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  • What is Astana Medical university What faculties are there What are the priorities of this university

  • 30 сроп. пз 14 англ. Subject Foreign language Theme My university

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    Lesson 29

    Subject: Foreign language

    Theme: My university

    Prepared by: Agadieva N.

    Submitted to: Kaskyrbayeva S.M.

    124-A group

    Faculty of GM

    Use new words and describe your University

    My name is Agadieva Nazerke and I am a first-year student at the Kazakh-Russian Medical University. I study at the Faculty of General Medicine in the 124-A group. When we entered the university, the dean's office divided our students into groups of English language skills. I have an upper intermediate level of English. as in all universities, we hold lectures, seminars, practical classes and tests, that is, sessions and boundary controls. It is difficult for me to study in medical univercity, since there is no one in our family of doctors. But I chose medicine because from childhood I looked at people in white coats and just admired them. and at the end of the 8th grade, I set myself a goal in life to become a processional of my business, otherwise a qualified surgeon. our university has 2 buildings. One is located on Torekulova 71 and the Faculty of Dentistry is trained there, and there is also a library and a gym. The second building is located on Abylai Khan 51/53 and mainly students of the Faculty of General Medicine study there, and this building is also considered the main building.

    Read and translate the text. Find main sentences. Put 5 questions.

    Astana Medical University is one of the biggest and fast growth medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It has a high reputation in the sphere of higher medical education, its own traditions in the area of educational services as well as in the development of medical science and clinical activities.

    JSC “Astana Medical University” became the first Higher Educational Institution in Kazakhstan, which was assessed by a European Fund of Quality Management on eligibility for Fundamental Concepts and Criteria of Excellence Model, level “Recognized Excellence”.

    There are 7 faculties at the University (Internal Medicine, Public Health, Dentistry, Nursing, Preventive Care, Pharmacy, Postgraduate Education, Additional Medical Education). Also there are 5185 students, 219 residents, 90 master and doctoral students. Educational, scientific and research, clinical and and social work is made on 68 departments of the university by 873 teachers: 112 Doctors of Medical Science, 280 Candidates of Medical Science, 62 Professors, 67 Associate Professors.

    The university realizes postgraduate preparation on 29 specialties of residency, 4 specialties of master programme, and 2 specialties of PhD doctoral degree. Also there is a programme on preparation of MBA students in Hospital Management, whereas the students study some subjects in Singapore (Parkway College) and USA (Duke University). The practice is realized in clinics of National Medical Holding and in clinics of Acibadem (Turkey).

    The continuous professional development is implemented on 46 specialties of extended education, including 4 specialties in the form of distance learning technology.

    The clinical bases of the university are the largest national and republican centres and scientific-research institutes, including branch organizations of National Medical Holding, National Scientific Medical centre, Scientific-Research Institute for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Defence of RK, preventive establishments of Astana city, North-Kazakhstan and Akmola oblasts.

    According to the ranking our university has a sustainable position among leading medical higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academic partners of the university are leading universities of USA, Singapore, Europe and Russia.

    Астанинский медицинский университет-один из крупнейших и быстрорастущих медицинских вузов Республики Казахстан. Она имеет высокую репутацию в сфере высшего медицинского образования, собственные традиции в сфере образовательных услуг, а также в развитии медицинской науки и клинической деятельности.

    АО “Астанинский медицинский университет” стал первым Высшим учебным заведением Казахстана, которое было оценено Европейским Фондом Менеджмента качества на соответствие Фундаментальным Концепциям и Критериям Модели Совершенства уровня “Признанное совершенство”.

    В университете действуют 7 факультетов (Внутренняя медицина, Общественное здравоохранение, Стоматология, Сестринское дело, Профилактика, Фармация, Послевузовское образование, Дополнительное медицинское образование). Также здесь обучаются 5185 студентов, 219 резидентов, 90 магистрантов и докторантов. Учебная, научно - исследовательская, клиническая и социальная работа ведется на 68 кафедрах университета 873 преподавателями: 112 докторами медицинских наук, 280 кандидатами медицинских наук, 62 профессорами, 67 доцентами.

    Университет осуществляет аспирантуру по 29 специальностям ординатуры, 4 специальностям магистратуры и 2 специальностям докторантуры PhD. Кроме того, существует программа подготовки студентов MBA в области управления больницами, в то время как студенты изучают некоторые предметы в Сингапуре (Parkway College) и США (Duke University). Практика реализуется в клиниках Национального медицинского холдинга и в клиниках Ачибадема (Турция).

    Непрерывное повышение квалификации осуществляется по 46 специальностям дополнительного образования, в том числе по 4 специальностям в форме дистанционных образовательных технологий.

    Клиническими базами университета являются крупнейшие республиканские и республиканские центры и научно-исследовательские институты, в том числе отраслевые организации Национального медицинского холдинга, Национальный научный медицинский центр, Научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии, Клинический госпиталь Министерства обороны РК, профилактические учреждения города Астаны, Северо-Казахстанской и Акмолинской областей.

    Согласно рейтингу, наш университет занимает устойчивые позиции среди ведущих медицинских вузов Республики Казахстан. Академическими партнерами университета являются ведущие университеты США, Сингапура, Европы и России.


    1. What is Astana Medical university?

    2. What faculties are there?

    3. What are the priorities of this university?

    4. Does it have its own clinical bases and what are they responsible for?

    5. What are their economic partners?

    Match the clauses below.

    1. If I am late for class, (C) my teacher gets angry.

    2. When he stays up very late, (F) he is very tired the next morning.

    3. People get hungry (A) if they don’t eat.

    4. If you study hard, (M) you get good grades in school.

    5. When she watches a movie, (I) she likes to eat popcorn.

    6. When I cross the street, (B) I always look left and right.

    7. I can’t do my homework, (O) if I don’t have my glasses.

    8. He always smiles(D) when he is happy.

    9. If I miss the bus, (E) I take a taxi to work.

    10. When you make lots of noise, (G) the librarian gets angry.

    11. Tea tastes sweet (N) if you add some sugar.

    12. You should eat less(H) if you want to lose weight.

    13. I always take my umbrella (J)when it rains.

    14. When I’m sad, (K) I watch a funny movie.

    15. When he cleans the house, (L) he listens to music.

    Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:

    1. If I go out tonight, I'll go to the cinema.

    2. If you get back late, I'll be angry.

    3. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we'll see each other next week.

    4. If he comes, I'll be surprised.

    5. If we wait here, we'll be late.

    6. If we go on holiday this summer, we’ll go to Spain.

    7. If the weather doesn’t improve, we won't have a picnic.

    8. If I don’t go to bed early, I'll be tired tomorrow.

    9. If we eat all this cake, we'll feel sick.

    10. If you don’t want to go out, I'll cook dinner at home.

    11. I’ll come early if you want.

    12. They’ll go to the party if they are invited.

    13. She’ll stay in London if she gets a job.

    14. He won’t get a better job if he doesn't pass that exam.

    15. I’ll buy a new dress if I have enough money.

    16. She’ll cook dinner if you go to the supermarket.

    17. They’ll go on holiday if they have time.

    18. We’ll be late if we don't hurry.

    19. She’ll take a taxi if it rains.

    20. I won’t go if you don't come with me.

    Complete sentences in correct order

    1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)

    1. If I wake up late, I’m late for work.

    2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food)

    2. If my husband cooks, he burns the food.

    3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)

    3. If Julie doesn’t wear a hat, she gets sunstroke.

    4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)

    4. If children don’t eat well, they aren’t healthy.

    5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock)

    5. If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.

    6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)

    6. If people eat too many sweets, they get fat.

    7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)

    7. If you smoke, you get yellow fingers.

    8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight)

    8. If children play outside, they don’t get overweight.

    9. (you / heat ice / it / melt)

    9. If you heat ice, it melts.

    10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)

    10. If I speak to John, he gets annoyed.

    11. (I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early)

    11. I feel good the next day if I go to bed early.

    12. (lots of people / come / Jenny / have a party)

    12. Lots of people come if Jenny has a party.

    13. (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping)

    13. She buys expensive clothes if she goes shopping.

    14. (my daughter / pass her exams / she / work hard)

    14. My daughter passes her exams if she works hard.

    15. (David / be sick / he / drink milk)

    15. David is sick if he drinks milk.

    16. (the river / freeze / it / be very cold)

    16. The river freezes if it’s very cold.

    17. (I / like to visit the museums / I / be in a new city)

    17. I like to visit the museums if I am in a new city.

    18. (I / cycle to work / the weather / be fine)

    18. I cycle to work if the weather is fine.

    19. (my flatmate / clean it really well / she / clean the house)

    19. My flatmate cleans really well if she cleans the house.

    20. (everybody / be grumpy / it / rain a lot)

    20. Everybody is grumpy if it rains a lot.

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