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  • учебник по английскому. УЧЕБНИК. Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения.

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    НазваниеСборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения.
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    1. My ... aunt and my ... uncle are ... doctors. They work at ... hospital. They get up at seven o'clock in ... morning. They go to ... bed at eleven o'clock. 2. I work in ... morning and in ... afternoon. I don't work in ... evening. I sleep at ... night. 3. When do you leave ... home for ... school? — I leave ... home at ... quarter past eight in ... morn­ing. 4. What does your mother do after ... break­fast? — She goes to ... work. 5. Is there ... sofa in your ... living room? — Yes, there is ... cosy little ... sofa in ... living room. — Where is ... sofa? — It is in ... corner of ... room to ... left of ... door. I like to sit on this ... sofa in ... front of ... TV set in ... evening. 6. There is ... nice coffee table near ... win­dow. There are ... newspapers on ... coffee table. 7. There is ... tea in ... glass. 8. When do you watch


    ... TV? — I watch ... TV in ... evening. We have ... large colour TV set in our ... room. There is ... beau­tiful vase on ... TV set. There are ... flowers in ... vase. 9. I have ... large writing desk in ... study. There is ... paper on ... writing desk. My ... books and ... exercise books are on ... writing desk, too.

    Упражнение 25

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    My friend's ... flat is very comfortable. There are ... three rooms in ... flat: ... living room, ... study and ... bedroom. ... living room is not very large. ... walls in ... living room are blue. There are ... pic­tures on ... walls. There is ... table in ... middle of ... room with some chairs around it. To ... left of ... door there is ... sofa. Near ... sofa there are ... two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is ... piano in my friend's living room. ... piano is to ... right of ... door. ... bedroom and ... study are small. ... furniture in ... flat is brown.

    Если перед существительным стоит вопроситель­ное или относительное местоимение, артикль опускается.

    • E.g. What • colour is your cat?

    I want to know what • book you are reading.

    Упражнение 26

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. What ... colour is your new ... hat? — It's ... red. 2. Is there ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen?

    Артикль 25

    3. Where is ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? — It is in ... corner of ... kitchen. 4. There are ... flow­ers in our ... living room. ... flowers are in ... beau­tiful vase. 5. I have ... tea in my ... cup. 6. He has no ... coffee in his ... cup. 7. What ... book did you borrow from ... library on ... Tuesday? 8. I have ... books, ... exercise books and ... pens in my ... bag. 9. I am ... engineer. I work at ... office. I go to ... office in ... morning. As ... office is far from ... house I live in, I take ... bus to get there. 10. What ... bus do you take to get to ... work? 11. Whose ... pen is this? 12. What ... colour is your ... new ... T-shirt? — It's ... white. 13. She is going to ... music shop to buy ... cassette. — What ... cassette is she going to buy? 14. That's ... man whose ... com­puter was stolen last night.

    Упражнение 27

    Вставьтеартикль, гденеобходимо.

    Here is ... large window. Through ... window we can see ... room. Opposite ... window there is ... door. On ... door there is ... curtain. In ... corner of ... room there is ... round table. On it we can see ... books and ... telephone. There is ... bookshelf over ... table. On ... bookshelf we can see ... newspapers and ... book by ... Jack London. There are ... two ... pictures in ... room. One ... picture is small, ... other picture is very large. There are ... two bookcases in ... room. ... bookcases are full of ... books. There is ... large sofa in ... room. On ... sofa we can see ... bag. Whose ... bag is that? There is no ... bed in ... room. On ... small table near ... window there are ... flowers and ... glass of ... water. In ... front of ... window we can see ... armchair.



    Перед названиями наук, учебных предметов и язы­ков1 артикль не употребляется.

    •E.g. He studies •chemistry. I speak • English.

    Упражнение 28

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. ... English is ... world language. 2. I study ... English. I attend ... English classes in ... evening. On ... days when I have no ... classes, I stay at ... home and do some work about ... house. I have ... dinner with my ... family. After ... dinner I talk to ... members of my ... family, watch ... TV and read ... books, ... newspapers and ... magazines. I go to ... bed late at ... night. 3. I am thirsty. Give me ... water, please. 4. There is ... book on ... table. Give me ... book, please. 5. I enjoy listening to ... music but I don't really like ... music that that man plays on his ... guitar. 6. What did you have for ... lunch? — I only had ... tuna sandwich. 7. He is ... wonder­ful ... teacher. He teaches ... history.

    Упражнение 29

    Вставьтеартикль, гденеобходимо.

    1. When my grandfather was ... young man, he studied ... physics. 2. Do you speak ... Spanish? 3. My uncle is ... great specialist in ... biology. 4. ...

    1 Если после названия языка не стоит слово "language". В противном случае употребляется определенный артикль. Е. g. S_ Chinese is difficult.

    The Chinese language is difficult.

    Japanese is more difficult than ... French. 5. We listened to ... very interesting lecture on ... English literature yesterday. 6. Yesterday at ... lesson of ... geography ... teacher told us ... very interesting things about ... famous travellers. 7. My father speaks ... English and ... French, but he does not speak ... German. 8. We had ... lesson of ... math­ematics yesterday. We wrote ... paper in ... mathematics. ... teacher said, "I shall correct ... pa­pers in ... evening. Tomorrow you will know ... re­sults".

    Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:

    to play £_ chess to play the piano

    to play «f football to play the guitar

    out of s doors

    Упражнение 30

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. My ... name is Charlie. I come from ... pretty big ... family. I have two ... brothers and ... sister. I am ... oldest and my ... sister is ... youngest; she plays ... violin really well and wants to be ... profes­sional ... musician. She has other ... hobbies, too, and she often goes swimming with her ... friends if ... weather is nice. 2. Do you play ... piano? 3. There is ... big black piano in our living room. It is at ... wall to ... left of ... door opposite ... sideboard. My mother likes to play ... piano. She often plays ... pi­ano in ... evening. 4. ... boys like to play ... foot­ball. 5. What do you do in ... evening? — I often play ... chess with my grandfather. 6. Where are ...




    children? — Oh, they are out of ... doors. ... weather is fine today. They are playing ... badminton in ... yard. 7. What... games does your sister like to play? — She likes to play ... tennis. 8. Do you like to play ... guitar? 9. What ... colour is your guitar?

    Запомните, что перед обращением артикль опускается:

    • E.g. What are you doing, s children?

    Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:

    in a loud voice in a thin voice

    in a low voice in a tiny voice

    in an angry voice in a trembling voice

    in a high voice in a weak voice

    in a kind voice in a ... voice

    Упражнение 31

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    It was ... hot day. ... sun was shining brightly in ... blue sky. ... wolf and ... lamb met at ... stream. ... water in ... stream was cool and clear. ... wolf saw that ... lamb was fat and wanted to eat it. He began to shout, "You, ... fool, you are making ... water dirty!" ... lamb was afraid. It looked at... wolf and said in ... thin voice, "But, ... Mr. Wolf, I can­not make ... water dirty for you from ... place where I am standing, because ... stream runs from you to me." "Stop talking!" shouted ... wolf in ... angry

    voice. "I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to me." "You are wrong, ... Mr. Wolf," cried ... lamb, "you could not have met me six months ago: I am only four ... months old." "Never mind," said ... wolf, "if it wasn't you, it was your brother." And with these ... words he seized ... poor lamb and carried it into ... wood.

    Запомните, что перед превосходной степенью при­лагательных употребляется определенный артикль:

    • E.g. Asia is the largest continent.

    My brother is the best pupil in his class.

    Упражнение 32

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. Bill Robins was ... very rich man. He was ... richest man in ... village. 2. Pete is ... tallest boy in our class. Nick is ... shortest boy, but he is very ... strong. He is ... stronger than many boys who are ... taller than he. I think Nick is ... strongest boy in ... class. 3. Granny often tells us ... long stories. Today her story was still ... longer. It was ... long­est story. She began telling it after ... dinner and finished only before ... supper. But... story was very interesting. I think it was ... most interesting of Granny's stories. 4. Which was ... most difficult exercise in ... paper? 5. Which is ... best season of the year? 6. February is ... shortest month of the year. 7. Do you know ... longest river in our coun­try? 8. In ... May ... days are ... longer than in ... April.




    Запомните правила употребления артикля с географическими названиями:

    Определенный артикль употребляется перед назва­ниями рек, каналов, морей, заливов, проливов, океа­нов, архипелагов, горных цепей.

    Артикль не употребляется перед названиями озер, отдельных горных вершин, отдельных островов, го­родов, стран, континентов.


    the United States of America

    the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

    Northern Ireland the Netherlands the Ukraine the Crimea the Congo

    Упражнение 33

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1.... Moscow is situated on ... Moscow River. ... Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is ... canal called ... Moscow-Volga Canal which joins ... Moscow to ... Volga. ... Volga runs into ... Cas­pian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into ... sea at ... New York. ... most important is ... Hudson River which empties into ... Atlantic Ocean. Besides ... Hudson there are ... two other rivers: ... East River and ... Harlem River. 3. In ... Siberia there are many long rivers: ... Ob, ... Irtysh, ... Yenissei, ... Lena and ... Amur. 4. ... Altai Mountains are ... higher than ... Urals. 5. There is ... splendid ... view of ... Lake Ge­neva from this hotel. 6. My ... friends have travelled a lot. This ... year they are going to fly to ... Canary Islands. 7. Which river flows through ... London? —

    ... Thames. 8. Of which country is ... Washington ... capital? — ... United States. 9. ... United King­dom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 10. Chicago is on ... Lake Michigan.

    Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:

    in the north to the north

    in toe south to toe south

    in toe east to toe east

    in toe west to toe west

    Упражнение 34

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. ... Russia occupies ... eastern half of ... Eu­rope and ... northern third of ... Asia. 2. ... climate of ... northern part of ... Russia is severe. 3. This winter is ... true Russian winter with ... hard frosts. 4. It is warm in ... Crimea and ... Caucasus. 5. ... Washington is ... capital of ... United States of America. 6. I want to go to ... New York some day. 7. ... best way to know and understand ... people of ... other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 8. Is ... Australia ... island or ... continent?

    9. ... Red Sea is between ... Africa and ... Asia.

    10. There are seven continents on ... Earth. 11. ...
    France is to ... north of ... Italy.

    Упражнение 35

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. ... Neva flows into ... Gulf of ... Finland. 2. ... Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. ... Urals are not very


    high. 4. ... Kazbek is ... highest peak of ... Cauca­sus. 5. ... Alps are covered with ... snow. 6. ... Shet­land Islands are situated to ... north of ... Great Britain. 7. ... USA is ... largest country in ... America. 8. ... Crimea is washed by ... Black Sea.

    9. ... Lake Baikal is ... deepest lake in ... world.

    10. ... Paris is ... capital of ... France.

    11. Lomonosov was born in ... small village on ...
    shore of ... White Sea. 12. Gogol was born in ...
    Ukraine in 1809. 13. ... Caucasus separates ... Black
    Sea from ... Caspian Sea. 14. ... Europe and ...
    America are separated by ... Atlantic Ocean. 15. ...
    Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 16. There are many
    small islands in ... Pacific Ocean. 17. ... North Sea
    separates ... British Isles from ... Europe. 18. ... Bal­
    kans are old mountains. 19. ... Nile flows across ...
    northeastern part of ... Africa to ... Mediterranean
    Sea. 20. Which are ... highest mountains in ...

    Упражнение 36

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. ... Thames is ... short river. 2. ... Russia is washed by ... Arctic Ocean in ... north. 3. Kiev is to ... south of ... Moscow. 4. ... Europe is ... continent. 5. ... Moscow is ... capital of ... Russia. 6. Is ... Asia ... island or ... continent? 7. ... Black Sea is in ... south of our country. 8. ... White Sea is in ... north of our country. 9. This is ... map of ... world. Can you read ... map? What can you see on ... map? What ... colour are ... valleys on ... map? 10. Petrov is ... architect. He is ... experienced architect. He is in ... Far East. He has ... wife. His wife is ... typist. They have ... son and ... daughter. 11. ... Philippines are situated to ... southeast of ... Asia.


    Упражнение 37

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. This is ... pen. It is ... good pen. ... pen is black. It is on ... table. 2. I have got ... dog. ... dog's name is Spot. He is ... big grey dog. ... dog is very strong. 3. My friend has ... sister. Her name is Ann. ... girl is ... pupil. 4. We have ... picture in ... living room. ... picture is very good. It is on ... wall. 5. ... Irish Sea is between ... Great Britain and ... Ireland. 6. There is ... map on ... wall of ... classroom. It is ... map of ... world. There are many seas and lakes on ... map. This is ... Mediterranean Sea and that is ... Red Sea. These are ... Himalayas. They are ... highest mountains in ... world. 7. We live in ... St. Petersburg. ... St. Petersburg is ... very large city. It is one of ... largest cities in ... Russia. 8. My brother is ... doctor. His flat is in ... centre of ... city. It is in ... new house. There are three rooms in ... flat. ... living room is .. largest of all. It is ... nice light room. There are ... pictures on ... walls. There is ... round table in ... middle of ... room. There is ... sofa at ... wall with ... large thick carpet in ... front of it. ... study and ... bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

    Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:

    to have a good time from s morning till s night all o£ day long a lot of

    2 Ю. Голицынский




    Упражнение 38

    Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

    1. Did you have ... good time in the country? — Oh, yes. ... weather was fine. We were out of ... doors from ... morning till ... night. We played ... football, ... volleyball and ... other games. We came ... home late at ... night and went to ... bed at once. 2. Look at ... clock! It is ... quarter past ten. Go to ... bed at once. 3. ... sun rises in ... east and sets in ... west. 4. We spent last summer in ... Ukraine, in ... little village on ... bank of ... big river with ... very warm water. There was ... wood on ... other side of ... river. We often went to ... wood and gathered ... lot of ... mushrooms. 5. My friend likes to play ... chess. He is ready to play ... chess all ... day long. He is ... best chess player in our school.

    Перед названиями университетов артикль не употребляется.

    • E.g. I shall study at s St. Petersburg University.

    My grandfather graduated

    from s Oxford University.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   53

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