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учебник по английскому. УЧЕБНИК. Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения.

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Упражнение 69

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In the old days it was necessary for all ... parts of ... city to be close together, in order that ... de­fensive wall might surround it, and ... streets, there­fore, were made as narrow as possible. Many ... Eu­ropean cities began with ... walls round them. But in ... America there was little need for ... defensive walls, and that's why many ... American cities have been built on ... regular plan, modified a little ac­cording to ... natural surroundings. ... streets in ... American cities, instead of having ... names, are numbered, and so when one has once understood ... plan of ... American city, it is very easy to find one's way from one part of it to ... other. ... old part of ... New York lies in ... southern half of ... Manhattan Island, and there ... streets are narrow and twisted, as in ... towns of ... Old World. But ... rest of ... streets, with but few exceptions, all run in ... straight lines. There is one street in ... city, how­ever, that does not follow ... straight line. And that is Broadway, ... New York's most famous street. It starts within sight of ... dancing waters of ... har­bour and runs between ... tall skyscrapers in ... northwestern direction. This great street is ... long­est in ... world.

Упражнение 70

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... Africa is ... very large continent lying to ... south of ... Europe and to ... southwest of ... Asia to which it is joined by ... Isthmus of Suez. Less than one hundred years ago ... men knew almost nothing of ... middle of ... continent. ... travellers from ...



Europe made ... long journeys into ... centre but they met with ... terrible difficulties, for ... conti­nent is covered with ... forests full of ... fearful wild animals. Some travellers died of ... hunger or ... thirst or ... strange illnesses, ... others were killed by ... lions, still ... others by .,. natives; but nevertheless bold men were found ready to go along ... rivers into ... heart of ... Africa. The merchants who came from ... European countries had much to sell, and here were ... millions of ... people ready to buy; here was ... country, ... richness of which was unimaginable.

Упражнение 71

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Robert Burns, ... son of ... small farmer in Ayr­shire, was born on ... 25th of ... January, 1759. His parents were poor, so Burns did not get a good educa­tion. He worked hard as ... ploughboy. He was fond of reading and always had ... ballad book before him at ... dinner. After ... death of his father Robert and his brother and sisters took over ... farm together. Working in ... fields Burns wrote many wonderful songs. However, things became so bad on ... farm, that... poet decided to go to ... Jamaica hoping to get ... job on ... plantation there. Luckily some friends helped Burns to publish ... book of poems. ... book was noticed and praised highly. In 1786 Burns went to ... Edinburgh, and his book of poems unlocked ... doors of ... rich Edinburgh houses to a peasant with such a wonderful talent. In 1788 he married Jean Armour and spent... peaceful and happy year. ... rest of his life story is ... tale of ... poet's hardships. ... hard life ruined ... poet's health, and on ... 21st of ... July, 1796 he died at ... age of thirty-seven.


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in a day

in a


in a week

in a


Упражнение 72

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"Is there ... post office near ... house you live in?"

"Yes, there is. Go to ... corner of ... street along which ... trams run. Then turn to ... left and walk ... short distance down ... street. Do not cross ... street, of course. You will see ... sign over ... door which says 'Post and Telegraph Office'."

"Thank you very much. I am sure I shall find it without ... difficulty. I must buy ... stamps, send ... telegram and ask whether they receive ... parcels there. I want to send ... parcel to ... old friend. It will be her birthday in ... week. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find ... shop that sells ... nice things that one can give as ... presents?"

"Yes, certainly. There's ... very good shop not far from here. You can easily walk there in a few min­utes. Go straight down ... street that you will see directly in ... front of you when you come out of ... post office till you come to ... wide street along which ... buses and ... trolleybuses run. Then turn to ... left again and almost immediately you will come to ... beautiful shop with ... big windows full of all sorts of ... things. I am sure you will find ... nice presents there."

Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания: for s life a great deal




Упражнение 73

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Until near ... end of ... 19th century it was the law in ... England that if ... man was unable to pay ... debt, even ... small one, he could be imprisoned. This imprisonment might very well be for ... life, as it was impossible for ... people in prison to work at their ordinary occupations and so make ... money to repay ... sum they had borrowed. If they had ... friends who could bring them ... materials to work with, they might work with their hands, sewing or making ... boots, for instance.

... great English novelist Charles Dickens knew ... great deal about the debtors' prisons from per­sonal experience, for when he was about ten, his fa­ther was imprisoned for debt, and ... whole family had to go and live with him in ... prison because they had nowhere else to live. ... mother and ... children, however, could leave ... place when they wished; but at ten o'clock every evening ... great gates were shut for the night, and no one could leave or enter until morning. Dickens described ... life in the debtors' prisons in some of his novels. It was largely because of Dickens' sharp criticism that ... English Govern­ment was finally forced to do away with ... debtors' prisons.

Упражнение 74

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At ... beginning of ... 19th century ... little boy was born in ... family of John Dickens, ... clerk at ... office in ... Portsmouth, and was named Charles. He had ... sister who was older than himself, and

there were several other children in ... family. When Charles was seven, he was sent to ... school. He was not... strong child. He did not like to play ... cricket or ... football and spent all his free time reading. In 1821 ... family went to ... London, and little Charles left behind him ... happiest years of his childhood. His father was in ... money difficulties, and ... fam­ily became poorer and poorer. ... boy had to give up his studies. Mr. Dickens was put into ... debtors' prison. Little Charles learned to know all ... horrors and cruelty of ... large capitalist city. He had to go to work at... blacking factory. He worked there from ... morning till ... night. When his father came out of prison, Charles was sent to ... school for some time. Soon he got work as ... clerk. Then he learned ... stenography and became ... reporter in Parlia­ment. In 1836 at ... age of 24 Charles Dickens pub­lished his first book. It was ... collection of ... sto­ries. ... title of ... book was "Sketches by Boz." These were followed by "Pickwick Papers" and "Oliver Twist" and many other famous novels. Charles Dick­ens is one of ... greatest writers of ... 19th century. His novels are now translated into most languages of ... world.

Упражнение 75

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During ... American War of ... Independence, ... commander of ... small unit of soldiers was giving ... orders to his men about... heavy cannon that they were trying to lift to its place at ... top of some for­tifications. It was almost beyond their power to lift ... weight, and ... commander kept shouting ... en­couraging words. ... officer, not in uniform, was passing by, and he asked ... commander why he did




not help ... soldiers. Greatly surprised, ... man turned round and said proudly, "Sir, I am ... corpo­ral!" "Oh, you are, are you?" replied ... officer: "I did not know that. I beg your pardon, Mr. Corpo­ral." Then he got off ... horse he was riding and, taking hold of ... rope that ... men were pulling at, he pulled with all his strength. And when ... cannon was in its place, he turned to ... little great man and said, "Mr. Corporal, when you have ... other job like this and have not enough ... men, send for your com­mander in chief, and I shall gladly come and help you." ... corporal was struck with ... astonishment. ... man who had helped his soldiers was George Washington.

Упражнение 76

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William Shakespeare, ... greatest English play­wright, was born in 1564 in ... Stratford-upon-Avon in ... England. ... Stratford is ... small country town in ... farming district near ... centre of ... England. ... Avon, which is ... pretty river with ... grass and ... trees all along its banks, runs through ... Strat­ford. Not much is known of ... Shakespeare's father. He was ... farmer who, at ... different times of his life, sold ... meat and bought and sold ... wool. He was poor and was often in ... money difficulties. Also very little is known about ... life of his only son William. ... little house in which ... great writer was born still stands. It is now ... museum. William went to ... school in ... Stratford. In 1586 he went to ... London. Probably ... first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that were in ... London at that time. Then he became ... actor and soon began to write ... plays for ... company of actors to which

he belonged. Shakespeare bought ... largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610. He spent ... last years of his life mostly in ... Stratford, but he often visited ... London. He died in 1616.

Упражнение 77

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Last July, my ... 65-year-old father was on his ... daily run. It was ... unusually hot ... day, and he felt ... little sick, so he stopped to rest in ... shade. ... passerby asked if he needed help, but my ... fa­ther said, "No," figuring he'd be able to get... home. Minutes later, ... other person stopped. ... man rea­lized something was seriously wrong and called 911. That ... stranger saved my father's ... life. Dad suf­fered ... heart attack and was hospitalized for five ... days.

I cannot thank that ... passerby enough for get­ting involved and helping ... stranger when it would have been easier to walk away. Now, my ... father has many ... years left to enjoy his ... grandchildren.

Let everybody be ... Good Samaritans when they see ... need. ... life could depend on it.

Упражнение 78

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... young man attempted to rob ... store near my ... office. He bought ... bag of ... potato chips, and while ... clerk was making ... change, he attempted to grab ... money from ... cash register. When ... clerk quickly closed ... drawer, ... man tried to take ... cash register but it was so heavy, he couldn't lift




it. He got angry. There was ... rack full of ... ciga­rettes in ... corner of ... store. He decided to grab ... cigarettes but ... clerk stopped him.

... man drove away empty-handed, but was spot­ted by ... police for driving ... stolen car. ... police pursued him with ... lights flashing and ... sirens blaring. He was soon arrested and charged with ... possession of ... stolen vehicle, careless and reckless driving and speeding. His ... fine was set at $2,000.

While being escorted, ... man asked if he could stop near ... store and get his ... potato chips, since he had paid for them. ... clerk at ... store identified him as ... man who tried to steal ... cash register, and he was charged with ... attempted robbery. His ... fine was increased to $15,000; he sits in ... jail awaiting ... trial.

what ... kind of ... property he had. He learned about it from ... conversation with Lickcheese, Sar­torius' rent collector. It turned out that Sartorius was ... owner of some tenements in the London slums, and that all ... property he had was built by getting ... money out of ... poor people who lived there. Trench was greatly shocked. He did not want to take ... money from Blanche's father. But Blanche said she could not live on ... small income Trench had. They had ... quarrel, and Trench left ... house. After some time Trench learned that ... land on which Sartorius' houses were built belonged to Trench's aunt and that he himself was living on ... money got in ... same way. Everything comes out "all right" in ... end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes ... partner in Sartorius' business. The au­thor shows that in ... fact Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and the like.

Упражнение 79

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  1. George Bernard Shaw, ... well-known English playwright, was born in ... Ireland in 1856. He was ... son of ... clerk and had to begin working at ... early age. At ... age of twenty he moved to ... Lon­don where he became ... journalist.

  2. ... play "Widowers' Houses" shows ... egoism and hypocrisy of some businessmen who got their profits from ... London slums where ... poorest peo­ple lived.

  3. While travelling in ... Germany Harry Trench, ... young English doctor, got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius, ... respectable-looking gentleman, and his daughter Blanche. ... young people fell in love with each other and were going to get married. Trench knew that Sartorius was rich, but he did not know

Упражнение 80

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My ... husband picks up ... local newspaper every morning from ... vending machine on our ... way to ... work. ... other morning, ... girl who appeared to be about six was in ... front of him in ... line, buy­ing ... paper for her ... mother, who was sitting in ... car. ... child put ... money for one ... paper in ... slot and took two ... newspapers!

My ... husband said to her, "Oh, is this two-for-one day?" ... child did not reply. She just took ... two ... newspapers to her ... mother.

This is stealing, pure and simple. I wonder what this ... mother is going to think when her ... daugh­ter becomes ... teen and gets arrested for ... shop-

3 Ю. Голицынский




lifting at ... mall? I suppose she'll wonder where her ... daughter got ... idea that it is OK to take something without paying for it.

... mother missed ... opportunity to teach her ... child right from wrong. If ... child took ... extra newspaper in ... error, ... mother should have in­structed her to put it back. However, if she put ... child up to it — shame on her.

ink! As ... men left ... room and tried to leave ... hospital, ... emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they're all covered in ... blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her ... help and ran off. ... doctor realized something funny was going on and she called ... police. ... po­lice caught ... robbers — guess where? Outside ... bank on Main Street.

Упражнение 81

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Three ... bank robbers got ... surprise last night. This is what happened. ... three ... robbers, who all work as ... cleaners at ... hospital, drove up to ... bank on Main Street. ... three men, wearing ... masks over their ... faces, got out of ... car and ran into ... bank. Inside ... bank, they pointed ... guns at ... customers and ... bank tellers. One of ... men told all ... customers to lie down on ... floor. And then one of ... other men said something like, "Quick, ... money! Give me ... money!" So one of ... tellers handed them some ... bags. After leaving ... bank, ... three men jumped into their ... van and drove off. One ... mile down ... road, ... robbers parked their ... van next to ... ambulance they had parked before ... robbery. They got into ... ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their ... hospital. After leaving ... ambulance in ... hospital parking lot, ... three ... men went together into ... small room. There, they opened ... bags of ... money they had been given — and got... very ... unpleasant surprise! ... bank teller had given ... robbers ... special bags containing ... bright red ... ink! ... red ink is released when ... bag is opened, and it can't be washed off. So suddenly, ... men found themselves covered in red
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