disguise, Pat Moore continually felt guilty that she could change back to being Young Pat. '1 was always painfully aware the disguise was just a shell for me.' To her surprise, however, when she voiced this guilt to her elderly friends, they confirmed the feeling. They too felt they were in a shell — young minds trapped behind old faces. This discovery was a turning point for her. It confirmed her in the growing knowledge that the elderly weren't handicapped by their own physical disabili­ties so much as by the attitudes and psychological barriers set up by others. A fear of ageing is even built into die English language. We ask 'How old are you?’ Whereas other languages ask 'How many years?' or, ‘What age?'


    1 Седов, Д.С. Сборник английских аутентичных текстов. 17 тем / Д.С. Седов. – Минск, 2002. – 376 с.
    2 Harmer, J. More than words / J. Harmer, R. Rossner. – Harlow, 1999.
    3 Jones, L. Cambridge Advanced English / L. Jones. – Cambridge, 1997.
    4 Soars, J. Headway: advanced / J. Soars, L. Soars. – Oxford, 1997.
    5 Soars, J. Headway: upper-intermediate / J. Soars, L. Soars. – Oxford, 1995.

    6 Soars, J. New Headway: upper-intermediate / J. Soars, L. Soars. – Oxford, 2005.

    7 Wellman, G. Worldbuilder / G. Wellman. – Bath, 1992. – 266 p.

    Производственно-практическое издание

    Кузьмич Татьяна Витальевна,

    Вильковская Елена Владимировна,

    Литвинова Лидия Анатольевна,

    Дударь Елена Владимировна



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    для студентов 3 курса специальностей 1- 02 03 06 - 01 «Английский язык. Немецкий» 1 - 02 03 06 - 03 «Английский язык. Французский язык»

    Подписано в печать 20.09.2013. Формат 60x84 1/16.

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    «Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины».
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