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  • 3. Заключительный этап урока (рефлексия, подведение итогов урока , домашнее задание, прощание).

  • Максимов Федор 507 фрагмент 7. The man of steel

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    Образец фрагмента урока по формированию речевых умений в изучающем чтении на английском языке в 6-ом классе общеобразовательной школы

    Образец разработан на базе УМК «Английский в фокусе 6», авторы Ю.В. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс, модуль «Culture corner 7», стр. 71

    Тема: The man of steel.

    Цель и задачи фрагмента урока:

    Практическая цель: формирование речевых умений в изучающем чтении: понимание всех лингвистических средств и фактов, изложенных в тексте по теме «Супермен»

    Сопутствующая практическая цель: совершенствование грамматических навыков употребления глаголов в Past Simple, совершенствование лексических навыков по теме ‘Special powers’.

    Общеобразовательная задача: расширение знаний о комикс-культуре страны изучаемого языка.

    Воспитательная задача: воспитание уважения учащихся к культурным достижениям страны изучаемого языка.

    Развивающая задача: развитие воображения, памяти и внимания, мышления.

    Оснащение фрагмента урока: языковая и изобразительная наглядность, раздаточный материал.

    Языковой материал:

    Изученные ранее ЛЕ: fly in the sky, do wonders, see through walls, fire heat vision, lift buildings, move fast.

    Речевой материал:

    Invisible was his special power.

    He was able to leap from building to building at a single bound.

    Superman was created in 1933.

    He is a man who tried hard and succeed.

    A couple of farmers adopted him in order to save.

    He gained strengths from the sun.

    From that point, he was Superman.

    Ход фрагмента урока

    1. Начало урока

    1.1. Приветствие.

    1.2. Речевая зарядка.

    2. Основная часть урока

    Предтекстовый этап

    2.1.   Вводная беседа с целью формирования установки на прочтение конкретной информации. Работа с иллюстративным материалом. Снятие языковых трудностей в тексте. 

    T: Students! Today we continue to talk about American culture. Tell me, which superheroes do you know? What films\comics are these characters from?

    S: Spiderman, he is from comics.

    S2: Batman, he is from “Batman”.

    S3: Wonder woman! She is from comics.

    T: Well done! Now look at the board. You need to connect words to make expressions. Let us do it one by one.


    Through walls








    In the sky


    Heat vision

    S: Fly in the sky.

    T: Yes! The next one, please.

    S2: Do wonders.

    T: Good!

    S3: …

    T: Let us look at the pictures. What superheroes are depicted on them? Using the table on the board, answer the question - what are their superpowers?

    S: Superman can fire heat vision.

    S2: Spiderman can move fast.

    S3: …

    T: Absolutely right. Today we will learn about one of the superheroes to understand him better. But first let's look at the words in the frame on page 71. What is «red trunks» mean?

    S4: Красные плавки!

    T: What is «red cape»?

    S5: Красный плащ.

    T: What is «bound»?

    S6: Прыжок.

    T: You are right. And what is …

    S7: …

    T: It seems to me that according to some words, some of you have guessed who we are talking about. Now look at the text «The man of steel». Which of the superheroes above is it about?

    S1: It may be about Superman.

    Учитель раздает карточки с заданием.

    T: Let’s see. Now you need to read the text and mark the statements in your cards with true, false or not stated.

    1. Superman wears a blue uniform, red trunks, red boots, and a long, flowing red cape.

    2. Jerry and Joe, the real parents of Superman, were very popular at school.

    3. A couple of farmers found the boy, adopted him and named him Clark.

    4. The reason why Superman is called so is in the fact that he gained strength from the Sun.

    5. Clark is a classical hero who fights criminals and rescues the helpless.

    Текстовый этап

    1. Чтение текста ‘The man of steel’ из учебника p.71

    The Man of Steel

    A blue uniform, red trunks, red boots, and a long, flowing red cape. Tall, strong, invincible Kind, smart, just! Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a train! Able to leap from building to building at a single bound! That’s Superman, our favorite superhero. Superman 'was born' in 1933. His real 'parents' were high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland, Ohio. Jerry and Joe were rather shy and unpopular at school, so they made up a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him! As the story goes, Superman came from dying planet Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket in order to save him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. A couple of farmers found the boy, adopted him and named him Clark. As Clark grew older, he gained strength from the Sun. By the time he was an adult he was able to fly, fire hear vision from his eyes and see through walls. From that point, he was Superman. Superman is a symbol of the American dream. He is a man who tries hard and succeeds. He is also a classical hero who fights criminals and rescues the helpless. He is the superhero we all know and love!

    Послетекстовый этап  

    1. Проверка выполнения задания.

    T: Let's check! Read the sentence and say it is true or false. If it is false, give us the correct variant.

    S1: Superman wears a blue uniform, red trunks, red boots, and a long, flowing red cape. I think it is true.

    T: Well done! The next one.

    S2: Jerry and Joe, the real parents of Superman, were very popular at school. It is false! The real parents of Superman were very shy and unpopular.

    T: Very good! Please, the next statement…

    S3: …

    1. Повторное чтение текста, ориентация в содержании текста.

    T: And now read the text again and do exercise 3b. Here you need to complete the sentences with your own words.

    1. Superman’s creators are …

    2. Superman’s planet is …

    3. Superman’s parents sent …

    4. Superman is able …

    T: Are you ready? Please, tell me who are the Superman’s creators?

    S2: Superman’s creators are Jerry and Joe, students from Cleveland.

    T: Right! What planet is Superman from?

    S3: …

    3. Заключительный этап урока (рефлексия, подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание, прощание).

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