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  • Exercise 2. Open the brackets.

  • Exercise 3. Match the two halves to make a sentence.

  • Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  • Exercise. Real Conditionals.

  • Exercise 16.

  • Exercise 17.

  • англ 12.05. Second Conditional (Present Unreal Conditional) Exercise Read and translate the following sentences

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    НазваниеSecond Conditional (Present Unreal Conditional) Exercise Read and translate the following sentences
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    Заболотных М.А. 616М

    Second Conditional (Present Unreal Conditional)

    Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences.

    1. If he knew the rules, he would spell better. Если бы он знал правила, он бы писал лучше.

    2. If I were more attentive, I would not make so many mistakes. Если бы я был внимательнее, я бы не делал так много ошибок.

    3. If we won the lottery, we would buy new house. Если бы мы выиграли в лотерею, мы бы купили новый дом.

    4. If your friend had time, he would help us. Если бы у твоего друга было время, он бы помог нам.

    5. If Anna knew your email, she would forward you my message. Если бы Анна знала вашу электронную почту, она бы переслала вам мое сообщение.

    6. If I were a court clerk, I would sit right below the judge and keep track of all documents. Если бы я был судебным секретарём, я бы сидел прямо под судьей и следил за всеми документами.

    Exercise 2. Open the brackets.

    1. If I (to be) younger, I (to travel) more. If was younger, I would travel more. Если бы я был моложе, я бы больше путешествовал.

    2. If we (not to be) friends, I (to be) angry with you. If we weren`t friends, I would be angry with you. Если бы мы не были друзьями, я бы рассердился на тебя.

    3. If she (not to be) always so late, she (to be) promoted. If she wasn`t always so late, she would be promoted. Если бы она не всегда так опаздывала, ее бы повысили.

    4. If I (to speak) perfect English, I (to have) a good job. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job. Если бы я прекрасно говорил по-английски, у меня бы была хорошая работа.

    5. She (to pass) the exam if she (to study) more. She would pass the exam if she studied more. Она сдаст экзамен, если будет больше учиться.

    6. They (to go) to Spain on holiday if they (to like) hot weather. They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather. Они поедут в Испанию на каникулы, если им понравится жаркая погода.

    Exercise 3. Match the two halves to make a sentence.

    1. If it were cold, …

    a. I would put on my sunglasses.

    2. If you never said “please,”…

    b. I would put on a coat.

    3. If it rained, …

    c. you would not be very polite

    4. If it were sunny outside, …

    d. it would turn to ice.

    5. If you put water into the freezer, …

    e. my parents would give me a nice present.

    6. If my grades were good, …

    f. I would open my umbrella.

    1. b

    2. c

    3. f

    4. a

    5. d

    6. e

    1. If it were cold, I would put on a coat. Если бы было холодно, я бы надел пальто.

    2. If you never said “please,” you would not be very polite. Если вы никогда не говорили “пожалуйста”, вы были бы не очень вежливы.

    3. If it rained, I would open my umbrella. Если бы шел дождь, я бы открыл свой зонт.

    4. If it were sunny outside, I would put on my sunglasses. Если бы на улице было солнечно, я бы надел свои солнечные очки.

    5. If you put water into the freezer, it would turn to ice. Если положить воду в морозилку, она превратится в лед.

    6. If my grades were good, my parents would give me a nice present. Если бы мои оценки были хорошими, мои родители подарили бы мне хороший подарок.

    Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

    1. What would you do if you could travel back in time? If I could travel back in time, I would correct my mistakes.

    2. What would you do if you were the richest person in the world? If I were the richest person in the world, I would travel.

    3. What would you do if you could travel anywhere? If I could travel anywhere, I would go to study the past.

    Exercise. Real Conditionals.

    1. I will scream if you say that again. Я закричу, если вы скажете это снова.

    2. If a lawyer is experienced, he will win the case. Если адвокат имеет опыт, он выиграет дело.

    3. If a lawyer reads the document, we will see if we’ve missed anything important. Если адвокат прочитает документ, мы увидим, пропустили ли мы что-нибудь важное.

    4. If a legal dispute is not resolved in a courtroom, the settlement can be reached through alternative dispute resolution. Если правовой спор не урегулирован в зале суда, то урегулирование может быть достигнуто путем альтернативного разрешения спора.

    5. If I get ready for the exams thoroughly, I always pass them successfully. Если я тщательно готовлюсь к экзаменам, я всегда успешно сдаю их.

    6. If offenders are under 14, they are not sentenced to imprisonment. Если правонарушители моложе 14 лет, они не приговариваются к тюремному заключению.

    7. If people live more secure, they will treat one another better. Если люди будут жить в большей безопасности, они будут относиться друг к другу лучше.
    8. If you study the British Constitutional Law, you know that the leader of the majority party first became Prime Minister by convention, but now it is covered by a statute. Если вы изучаете Британский конституционный закон, вы знаете, что лидер партии большинства сначала стал премьер-министром по соглашению, но теперь он подпадает под действие закона.

    9. The defendant will be free to go if the jury returns a verdict of not guilty. Обвиняемый будет свободен, если присяжные вынесут вердикт о невиновности (оправдательный вердикт).

    Exercise 16.

    1. What is a sentence? The sentence is the judgement of the court on the guilt or innocence of a person in the commission of an offence, on the imposition of a penalty or on the discharge of a punishment.

    2. What are the purposes of sentencing? The purpose of sentence are punishment of offenders, reduction of crime (including its reduction by deterrence), reform and rehabilitation of offenders, protection of the public and making of reparation by offenders to people affected by their offences.

    3. What are the most common types of sentences? The most common types of sentences are discharges, fines, community sentences, custodial sentences.

    Exercise 17.

    1. fine – b

    2. community sentence – d

    3. probation – a

    4. suspended sentence – c

    5. absolute discharge – f

    6. custodial sentence – e

    7. conditional discharge – g

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