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  • 4. Choose the correct answer from the list. 1)Is the Republic of Kazakhstan a unitary

  • 3.Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the translation of the passive constructions.

  • 2) Девять депутатов Мажилиса избираются Ассамблеей народа Казахстана.

  • 4) Судебная система устанавливается в соответствии с Конституцией РК и Конституционным правом.

  • 5) Совокупность судов РК связана единством вопроса об исполнении правосудия.

  • Дене шыныктыру. Step i read and translate the following word combinations into RussianKazakh

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    НазваниеStep i read and translate the following word combinations into RussianKazakh
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    Имя файлаAielita 107.docx

    STEP I
    2. Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian/Kazakh:

    a unitary state, presidential system of government, secular and social state, to recognizerights and freedoms, the supreme values, the highest political official, to determine, the domestic and foreign policy, to represent, guarantor of the national unity, inviolability of the Constitution, an individual and citizen, the executive authority, to perform legislative functions, on a permanent basis, the cities of the republican significance, to be appointed by, society, to be elected by, the term of the powers, including, Supreme Court, the local courts, the Constitutional law, specialized financial courts, military court of garrison, distribution of justice.
    унитарное государство, президентская система правления, светское и социальное государство, признавать права и свободы, высшие ценности, высшее политическое должностное лицо, определять внутреннюю и внешнюю политику, представлять, гарант национального единства, неприкосновенности Конституции, личность и гражданина, исполнительную власть, для выполнения законодательных функций, на постоянной основе, города республиканского значения, быть назначенным, обществом, быть избранным, срок полномочий, в том числе, Верховный Суд, местные суды, Конституционный закон, специализированные финансовые суды, гарнизонный военный суд, распределение правосудия.
    унитарлық мемлекет, президенттік басқару жүйесі, зайырлы және әлеуметтік мемлекет, құқықтар мен бостандықтарды, жоғары құндылықтарды, жоғары саяси лауазымды тұлғаны тану, ішкі және сыртқы саясатты анықтау, ұлттық бірліктің, Конституцияға қол сұғылмаушылықтың КЕПІЛІ, жеке тұлға және азамат, атқарушы билік, заңнамалық функцияларды орындау үшін, тұрақты негізде,Республикалық маңызы бар қала, тағайындалу, қоғам болу, сайлану, өкілеттік мерзімі, оның ішінде Жоғарғы Сот, жергілікті Соттар, Конституциялық заң, мамандандырылған қаржылық соттар, гарнизондық әскери сот, сот төрелігін бөлу.
    4. Choose the correct answer from the list.
    1)Is the Republic of Kazakhstan a unitary state with the presidential system of government?

    2) What does our state recognize as the supreme values of the country?

    a. the president and government

    b. the man, his life, rights and freedoms

    c.rights and freedoms of deputies

    3) Who is the highest political official in Kazakhstan?

    a. a deputy

    b. a citizen

    c. a president

    4) What body is the executive authority carried out by?

    a. by the President

    b. by the government

    c. by the Parliament

    5) Who is the head of the government?

    a. a president

    b. a deputy

    c. a prime minister​

    6) Who represents each region of the country in the Senate?

    a. deputies

    b. akims

    c. a prime minister
    5. Are these sentences true or false?
    A.The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the parliamentary system of government-TRUE

    B.The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest political official of the country-TRUE

    C.Kazakhstan recognizes the President and the Parliament as the supreme values of the country-FALSE

    D.The ministries, services and agencies are included in the system of the executive branch of the government-TRUE

    E.The prime minister determines the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the country-FALSE

    F.The set of RK’s courts is connected by the unity of issue on distribution of justice-TRUE

    G.All deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President-FALSE

    6. Complete the following sentences according to the text:
    I.The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan represents Kazakhstan on the international arena.

    II.The man, his life, rights and freedoms are recognized as the supreme values of the country.

    III.The national unity and the state power, inviolability of the Constitution are guaranteed by The President.

    IV.The government carries out executive authority.

    V.The Senate and the Majilis act on a permanent basis.

    VI.The President appoints fifteen deputies of the Senate.

    VII.Nine of deputies in the Majilis are elected by Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.

    VIII.The term of the powers of Senate deputies is six years.

    IX.The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the local courts are included in judicial system.

    X.In the Republic of Kazakhstan specialized courts can be created both at the district and the regional levels.
    2. Translate the following word combinations into English:
    Unitary and secular state, government, rights and freedoms, Supreme values, Supreme representative of power, domestic and foreign policy, national unity, perform a function, act on a permanent basis, represent each region of the country, as well as cities of Republican significance, be appointed, significant interests of society, be elected, inviolability of the Constitution, the Supreme court, lawkhkjhakjdh, specialized court, garrison military court, both at the district and regional levels.
    3.Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the translation of the passive constructions.
    1) Человек, его жизнь, права и свободы признаны высшими ценностями нашей страны.

    The man, his life, rights and freedoms are recognized as the highest values of our country.
    2) Девять депутатов Мажилиса избираются Ассамблеей народа Казахстана.

    Nine deputies of the Majilis are elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
    3) Каждый регион страны представлен депутатами в Сенате.

    Each region of the country is represented by deputies in the Senate.
    4) Судебная система устанавливается в соответствии с Конституцией РК и Конституционным правом.

    The judicial system is established in according with the Constitution of the RK and the Constitutional Law.
    5) Совокупность судов РК связана единством вопроса об исполнении правосудия.

    The set of the courts in the Republic of Kazakhstan is connected with the unity of the issue of the execution of justice.
    4. Convert statements to questions and translate, paying attention to the translation of the passive constructions.
    1) All the applicants are required to take an examination in Biology and Chemistry. Are all applicants required to take an examination in biology and chemistry? What subjects are required to be taken an examination by all the applicants?

    2) A marriage is made in age from 20 to 30 years. Is a marriage made in age from 20 to 30 years? At what age is marriage made?

    3) The age difference between husband and wife is desired. Is the age difference between husband and wife desired?

    4) They are related each other by marriage. Are they related each other by marriage? How are they related each other?

    5) The house is surrounded with a spacious garden. Is the house surrounded with a spacious garden? What is the house surrounded with?

    6) The cosy dining-room is connected with the kitchen. Is the cosy dining room connected with the kitchen? What is the cosy dining room is connected with?

    7) The library is equipped with lots of bookshelves. Is the library equipped with lots of bookshelves? How is the library equipped?

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