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  • The Present Simple/Continuous

  • The Present SimpleContinuous

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    The Present Simple/Continuous

    Test paper by ____________________

    Variant 1

    1. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous.

    • How much money _______________ (you/spend) on food every week?

    • Where’s Ann? – She ______________ (sunbathe) in the garden.

    • ___________________ (you/watch) the TV? – No. You can switch it off if you like.

    • I’m afraid I ________________ (not/speak) Spanish very well.

    • John __________________ (look) for a bigger flat.

    • She _________________ (usually/finish) work before 6 o’clock.

    • __________________ (you/know) how to use this computer program? – Not yet. But I __________________ (learn).

    • Where __________________ (Joe/go) with that gun in his hand? – Oh, he ________________ (always/carry) it with him when he goes walking in the woods.

    • Be quiet! I _______________ (think) Dad ______________ (sleep) upstairs.

    • I __________________ (not/like) cooking, but I __________ (love) eating.

    1. Underline the word or phrase which completes each sentence correctly.

    -She isn’t having a birthday party this year/usually.

    -Why are you crying/do you cry? Have you hurt yourself?

    -The boss shouts because/when he is angry.

    -You are working/work for your father at the moment, aren’t you?

    -I’m tidying my room because Mum told/when Mum tells me too.

    -Do you listen to the radio every day/, or can I turn it off?

    -He goes to the opera when he can afford it/to see ‘Carmen’.

    -Something smells good! What do you cook/are you cooking?

    -I’m staying with my parents temporarily/for two months every summer.

    -In autumn the leaves fall/are falling from the trees.

    3) Complete the sentences with the verbs given, using negatives or questions where necessary.

    attract consist of doubt feel fit have like sound measure

    - What are you doing with that ruler? – I __________________ the area of the kitchen.

    - The garden ____________ 12 by 20 meters.

    -I ____________ whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam.

    -I suppose she might be at home tonight, but I ___________________ it.

    -Mike won’t work at the top of the 20-storey building because he _________ heights.

    -My car’s in the garage today. They ________________ new brakes.

    - I bought this jumper foe Sue, but it _________ her, so I’ll have to take it back.

    -My sister ___________ long blonde hair. You are bound to recognize her.

    -I had a postcard from Joanne on holiday in Spain. It sounds like she _____________a really good time.

    -Simon has been practising the song for days. It ___________ quite good, but he doesn’t think he’s ready yet to perform it in public.

    -Their school uniform ____________ black trousers and a dark green jumper.

    -What’s your shirt made of? It ___________ like silk.

    4) Expand one of the sets of notes below to complete each dialogue.

    continually/change/mind forever/moan/work forever/ask me/money


    • ‘Can I borrow $ 10?’ ‘You are _________________________________________!’

    • ‘I think I’ll stay here after all.’ ‘You ___________________________________!’

    • ‘I had a bad day at the office again.’ ‘You ________________________________!’

    • I went to a concert yesterday in the Town Hall. In the middle of it, while the orchestra ___________ this man suddenly __________ on his seat and __________ to conduct them.

    5) Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    -Я не могу понять, почему он ведет себя так эгоистично. Это ему не свойственно. _______________________________________________________________________

    -Этот соус превосходен. Он очень вкусный. ____________________________________

    -Кто этот человек? Чего он хочет? ____________________________

    -Я встречаюсь с менеджером завтра утром. ______________________________________

    -Как ты чувствуешь себя сейчас? ______________________________________

    -Ты постоянно забываешь выключать свет! _______________________________________

    -Луна вращается вокруг земли. _______________________________________

    -Что ты обычно делаешь в выходные? ____________________________________________

    -‘Чем занимается твой отец?’ ‘Он – архитектор (architect), но в данный момент не работает. ___________________________________________________________________

    -Обычно я заканчиваю работу в 5, но эту неделю я работаю до 6, чтобы больше заработать. _______________________________________________________________

    -Во сколько ты уезжаешь завтра? _____________________________________________

    -Мы устраиваем вечеринку в следующую субботу (to have a party). Хочешь прийти? ___________________________________________________________________________

    -Я не работаю завтра. Мы можем куда-нибудь сходить. __________________________________________________________________________

    -Посмотри на небо! Облака движутся медленно, и солнце появляется из-за (from behind) облаков. Теплеет. _____________________________________________________________

    - Что ты читаешь? – Это французский журнал. Тут много интересных статей о спорте. ___________________________________________________________________________

    The Present Simple/Continuous

    Test paper by ____________________

    Variant 2

    1. Use the verbs below, in the present simple or continuous, to complete the sentences.

    wear, think, speak, do, make, have

    • a) Sally is very clever. She ______________ five languages.

    b) I don’t understand those people. What language ________________________?

    - a) He ____________ a suit whenever he has an interview.

    b) I ______________ a raincoat because I think it might rain.

    - a) I’m sorry, but I can’t come out tonight. I ______________ my homework.

    b) My brother and I _______________ the dishes after every meal.

    - a) Do we have to go home now? We _______________ such a good time!

    b) She wants to go on holiday, but she doesn’t think she __________ enough money.

    - a) The car __________________ an awful noise. –Yes. May be we should stop at a


    b) How much money shall we invest in this project? – Ask Mr Banks. He

    _____________ the decisions in this company.

    • a)What ________________ of the new student? – He seems very nice.

    b)Jim looks very happy. –He does, doesn’t he? I wonder what he ___________about.

    2) Cross out any improbable answers.

    -I’m understanding/understand biology much better now that we’ve got a new teacher.

    -I went to see a Formula One race last week, but I admit/am admitting that I don’t know much about cars.

    -Do you find/Are you finding it difficult to concentrate on your work with this music on?

    -We’ll do our best to get the computer repaired by next week, but we are not guaranteeing/don’t guarantee it.

    -I’ve just started to learn how to drive. Now I am knowing/know how difficult it is, I’ll never criticize your driving again.

    -She says that she wasn’t in the kitchen when the bottled smashed, but I refuse/am refusing to believe her.

    -It’s very difficult for us to get jobs here, so we are considering/consider emigrating to Canada.

    3) Expand one of the sets of notes below to complete each dialogue.

    constantly/criticize/driving always/complain/handwriting pass/shoot/attack


    • ‘I can’t read this!’ ‘You ______________________________________________!’

    • ‘That was a dangerous thing to do.’ ‘You ________________________________!’

    • Beckham __________ to Giggs who _________ just over the bar. Manchester United ___________ much more in this half…

    • A man __________ home late one night after the office Christmas party. His wife ____________ for him, and she _________ to him…

    1. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense form.

    One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested in everything she saw. "Mother, look," she said. "There ________(to be) a mon­key in this cage. It _______________(to eat) an apple. Now it ____________(to give) a bite to another monkey. I _________(to think) mon­keys ___________(to like) apples very much." "Yes, dear," said her mother. "Now I (to want) to go and see the lions and tigers. Where they ________________(to live), mother?" "In that big house over there. Come along." Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house. "Mother," she said, "the tiger _________(to want) a drink: it ________________(to go) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion __________________(to look) right at me. _________You ____________(to think) it __________(to want) to eat me up? When the lions and tigers ____________(to have) their dinner, mother?" "The keepers ___________(to bring) them great pieces of meat every day at four o'clock. And they _______________(to make) a big noise before their dinner time, so everybody ____________(to know) they ____________(to be) hungry."

    5) Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    -Ты понимаешь, что я имею ввиду? ______________________________________

    -Я подумываю о том, чтобы уйти с работы. (to give up one’s job) _________________________________________________________________________

    - Нам очень нравится наш отпуск (to enjoy). У нас прекрасный номер в отеле. _______________________________________________________________________________

    -Он никогда не думает о других людях. Он очень эгоистичен. ____________________________________________________________________________________

    -Я обычно чувствую себя уставшим утром. _____________________________________________

    -Она назвала мне свое имя, но я не помню его сейчас. _________________________________________________________________________________

    -Поезд никогда не опаздывает. Он всегда отбывает вовремя. __________________________________________________________________________________

    -Поторопись! Все ждут тебя! _________________________________________________________

    -Река Нил впадает в Средиземное море. (the Mediterranean Sea) _____________________________________________________________________________

    -Он играет в теннис в понедельник днем. (on Monday afternoon) ____________________________________________________________________

    -В 10.30 я встречаю ее на станции. _________________________________________

    -Поезд отбывает из Плимута (Plymouth) в 11.30 и прибывает в Лондон в 14.45 _______________________________________________________________________

    -Том и Ник готовятся к семинару на этой неделе. (read up for the seminar) __________________________________________________________________________

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