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  • The Analysis of Ways and Means to Control the Aircrafts from AWACS Smirnov S. V. Relevance.

  • Results and their novelty.

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    Системы управления, связи и безопасности
    №2. 2017
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    URL: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-02/03-Smirnov.pdf
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    Системы управления, связи и безопасности
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    Systems of Control, Communication and Security
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    Systems of Control, Communication and Security
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    Системы управления, связи и безопасности
    №2. 2017
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    URL: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-02/03-Smirnov.pdf
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    Системы управления, связи и безопасности
    №2. 2017
    Systems of Control, Communication and Security
    URL: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-02/03-Smirnov.pdf
    100 44. Aganesov A. V., Ivanov M. S., Popov S. A. Application Mesh-технологий in systems of the gateway exchange for the purpose of increase of throughput of communication channels. Okhrana, bezopasnost, sviaz, 2017, no. 1-1. pp. 196-203 (in
    Статья поступила 17 октября 2017 г.
    Информация об авторе
    Смирнов Сергей Владимирович – соискатель ученой степени кандидата наук. Старший преподаватель кафедры эксплуатации бортового авиационного радиоэлектронного оборудования. ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени проф.
    Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж). Область научных интересов: маршрутизация трафика, воздушные сети радиосвязи, Mesh-технологии.
    E–mail: web-shark@mail.ru
    Адрес: 394064, Россия, г. Воронеж, ул. Старых Большевиков, д. 54а.
    The Analysis of Ways and Means to Control the Aircrafts from AWACS
    Smirnov S. V.
    Relevance. At the present time, aerospace forces of Russia are applied outside of Russia. In this
    case, main of task is to control the aircrafts when ground control stations are not available. For this reason
    the airborne warning and control system (AWACS) is used as an air command post to control the aircrafts.
    The aim of paper is to analyse the ways and means to control the aircrafts from AWACS, as well as the for-
    mation of proposals for the further development of AWACS control system. Results and their novelty. Ele-
    ments of novelty of the paper are results of analysis of guidance methods and controls aircrafts from
    AWACS. So the analysis showed that the modern trend in the development of AWACS control system is con-
    trol as manned aircrafts, as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Moreover, to control the UAV is character-
    ized by solution of a new class of problems associated with managing on basis of principle of "intelligent
    swarm" and the implementation of semi-autonomous and autonomous control. Also the actual direction of
    research is to develop air radio full-networks that can be used to implement network-centric control from
    AWACS and have increased resistance from jamming. Practical significance. The analysis presented will be
    useful technical and military experts to justify the new methods of combat use of aircrafts outside the territo-
    ry of Russia, and also for justification of new technical systems of control and communication for AWACS.
    Keywords: control system, aircraft, UAVs, communications system, command radio link, airborne
    warning and control system, network of air communication
    Information about Author
    Sergei Vladimirovich Smirnov -
    Doctoral Student. Senior Lecturer of De- partment of Exploitation of Aircraft Electronic Equipment. Military Training and
    Research Center of the Air Force “Military Air Academy named after Professor
    N. E. Zhukovsky and Ju. A. Gagarin”. Field of research: traffic routing, air com- munication networks, Mesh-networks. E–mail: web-shark@mail.ru
    Address: Russia, 355000, Voronezh, Street of Old Bolsheviks, 54a.
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