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  • Практические занятия: 7

  • Цель: Изучить лексику по теме «новейшие изобретения в агрономии» Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор, колонки, раздаточный материал Методические рекомендации

  • Study the new words . (Изучите новые лексические единицы) Read the text. ( Прочтите текст ) Do the

  • Read the text, do the tasks. (Прочтите текст, сделайте задания ниже) The latest inventions in Agriculture Weather Tracking

  • Satellite Imaging

  • Pervasive (широко используемая) Automation

  • Список используемой литературы: 1…

  • техкарта. техкарта на открытый урок. Тема 3 Достижения и инновации в области естественных наук

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    Тема 2.3

    Достижения и инновации в области естественных наук

    Содержание учебного материала



    Достижения современной науки. Новейшие изобретения. Инновации.


    Условные предложения

    Практические занятия:


    1.Достижения современной науки



    ОК 2, ОК 3, ОК 5, ОК 6

    2.Новейшие изобретения на службе агронома



    ОК 2, ОК 3, ОК 4, ОК 5, ОК 6

    3.Инновации в области экологии и защиты окружающей среды



    ОК 1, ОК 2, ОК 3,

    ОК 5, ОК 6

    4.Условные предложения



    ОК 2, ОК 3, ОК 6

    Оценка знаний посредством тестовых заданий.

    Тест состоит из двадцати трех заданий. В каждом задании необходимо выбрать один правильный ответ. Правильное выполнение каждого задания оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 23.

    Для получения оценки «3» ТРЕБУЕТСЯ набрать  15 баллов.

    Для получения оценки «4» ТРЕБУЕТСЯ набрать  18-20 баллов.

    Для получения оценки «5» ТРЕБУЕТСЯ набрать  21-23 баллов.

    Практическая работа 98

    Новейшие изобретения на службе у агронома

    Цель: Изучить лексику по теме «новейшие изобретения в агрономии»

    Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор, колонки, раздаточный материал

    Методические рекомендации:

    1. Study the new words. (Изучите новые лексические единицы)

    2. Read the text. (Прочтите текст)

    3. Do the tasks. (Сделайте задания ниже)

    1. Study the new words and give a translation: (Изучите новые лексические единицы и дайте перевод)


    increasingly - постепенно


    focus on- концентрироваться на чем-либо

    access - доступ

    handheld – переносной, портативный

    advanced -

    precautions – меры предосторожности

    imagery -

    soil -почва

    crop – урожай, культура, зерна


    workload- рабочая нагрузка


    vehicles-машина, механизм

    seeding- высеивание семянных культур

    satellite- спутник

    1. Read the text, do the tasks. (Прочтите текст, сделайте задания ниже)

    The latest inventions in Agriculture
    Weather Tracking

    Although we still make jokes about our local meteorologists, the truth is that computerized weather modeling is becoming increasingly sophisticated. There are online weather services that focus exclusively on agriculture, and farmers can access these services on dedicated(специализированной) onboard and handheld farm technology but also via mobile apps that run on just about any consumer smartphone. This technology can give farmers enough advanced notice of frost, hail and other weather that they can take precautions to protect the crops or at least mitigate (смягчить) losses to a significant degree.
    Satellite Imaging

    As remote satellite (управляемый спутник) imaging has become more sophisticated, it’s allowed for real-time crop imagery. This isn’t just bird’s-eye-view snapshots but images in resolutions of 5-meter-pixels and even greater. Crop imagery lets a farmer examine crops as if he or she were standing there without actually standing there. Even reviewing images on a weekly basis can save a farm a considerable amount of time and money. Additionally, this technology can be integrated with crop, soil and water sensors so that the farmers can receive notifications along with appropriate satellite images when danger thresholds(пороговые, пограничные значения) are met.
    Pervasive (широко используемая) Automation

    Pervasive automation is a buzz term in the agriculture technology industry, and it can refer to any technology that reduces operator workload. Examples include autonomous vehicles controlled by robotics or remotely through terminals and hyper precision, such as RTK navigation systems that make seeding and fertilization routes as optimal as possible. Most farming equipment already adopts the ISOBUS standard, and that puts on the precipice(пропасть, огромная разница) of a farming reality where balers, combines, tractors and other farming equipment communicate and even operate in a plug-and-play manner.

    Do the following tasks:

    1. Decide, if the statement is true, false, or not stated:

    1. People look for the technologies, that would improve their lives

    2. There are weather services that focus on agriculture.

    3. Real time imagery is still impossible

    4. All the technologies are supposed to save time, money and efforts

    5. Pervasive automation is a term that exclude human’s interruption into the process

    6. Seeding is a process, that takes much efforts

    1. Find the equivalents to the following word combinationin the text:

    1. Все более развитой

    2. Телефон пользователя

    3. Заблаговременное предупреждение

    4. Значимый уровень

    5. Изображение зерновых в реальном времени

    6. Ощутимое количество времени и денег

    7. Автономные механизмы

    1. Listen to the text again and fill in the gaps.

    Greenhouse, plant, satellite, plant, increase, reduses

    So agriculture has been around for what 12,000 years but did you know that today there are robots that can pick fruit and sensors that know what a 1._______________ wants and when here are seven Israel technologies that are making farming more efficient and more sustainable. FEMA's famous for inventing drip irrigation a system which drips water directly into plant roots. It significantly 2._____________________ water and increases crop yields. Today they offer sustainable turnkey projects that include high-tech 3. ___________________________ and advanced control and monitoring open platform. This open platform wraps up 50 years of experience put it up in the cloud, use this big data in order to serve every farmer worldwide. Israel recycles over 86 percent of its waste water by far the highest in the world. The shotgun treatment plant takes raw sewage filters. It filters it again with microorganisms and cleans it until it is safe to drink. Taranis is an intelligence platform that uses 4._________________________________ imagery aerial (c воздуха) footage. Big data and predictive analytics to monitor fields and help farmers make the best decisions. We can image a field in really high resolution about 0.1 millimeter per pixel that means that we can see a tiny insect on a leaf and then we can train a computer to analyze it and find these insects or weeds of disease and give a farmer a report and then you can spray according to this report just where in his field we can find the weeds. You can apply spraying just there. IOB uses predatory wasps to control insects as a bio pesticide in there by reduces the need for chemical pesticides by up to 70%. Growler bio AG uses tiny microscopic fungi to help plant roots absorb more nutrients. This 5._______________________________________ crop yield with less fertilizer so the fungus penetrates the plant root. It effectively extends that root in an underground web. The fungus can break down nutrients that are otherwise unavailable to the plant and physically mobilize them into the 6. ___________________________________. Modern robotics makes robots with computer vision that can actually pick fruits straight off the trees. The plant uses big data and sensors to talk with plants to know exactly what nutrients they need and when they need to be watered with more people on the planet we need to grow more food with less water and smarter cleaner processes this is the next agriculture revolution right here in Israel.

    1. Give a proper translation to the following sentences:

    1. Наше внимание сосредоточено на этом устройстве


    1. Все меры предосторожности были предприняты ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. Риски потери урожая зерновых были сокращены


    1. Ваша рабочая нагрузка уже рассчитана


    1. Поля были засеяны еще в апреле


    1. Машина сломана и у нас нет запчастей для нее.


    1. Give antonyms to the words from your glossary.






    1. Make 5 sentences of your own, using your glossary.


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