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Составители Ст пр. Виноградова Т. В. Ст пр. Яковлева Н. В. пр. Егорова Е. Н

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Ex. 21. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite in the Active or in the Passive Voice.

  1. A note (bring) in, addressed to Eleanor, and (put) on a table to await her.

  2. When the door (close), old Jolyon (drop) his paper, and (stare) long and anxiously in front of him.

  3. To his knowing eyes the scene below easily (explain).

  4. Then the door (shut) behind him/

  5. Finally his name (call), and the boy (push) forward to her.

  6. Taking the lamp, they (go) into the woodshed where the coal (deposit).

  7. Finally he (persuade) by Bass to go away.

  8. But when autumn (come) the cows (drive) home from the grass.

  9. I (lead) the way up and as I (reach) the top, the door (open) by Mr. Smith.

  10. At lunch nothing (discuss) but the latest news.

  11. Bass, a very much astonished boy, (set) free.

  12. «Will you work on this job all your life?» The question (ask) with sincere interest.

  13. Jerry (know) he (hide) by darkness and the massive foliage. She (tap) on the door. John (open) it

  14. For the few first minutes he (occupy) with eating; then as his appetite (quiet), he (take) his time.

  15. The living-room (sweep), (mop) and (dust).

Ex 22. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect in the Active or in the Passive Voice.

  1. Each of the children (receive) a due share of Mrs. Gerhardt’s attention. The little baby closely (look) after her.

  2. From the clink of dishes one could tell that supper (prepare).

  3. He (take) them out to the house, and George (show) the way to the office.

  4. The front door of his house (unlock) as he (leave) it.

  5. Mrs. Brown (come) to inform her that dinner already (serve).

  6. His phrase (greet) by a strange laugh from a student who (sit) near the wall.

  7. Jennie (leave) alone, but, the wood-dove, she (be0 a voice of sweetness in the summer-time.

  8. Anne (not see) Henry until the party (seat).

  9. In the meantime the evening meal (announce), and she (go) and (join) the family.

  10. Lester (not attend) the wedding, though he (invite).

  11. While the supper (eat) Sebastian (offer) a suggestion to go there immediately.

  12. Anne (shake) by the incredible change of his tone.

  13. She (want) things not so much for herself as for her child , and she (be) anxious to do whatever she (tell).

  14. The house (look) after with scrupulous care by others, for Jennie (be) incapable of attending to it herself.

  15. As she (come) to the carriage the door (open) and (see) a woman there.

  16. When the phone (ring), I (reach) for the phone, and (tell) I (call) from Moscow.

  17. In the meanwhile Jennie (leave) to brood.

  18. At the very second the beautiful music she (listen) to (listen) by everyone who (be) there.

  19. Mark (open) his eyes hard, (shake) his head, and (look) at the other bed. It (not sleep) in.

Ex. 23. Put the verb in brackets into the required tense in the Active or in the Passive Voice.


  1. We constantly (disturb) by unnecessary telephone calls yesterday.

  2. I (take) aback by what you (tell) me just now.

  3. Tell me the truth, you (shock) by what I (say)?

  4. The office (fill) with the activity of the radio show.

  5. The game (play) well by both teams last Sunday.

  6. Cleveland like every other growing city at this time (crowd) with those who (seek) employment.

  7. At Bass’s suggestion Jennie (write) her mother to come at once, and a week are or later a suitable house (find) and (rent).

  8. Every morning the boys (tell0 what to do.

  9. The storyteller (ask) to tell the tale again.


  1. When we (come) in a meal (prepare) for us.

  2. What tune (play) when we (come) in?

  3. I (sit) down for a rest while the shoes (repair).

  4. The man (operate) on when the lights (go) out.

  5. It take a moment before Nick (realise) that he (offer) a newspaper.

  6. I couldn’t take any photographs because my camera (repair) at that time.


  1. I suppose you (tell) this before.

  2. Come in and have your milk. It (keep) hot for you long. You (be) late. Where you (be)?

  3. It (occur) to me that for the last twenty-two hours my life (govern) by yours - by your needs.

  4. «You (live) in the same house?» he finally (inquire(. «NO, we (move) out. We (give) a new flat.»

  5. We always (invite) there.


  1. When she (go), he (settle) down with the clock - a Dutch piece too heavy to take away; it (pick) up by James, (chime) everything, and a lot of stars on its face.

  2. When the last good-bye (say) and last sound of wheels and hooves (die) away, she (go) into her room.

  3. He (say) he (detain) on business.

Ex. 24. Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.
Dear Sally,

How are you? We’ve been having a lovely time. We’re very well looked after by our hosts. We (take) sightseeing and we (introduce) to some of their friends, who (make) us feel very welcome. Last night we (show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area (belong) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land (give) to them after one of the his ancestors (kill) while trying to save the king’s life. Quite romantic, isn’t it?

The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it (restore) they (add) central heating and things like that. So once you’re inside it (not feel) much different to any other large, old house. But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that (happen) to him when he was abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he (behave) very badly in order to (sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he (invite) here before we leave.

I’ll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care.

Yours affectionately,

Ex. 25. Use the notes to write sentences about American history. Put the important underlined information at the end of the sentence.

E.g.: Britain - rule the American colonies

The American colonies were ruled by Britain.

  1. Washington - become - President


  1. buy - Louisiana - from France.


  1. discover - gold - California


  1. the North - win - the Civil War


  1. black people - want - equal rights


  1. shoot -Kennedy -1963




(see note 6 p. 3)
Ex. 26. Put the sentences into the passive voice.

  1. I must do it at once.

  2. You can use the material for your work.

  3. I can’t send off the letter today.

  4. We couldn’t finish the work in time.

  5. You may leave the dictionaries on the table.

  6. We have to do this work every day.

  7. They had to put the goods on the deck.

  8. The sellers are to charter a ship for the transportation of the goods.

  9. You should change the end of your story.

  10. The committee must discuss the question immediately.

  11. The accountant mast check the invoice.

  12. The manufactures can deliver the machine at the end of the month.

  13. The agent must inform the buyers of the arrival of the steamer.

  14. You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m.

  15. You should keep the flowers in a worm sunny place.

  16. He must clean this machine every time he uses it.

  17. You should pay your bill before you leave the hotel.

  18. You mustn’t touch this button while the experiment in progress.

  19. The children shouldn’t have opened that parcel.

  20. All visitors must wear identity badges.

Ex. 27. Complete the sentences with the given words using them in the passive.

  1. James (should + tell) the news as soon as possible.

  2. James (should + tell) the news a long time ago.

  3. Meat (must + keep) in a refrigerator or it will spoil.

  4. We tried, but the window (couldn’t + open). It was painted shut.

  5. Good news! I (may + offer) a job soon. I had an interview at an engineering firm yesterday.

  6. The class for next semester is too large. It (ought to + divide) in half, but there is not enough money in the budget to hire another teacher.

  7. Last semester’s class was too large. It (ought to +divide) in half.

  8. These books (have to + return) to the library by tomorrow.

  9. A: Andy, your chores (had better + finish) by the time I get home, including taking out the garbage.

B: Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll do everything you told me to do.

  1. Ann’s birthday was on the 5th, and now it is already the 8th. Her birthday card (should + send) a week ago. May be we’d better give her a call to wish her a belated happy birthday.

Ex. 28. Use the verb in parentheses with any appropriate modal or similar expressions. All of the sentences are passive. In many sentences, more than one modal is possible. Use the modal that sounds best to you.

  1. The entire valley (see) from their mountain home.

  2. He is wearing a gold band on his fourth finger. He (marry).

  3. According to our teacher, all of our compositions (write) in ink. He won’t accept papers written in pencil.

  4. I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It (leave) by one of the students in the earlier class.

  5. Five of the committee members will be unable to attend the next meeting. In my opinion, the meeting (postpone).

  6. A child (give, not) everything he or she wants.

  7. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing (encourage).

  8. Try to speak slowly when you give your speech. If you don’t, some of your words (misunderstand).

  9. Some UFO sightings (explain, not) easily. No one is able to explain them easily.


(see note 10 p. 4)

In these exercises most of the sentences contain a verb + preposition/adverb combinations. The preposition of adverb must be retained when the combination is put into the passive. In most of the sentences it is not necessary to mention the agent.
Ex. 29. Give the corresponding passive construction.

  1. We looked through all advertisements very attentively

  2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them.

  3. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt.

  4. You can rely upon your guide’s experience.

  5. Why didn’t the speaker dwell longer upon this question?

  6. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there.

  7. He was very glad that nobody took notice of his late arrival.

  8. He was a brilliant speaker, and, whenever he spoke, the audience listened to him with great attention.

  9. Why did they laugh at him?

  10. Nobody ever referred to that incident

  11. U sent my daughter for the doctor.

  12. We listened to the teacher very attentively.

  13. We spoke much about his speech.

  14. His friend always found fault with him.

  15. We often refer to his article.

  16. They agreed upon the plan.

  17. People often ask for this book.

  18. My friend always takes care of my little sister.

  19. They took no notice of his words.

  20. They will listen to his lectures with great interest.

  21. His friends always laugh at him.

  22. We have lived in this house.

  23. A distinguished surgeon will operate on my sister.

Ex. 30. Give the corresponding passive construction.

  1. Everybody objected to his proposal.

  2. We sent for comrade D. as soon as the telegram arrived.

  3. I think that we can rely on this information.

  4. They insisted on these terms.

  5. They often refer to his book.

  6. Everybody looked at them when they entered the hall.

  7. Do you think that we can rely on these figures?

  8. I’m afraid that they will not arrive at an agreement.

  9. I’m sure that the newspapers will comment on this event.

  10. I’m sure that nobody will object to this plan.

  11. Will they listen to him with interest?

  12. Did they speak much of this event?

  13. They must look in to this matter.

  14. You must send for them as soon as possible.

  15. The contract provided for the delivery of caviar at regular intervals.

  16. They must dispose of the goods in the near future.

  17. You can depend on her.

  18. Many facts accounted for the rise in the price of tin.

  19. They may object to your plan.

  20. They must comment on this event.

  21. Nobody laughed at him when he said it.

  22. You should refer to this quotation more often.

  23. You must listen to your teacher very attentively.

  24. You must not interfere with them.

  25. You should not insist on it.

Ex. 31. Put the sentence with a verb + preposition/adverb combination into the passive.

  1. The government has called out troops.

  2. Fog held up the trains.

  3. You are to leave this here. Someone will call for it later on.

  4. We called in the police.

  5. They didn’t look after the children properly.

  6. Then they called up the men of 28.

  7. Everyone looked up to him.

  8. All the ministers will see him off at the airport.

  9. He hasn’t slept in his bed.

  10. We can build on more rooms.

  11. They threw him out.

  12. They will have to adopt a different attitude.

  13. He’s a dangerous maniac. They ought to lock him up.

  14. Her story didn’t take them in.

  15. Burglars broke into the house.

  16. The manufactures are giving away small toys with each packet of cereal.

  17. They took down the notice.

  18. They frown on smoking here.

  19. After the government had spent a million pounds on the scheme they decided that it was impracticable and gave it up. (Make only the first and last verbs passive.)

  20. People must hand in their weapons.

  21. The crowd shouted him down.

  22. People often take him for his brother.

  23. No one has taken out the cork.

  24. The firm company were to have used the pool for aquatic displays, but now they have changed their minds about it and are filling it in. (Make the first and last verbs passive.)

  25. This college is already full. We are turning away the whole time.

  26. You will have to pull down this skyscraper as you have not complied with the town planning regulations.

Ex. 32. Translate into Russian.

  1. My watch it fast? It cannot be relied upon.

  2. Children are well taken care of by the Soviet Government.

  3. Why was he laughed at?

  4. He is always listened to with great interest.

  5. She is very well spoken of.

  6. When was sent for?

  7. He promised that the matter would be looked into.

  8. The time of shipment has been agreed upon.

  9. As an agreement had not been arrived at, the dispute was by arbitration.

  10. The goods were disposed of by auction.

  11. The clause proposed by the buyers was objected to by the sellers.

  12. The doctor, who was immediately sent for, said that the sick man must be taken to the hospital.

  13. Yesterday I saw the film which is much spoken about.

  14. I should like to read the article referred to by the professor.

  15. We cannot change the terms of payment which were agreed upon during the negotiations.

  16. The speaker, who was listened to with great interest, spoke about the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

  17. The terms agreed upon were advantageous for both the parties.

  18. I want to have some handbooks on this question, which can be retired on.

  19. This is a book often referred to.

  20. The article of the agreement objected to during the negotiations must reconsidered.

Ex. 33. Express in the passive the second of each of the following pairs of sentences. Do not mention the active subjects. The first two sentences are done for you.

Examples: 1. He seldom keeps his promise. No one can rely on him. He can’t be relied on.

2. He’s very sensitive. He doesn’t like people to laugh at him. He doesn’t like to be laughed at.

  1. The child is very ill. Someone must send for the doctor.

  2. The old car is in excellent condition. The owner has looked after it very well.

  3. He was speaking for two hours. The people listened to him in complete silence.

  4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. The doctors and nurses will take good care of her.

  5. This little boy is always dirty. No one looks after him properly.

  6. She is always breaking things in the kitchen. Someone must speak to her about her carelessness.

  7. He’s sensible man. People listen to his advise carefully.

  8. The dentist said her teeth were very bad. No one had taken care of them.

  9. He never broke a promise in his life. People could always rely on him.

  10. Shakespeare was born more than 400 years ago. People look upon him as the greatest of English poets.

We sometimes use get in the passive rather than be:

Lots of postmen get bitten by dogs.

How did the painting get damaged?

I’m always getting chosen for the unpleasant jobs.

We use get mainly in informal English. We use get to emphasise action or change. We often use it for something happening by accident, unexpectedly, or in an unplanned way.

We also use get in idiomatic expressions, e.g. get washed, get dressed (changed), get engaged (married/divorced), get started.
Ex. 34. Look at these newspaper headlines and tell your friend what’s in the news. Use the passive with get in the present perfect (e.g. has got) or the present continuous (e.g. are getting).

E.g.: Post office loses important document

You: An important document has got lost.

  1. Heavy lorries damaging motor ways

You: The motorways _______________________

  1. Vandals knock wall down

You: A wall ______________________________

  1. Storm blows off roof

You: A roof ______________________________

  1. Companies paying industrial workers higher wages

You: Industrial workers _____________________
Ex. 35. Complete the sentences. If possible, use a tense of the verb get. Otherwise use the verb be.

  1. I never found that book we were looking for. It ____ lost when we moved house

  2. After the way he behaved last time he went to their house it’s unlikely he ____ asked there again.

  3. Naturally this vase is expensive. After all, it ____ believed to be over three hundred years old.

  4. I phoned to explain what had happened but I ____ cut off before I could finish.

  5. There isn’t any cheese left; it ____ eaten by the children.

  6. He was a well-known expert on animal diseases and his opinions ____ greatly respected.

  7. The competition is stiff and be thrilled if her design ____ chosen.

  8. The book ____ torn when the children started fighting over who should read it first.

  9. Please don’t touch anything on my desk. You ____ employed to answer the telephone, not to tidy the office.

  10. She was quite friendly at first, then she ____ promoted and she doesn’t care about us any more.

Ex. 36. Complete the sentences by using an appropriate form of get and the given verbs.

E.g.: I think I’ll stop working. I ____ (tire).

I think I’ll stop working. I am getting tired.

  1. There was an accident, but nobody ____ (hurt).

  2. We didn’t have a map, so we ____ (lose).

  3. We can’t leave as soon as you ____ (dress).

  4. When you ____ (marry).

  5. How long did it take you to ____ (accustom) to living here?

  6. Sam was supposed to be home an hour ago, but he still isn’t here. I____ (worry).

  7. Just try to take it easy. Don’t ____ (upset).

  8. I ____ (confuse) because everybody gave me different advice.

  9. We can’t leave as soon as I ____ (do) with his work.

  10. Chris ____ (depress) when she lost her job, so I tried to cheer her up.

  11. You ____ (invite) to the party?

  12. I ____ (bore), so I didn’t stay for the end of the movie.

  13. I’ll be ready to leave as soon as I ____ (pack).

  14. I ____ (pay) on I’ll give you the money I owe you next Friday. Okay?

  15. After Ed graduated he ____ (hire) by an engineering firm.

  16. But later he ____ (fire) because he didn’t do his work.

  17. Last night I ____ (finish, not) with my homework until after midnight.

  18. I ____ (disgust) and left because the things they were saying at the meeting were ridiculous.

  19. First, they ____ (engage). Then, they ____ (marry). Later, they ____ (divorce). Finally, they ____ (remarry). Today they are very happy.

Ex. 37. Create sentences with get and the given words.

















In a passive sentences we mentioned the agent, the person or thing doing action, only if it is important. We do not mention the agent when:
1. the agent does not add any new information:

The money was stolen.

The men were arrested last night.

We do not need to say that the money was stolen by a thief or that the men were arrested by the police.
2. the agent is not important:

The streets are cleaned every day.

Oil has been discovered in Bavaria.

Who discovered the oil is less important than the fact that it is there.
3. it is difficult to say who the agent is:

This kind of jacket is considered very smart.

A number of attempts have been made to the Loch Ness monster.
Empty subject (you, they, people etc.)
We can use an ‘empty subject’ such as you, one, they, people or someone. We can sometimes use them instead of the passive, especially in conversation. Compare:


You/One should check the details.

They’re increasing the rents.

People use this footpath every day.

Someone took my purse.


The details should be checked.

The rents are being increased.

This footpath is used every day.

My purse was taken.

Ex. 38. Rewrite these verbs as passives, keeping them in the same tense, and removing they, we, someone, etc.

  1. We clean the garages every day.

The garages are cleaned every day.

  1. Someone has given him a lot of money.

  2. The police arrested two hundred people.

  3. We check every car engine thoroughly.

  4. We export this computer to seventy different countries.

  5. They have cancelled the meeting.

  6. We opened the factory at nine o'clock.

  7. They send two million books to America every year.

  8. We have invited all the students in the school.

  9. We have told him not to be late again.

  10. They posted all the letters yesterday.

  11. The machine wraps the bread automatically.

  12. They paid me a lot of money to do the job.

  13. Fortunately, they didn't damage the machinery.

  14. We send the newspapers to Scotland by train.

Ex. 39. Rewrite these sentences in the passive. The subject of the active sentence can usually be omitted; you should include in the passive sentences only if it is necessary:

  1. Someone's interview Dr Johnson at the moment.

Dr Johnson____

Dr Johnson's being interviewed at the moment.

  1. You mustn't use this machine after 5:30 p.m.

This machine____

  1. We had warned him the day before not to go too near to the canal.


  1. They were painting the outside of the ship when the accident happened.

The outside of the ship____

  1. You must clean this machine every time you use it.

This machine____

  1. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.

The flowers____

  1. They're mending your shoes at the moment.

Your shoes____

  1. Someone will drive your car to Edinburg on Tuesday.

Your car____

  1. You should pay your bill before you leave the hotel.

Your bill____

  1. I have told the children about the party.

The children____

  1. About thirty million people watching this programme.

This programme____

  1. We expect students not to talk during the examination.


  1. You mustn't touch this button while experiment is in progress.

This button____

  1. Someone will blow a whistle if there is a emergency.

A whistle____

  1. Someone was carrying the bomb to a safe place when it exploded.

The bomb____

  1. Someone's moved my chair!

My chair____

  1. The police are questioning Mr and Mrs Davidson.

Mr and Mrs Davidson____

  1. Someone checks the water level every week.

The water level____

  1. We invited two hundred people to the wedding.

Two hundred people____

  1. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant.

Smoking _____
Ex. 40. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary.

The company is sorry to announce that the situation has forced it to introduce a range of cost-cutting measures as from the beginning of the new year. Unfortunately, we can no longer provide free tea and coffee. Someone is going to install new coin-operated machines in every department and you can purchase a wide range of drinks from these. We will also stop overtime payments after the end of this month and we will expect all members of staff to complete their duties within their contact hours. You must no longer make personal calls from office phones and we request you to use the payphone in the basement for this purpose.
Ex. 41. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary. Reproduce the dialogues in the Reported Speech.

Jane is talking to her friend Greg about her holiday.



So, how was the holiday?

Oh, it was fantastic. They organised everything so well. As soon as we arrived at the airport, our courier met us and took us to hotel. Someone had cleaned all the rooms beautifully and put fresh flowers on the tables.





Oh, how lovely. And what about the food?

It was excellent. They freshly prepared it all in the hotel and they even made the bread in the hotel kitchen. They served bread rolls hot every morning with breakfast.

Mm, it does sound good. I must say, I'd like someone to cook my meals for me for a couple of weeks. And what about the surrounding area? Was that nice?

Oh, beautiful. There were trips every day and they showed us all the local sights. There was so much history to see, You'd love it there, honestly.

Ex. 42. Read this information about what happened to the Watsons.

Someone broke into the Watsons’ house at the weekend. The burglar took some jewellery. But he didn’t do any damage. A young policewoman interviewed Mrs Watson. The police found some fingertips, and the police computer identified the burglar. The police have arrested a man and are questioning him.

Complete the passive sentences in this conversation. Use phrase with by only if it adds information.

Mrs Watson: Our house was broken into at the weekend.

Mrs Owen: Oh, no!

Mrs Watson: Some jewellery __(1)__. But no damage __(2)__.

Mrs Owen: Did the police come and see you?

Mrs Watson: Yes, of course. I __(3)__.

Mrs Owen: Do they know who the burglar was?

Mrs Watson: Oh, yes. Some __(4)__, and the __(5)__. A man __(6)__.

Mrs Owen: Oh, good. Well, I hope you get your jewellery back.

Ex. 43. Rewrite the sentences beginning in the way shown. Do not use by unless it is important to the meaning.

  1. The company has cut all salaries.

All salaries have been cut.

  1. The bank manager kept me waiting for half an hour.

I ______________________________________________________

  1. Employers must pay all travel expenses for this training course.

All travel expenses for this training course ______________________

  1. Do you suppose your brother could have written such a letter?

Do you suppose such a letter ________________________________

  1. They use a computer to do that job nowadays.

A computer ______________________________________________

  1. During the recession, the firm was making people redundant almost every week.

During the recession people _________________________________

  1. Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake.

The police _______________________________________________

  1. Where will your company send you next year?

Where will you __________________________________________?

  1. The news about the famine distressed Josephine.

Josephine _______________________________________________

  1. I’ve still got the camera because no none has claimed it.

I’ve still got the camera because it ____________________________

  1. Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion?

Have you _______________________________________________?


Some verbs can have two objects – an indirect object (the person receiving something) and a direct object (the thing that someone gives)

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