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тест 3. The Pymatuning Story

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Анкортест 3
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1. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло​ва, напечатанные заглавными напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов.">буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текс​та. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
The Pymatuning Story

The name Pymatuning is of Indian origin and means “Crooked-mouthed

man’s dwelling place,” (1) _____to an ancient Red Man who was not famous REFER

for truth telling.

Before the glaciers (2) ____ across northwestern Pennsylvania, the SWEEP

Pymatuning was what it is today — a lake.

However, later the lake (3) ____to a swamp by the great ice movements REDUCE

which gouged out the hills of the area and filled in the valleys.

Paradoxically, man (4) ____the works of the Ice Age to the joy of hunters, REVERSE

sportsmen and naturalists, creating a lake from this once great bog.

Today the lake is 16 miles long with 70 miles of shoreline and is the (5) ___ LARGE

body of water in the state.

The Pymatuning is a major nesting site for Canada (6) ____ and other GOOSE

migratory birds.

Hunters may use the controlled goose area only once each year. Hunters

entering the area must register and (7) _____an identification badge. ISSUE

Ответ: 1. referring; 2. swept; 3. was reduced; 4. has reversed; 5. largest; 6. geese; 7. are issued

2. Прочитайте текст и преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные за​главными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали со​держанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Computers in Education

When Mrs. Bashet’s son walks through the door after school, she (1) ___ NOT HAVE

to ask if he has any homework. She already knows.

That’s because in 2007, Dougherty Valley High School, in California,

(2) ___ a program called School Loop, essentially putting grade books, BUY

attendance sheets, student binders, and even blackboards online.

With a few mouse clicks on her computer at work, Mrs. Bashet can

check her son’s assignments and test scores as well as see in nearly real

time if he (3) _____ any class. SKIP

With School Loop, parents, teachers, administrators, and students can

access a vast quantity of data as effortlessly as opening an email. At the

moment school districts across the country (4) ____ School Loop and ADOPT

similar systems, such as Edline and PowerSchool.

Ed Zaiontz, executive director of information services, says that the

trend toward shuttling information between schools, homes, and district

offices (5) ____ to grow in the future as the digital divide shrinks. CONTINUE

One might expect that today’s high school students who learned to

read at the same time as they learned to click a mouse and hit “Enter”

wouldn’t think twice about (6) ____track of their classes online. KEEP

However, when the school (7) ___ started using School Loop, ONE

about half of students groused about the new window parents

would have on their school days.
Ответ: 1. does not have; 2. bought; 3. has skipped; 4. are adopting; 5. will continue; 6. keeping; 7. first
3. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms

of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti (1) ___since EXIST

ancient times.

The (2) ____ forms of graffiti date back to 30,000 BC in the form of EARLY

prehistoric cave paintings and pictographs using tools such as animal bones

and pigments.

The images drawn on the walls showed scenes of animal wildlife and

hunting expeditions. These illustrations (3) ___ in ceremonial and sacred PLACE

locations inside of the caves.

Modern Graffiti (4) ___ in many different forms, from the scrawled COME

message in a public bathroom stall to the spray-painted murals boasted on

subway walls.

Nowadays, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become

the (5) ___ used graffiti materials. COMMONLY

In most countries, marking or painting property without the property

(6) ___ consent is considered to be vandalism, which is a punishable crime. OWNER

Because of the controversial material container in many murals, graffiti

is now considered to be a form of resistance art, in rebellion against common

public (7) ___ and government laws. BELIEF
Ответ: 1. has existed; 2. earliest; 3. were placed; 4. comes; 5. most commonly; 6. owner’s; 7. beliefs
4. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло​ва, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1—6, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содер​жанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Teenagers and Money

Teenagers definitely need some money to be able to achieve their goals

therefore it is natural that many parents give their children a daily or weekly

(1) ___. ALLOW

However, parents should not spoil their children by giving them money

whenever it is needed. This will create a wrong (2) ____ that money can be IMPRESS

taken for granted when living with parents.

Letting young people know that they have to work in order to earn a

living makes them (3) ____ . DEPEND

What is more, teenagers should also be taught how to spend money (4) __. WISE

They should only buy what they can afford and should not live beyond

their (5) ____budget. MONTH

(6) ____control is important so as to prevent a teenager from running FINANCE

into debt when they get older.
Ответ: 1. allowance; 2. impression; 3. independent; 4. wisely; 5. monthly; 6. financial
5. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1- 10, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
We (1) ____ our report of the ski cross in Italy. Wow! It really (2) ___! BEGIN, SNOW

Look! The Russian skier, Ivan Petrov, (3) ___the ninth. A good position BE

for beginning the cross, Ivan (4) ____ his skills since the previous Olympics. IMPROVE

He really (5) __to be self-possessed and not a bit nervous. I hope he (6) ___ SEEM, BE

the first. His rivals, Scandinavian skiers, (7) ___ in the mountains last year, TRAIN

which doesn’t help them a lot in the cross-country skiing. Jean Bourville,

(8) ___ a serious injury a few months ago, and he (9) ___ a dangerous rival. HAVE, BE

Russian skiers also (10) ___another chance have tomorrow. HAVE
Ответ: 1. begin; 2. is snowing; 3. is; 4. has improved; 5. seems; 6. will be; 7. trained; 8. had; 9. was; 10. will have

6. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1- 10, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Teachers can (1) ___ tasks which are too difficult for beginners. Otherwise SIMPLE

the results of the teaching can (2) ___ both the teacher and the pupils. Though SAD

it is easy to (3) ___ many tasks it also isn’t a panacea. Computermen tend to COMPUTER

(4) ___ the learning space instead of (5) ___learning activities. It is rather hard to BEAUTY,


(6) ___the bad effects of this tendency, it’s impossible to (7) ___what is DO, WRITE

already written, but what we do not (8) ___ if we insist on expert REACT

evaluating every computer program for English learners. We (9) ___ that KNOW

experts will (10) ___ many programs. CREDIT
Ответ: 1. simplify; 2.sadden; 3. computerize; 4. beauty; 5. stimulating; 6. undo; 7. rewrite; 8.overreact; 9. foreknow; 10. discredit
7. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1-7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1-7, в которых представлены возмож​ные варианты ответов. Выберите подходящий вариант.
All Alone
A sickly grey invaded the evening sky and infused with the dusky blue from the af​ternoon’s thunderstorm. In the musky air there seemed to be a sweet scent lingering, along with the choking smell of cigarette smoke. Fireflies dangled in the air like pup​pets, their colour almost drowned out from the rain. Their amber hue seemed to be the only source of light.

Charlotte dragged her feet across the leaves on the ground while swallowing the dreary landscape she had just walked a mile to. She inhaled. Heavy air filled her lungs and caused her to splutter in the dark. Silence crept in, and it haunted her. There was nowhere to (1) ___ help.

Where were the others? She (2) ___ every ledge, every forest entry, every sharp rock. She acknowledged that the scene was just perfect for another practical joke. How surprising that they’d abandoned her here. They (3) ___ on her not just because she was the biggest loser in school; skinny, asthmatic, anti-social, afraid of everything, but mostly because she was liable to fall (4) ___ the same tricks over and over again.

Panicking, Charlotte’s hands trembled as her eyes jolted back and (5) ___ across the horizon. How fitting it was that she should be afraid of the dark. Maybe she should never have agreed to go. She was (6) ___ to answer ‘Yes’. Why were the popular ones asking her to hang out? Why wasn’t it the science geeks or the library nerds? She was told there was a first for everything, but she’d always be a loner.

Her eyes fixed on a moving figure, too dark to know if it was human, and too scared to know it as anything else. She looked around, and realised she had been standing un​der a jagged ledge, threatening to engulf her in a sea of knife-edged rocks. In the dark she could’ve sworn it was a giant claw. She turned around and planned an escape (7) ___.








































8. Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски, обозначенные 1-10, выбрав номер ответа, который вам представляется верным.
We (1) ___ a strange shadow in the hall, and (2) ___ some strange noise. We couldn’t make ourselves stand up to (3) ___ what it was. We couldn’t (4) ___ if we had locked the entrance door. The noise (5) ___ through the corridor. We couldn’t help (6) ___. Suddenly the mysterious

creature (7) ___ into the room. It (8) ___ to be our puppy Charlie with a huge branch. Where he (9) ___ it from _(10) ___ unknown, but ever since we called something uncertain we were afraid of “Charlie’s branch”.
















find out

hear of





bear in mind

learn by heart
































9. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

after at for forward out over through up (2)

1.​ If I come across an unknown English word, I look it ___ in a dictionary.

2.​ Look ___ this exercise and underline all irregular verbs in it.

3.​ My sister is looking ___ an English language course to improve her speaking


4.​ I look ___ to hearing from you soon.

5.​ Look ___ ! There’s a car coming.

6.​ He’s an excellent teacher. All his pupils looked ___ to him.

7.​ We usually look ___ the neighbours’ dog while they’re on holiday.

8.​ Look ___ my dictionary! Someone has torn it!
Ответ: 1. up; 2. through; 2. for; 4. forward; 5. out; 6. up; 7. after; 8. at
10. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера

со​ответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Side by Side
Melissa dropped into a chair in front of her manager’s cherry veneer desk. “I don': know how people with kids can do this job,” the 25-year-old radio advertising sales re: said.

Her boss, Laurie Thompson, had heard such self-doubt before. Her six salespeople at

Connoisseur Media in Erie often popped into her office to give vent to their (1) ___

about a tough day of cold-calling.

Laurie nodded. She didn’t have children, (2) ___ herself instead to a sales career

running marathons, cycling, sailing and spending time with her husband.

“I don’t think I’ll ever have kids, though that would really disappoint my parents." Melissa said.

“Why? Because you’re (3) ___ only child?” Laurie asked. Melissa said her parents

would be disappointed because they (4) ___ for grandkids. Then she added, almost as

an afterthought, “I was adopted.”

From the time she was tiny, Melissa knew that she was adopted. Her new parents were always open with their daughter about where she came from. Along the way, Mel​issa grew (5) ___ to questions from people who had learnt she was adopted. So she wasn’t at all (6) ___ about answering her boss that afternoon.

“Have you ever had a desire to meet your real parents?” Laurie asked.

“Not really,” Melissa said. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I haven’t got around to it. And I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. My parents are wonderful.” Melissa laughed and was about to leave when Laurie asked her another question. “When were you born?”

“April 14, 1981.” Then, feeling she’d taken (7) ___ enough of her boss’s time, Me​lissa said goodbye and headed home.


1) happiness

2) joy

3) frustrations

4) tears


1) preparing

2) concentrating

3) involving

4) devoting


1) —

2) the

3) a

4) an


1) wanted

2) needed

3) desired

4) longed


1) accustomed

2) annoyed

3) anxious

4) ashamed


1) conscious

2) hesitant


4) reluctant



2) over

3) on

4) up

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