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  • 1. Why have you brought your guitar ___________ you (sing) at the party

  • 1. I (will/am going to) have a party tonight. Would you like to come

  • I (will go/am going) to the theatre tomorrow night. Would you like to come too

  • Упражнение 5. Закончите предложение по ситуации. Используйте конструкцию Shall I (we)… – Мне (нам) сделать…

  • 4. What time … the next bus … (leave) for Bristol

  • эдэдэдэдэ. Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке

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    Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке.

    Таблица 1.

    Тренировочные упражнения:

    Упражнение 1. Ваш друг собирается ехать в отпуск (на каникулы). Задайте вопросы, используя оборот be going to или Present Continuous и слова, данные в скобках.
    1. (how long /stay?)…
    2. (when/leave?)…
    3. (go/alone?)…
    4. (go/by car?) …
    5. (where/stay?)…
    Упражнение 2. Употребите be going to или глагол в Present Continuous в предложениях ниже. Объясните свой выбор.

    1. Why have you brought your guitar? ___________ you (sing) at the party?
    2. Dad ____________(play) tennis on Saturday.
    3. We _________________(leave) for San Francisco tonight.

    4. What ______ to do at weekends?
    5. ______ you _____( see) the doctor?
    Упражнение 3. Выберите Future Simple или оборот «be going to». Объясните свой выбор.

    1. I (will/am going to) have a party tonight. Would you like to come?
    2. The phone is ringing. I (will / am going to) answer.
    3. What are you taking the bag for? — I (will/ am going to) buy some fruit.
    4. Oh! I’ve lost my notebook. — I think, you (will/are going to) find it soon.
    5. Have you cleaned your room, Tom? — No, I (will/ am going to) do it tomorrow.
    Упражнение 4.  Выберите Future Simple или Present Continuous. Объясните свой выбор.

    I (will go/am going) to the theatre tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?

    According to the weather forecast it (will rain/is raining) tomorrow.

    I am not sure that Tom (will get/is getting) the job. He has no experience.

    I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine (will come/is coming) to see me.

    Have you decided where to go for your holidays yet? -Yes, we (will go/are going) to Italy.

    Don’t worry about the dog. It (won’t hurt/isn’t hurting) you.

    Упражнение 5. Закончите предложение по ситуации. Используйте конструкцию Shall I (we)…? – Мне (нам) сделать…?

    1) You and your friend want to do something in the evening but you don’t know what. Ask your friend.

    2) You try on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure if you want to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice.

    3) It’s Helen’s birthday next week. You want to give her a present, but you don’t know what. Ask your friend for advice.

    4) You and your friend are going on holiday together, but you haven’t decided where to. You ask him/her.

    5) You want to visit your friend later. You don’t know what time to come. You ask him/her.
    Упражнение 6. Все предложения содержат события, которые произойдут в будущем, но по расписанию. Какое время надо в них использовать?

    1. The match … (finish) at half past nine, so I will be at home at ten o’clock.
    2. School  … (start) at 8.45 every morning.
    3. My elder sister … (take) school exams in June.

    4. What time … the next bus … (leave) for Bristol?
    5. The plane … (arrive) at midnight.
    Упражнение 7.

    A. Соотнесите выражения 2-х колонок и составьте предложения в будущем времени.

    1. He says that he … (to visit) us before he … (to leave) our town.
    2. Jane … (to stay) at home until she … (to feel) better.
    3. I … (to tell) you as soon as I …(to know).
    3. Give my love to Laura if you … (to see) her.
    5. We … (not to finish) work in time unless you … (to help) us.
    6. I … (to give) you my bike if you … (to bring) it back tomorrow.
    7. Mother says that we … (to have) dinner after we … (to unpack) our things.
    8. Don’t get off the train until it … (to stop).
    9. You may take this book if you …(not to keep) it too long.
    10. Your boss … (to give) you a day off on condition that (при условии что) you … (to work) on Saturday morning.
    Упражнение 8. There is/ are. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию There is/are (в будущем времени).

    На вечеринке будет много моих друзей.

    На следующей неделе в магазинах будет полно людей.

    В этом магазине будет распродажа завтра.

    Этой весной в парке высадят новые деревья.

    Этой осенью в лесу будет много грибов (mushrooms).

    В этом театре будет новое представление (performance).
    Упражнение 9. Passive Voice. Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice (в будущем времени).

    ОБРАЗЕЦ. They will write the letter. — The letter will be written by them.

    They will invite many people to the party.

    She will translate the text on history.

    He will ask the questions about the story.

    We will discuss our plans on holidays.

    The teacher will bring the dictionaries.

    Sam is going to buy tickets to the cinema.

    Ann is going to make the sandwiches.

    I will probably meet Mr Johnson at the entrance.

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