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  • Task 2 (48 points).

  • 6) If you WERE a bird, where WOULD you FLY to

  • Task 3 (25 points).

  • 1212Английский язык, 8 класс , неделя 35 (25 апреля - 30 апреля). Task 1 (27 points)

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    Task 1 (27 points).

    Fill in the gap with one of the following words: rink, cue, pitch, pool, clubs, boxing, motor racing, paddle, court, stick.

    --SPORT ------- PLACE -------- EQUIPMENT

    1. swimming ---_______ -------- trunks/costume

    2. hockey ----- rink --------- stick

    3. canoeing ------ river ---------- paddle

    4. billiards ------- table ------ cue______________

    5. boxing----- ring ---------- gloves, vest

    6. golf ------------- course ------ clubs_____________

    7. football -------- pitch-------- shorts, boots

    8. motor racing----- track ---------- crash helmet

    9. tennis --------court --------- racket, net



    1. Read the line of words carefully. You need to insert the appropriate word. Внимательно прочитайте строки слов. Вам нужно вставить подходящее слово.

    2. If you have any difficulties with completing the task, please, revise the materials of the lesson. Если у вас возникнут трудности при выполнении задания, пожалуйста, повторите материалы по теме урока.

    3. You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole lines, or you can just write down the words you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими способами: можете переписать строки полностью, а можете просто написать слова, которые вставили.

    4. For this task, you can get 27 points. 3 points for each correct answer. За данное задание вы можете получить 27 баллов. По 3 балла за каждый верный ответ.


    Task 2 (48 points).

    Which conditional – 0, 1, or 2? Open the brackets and put the verbs into the appropriate forms.

    1) If you BOIL water, it TURNS to steam.

    2) If I WERE an astronaut, I WOULD TAKE the photos of Turkey from space.

    3) If you PUT a stone in the water, it GOES down.

    4) If you PUT oil into water, it FLOATS.

    5) If there WERE no water onearth, we WOULDN'T EXIST.

    6) If you WERE a bird, where WOULD you FLY to?

    7) Anna WILL PASS the test if she STUDIES hard enough.

    8) If you HEAT ice it MELTS.

    9) I WOULDN'T DO that if I WERE you.

    10) If he GETS any worse, I WILL TAKE him to the doctor's.

    11) If the snow GETS any worse, we WILL HAVE TO stop walking.

    12) If ice MELTS, it TURNS to water. 


    1. Read the sentences very attentively to put the right verb form in 0, 1 or 2 Conditional. Внимательно прочитайте предложения, чтобы поставить глагол в нужную форму условного предложения 0, 1 или 2 типа.

    2. If you have doubts while completing the task, revise the rule for using 0, 1 and 2 Conditional. Если у вас возникают сомнения при выполнении задания, повторите правило употребления условных предложений 0, 1 и 2 типа.

    3. You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences, or you can just write down the verb forms you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими способами: можете переписать предложения полностью, а можете просто написать вставленные формы глаголов.

    4. Pay attention to the spelling. Обращайте внимание на написание слов.

    5. For this task, you can get 48 points. 4 points for each correct sentence. За данное задание вы можете получить 48 баллов. По 4 балла за каждое верно выполненное предложение.


    Task 3 (25 points).

    Give your own examples of the Third Conditional sentences.

    1. If I had seen him at the meeting, I might have asked him.___________________________________________________________________________

    2. He wouldn`t have let him get away with that

    3. If I had known you were in camp, I would have visited you.

    4. If you hadn't lied to me before, I would have believed you

    5. if i had look after your baby, he would grew up successful person

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