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The sequence of Tenses (Indirect or Reported Speech) Direct speech is the exact words someone said. Ill go

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The sequence of Tenses (Indirect or Reported Speech)   

Direct speech is the exact words someone said. – “I’ll go to London sometime.”

Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone said but not the exact words. – He said he would go to London sometime.

We use indirect speech: “said that”; “said to me” or “told me”              

Other verbsto warn - предупреждать; to swear- клясться ; to promises - обещать; to exclaim - восклицать; to announce - объявлять; to reply - отвечать; to explain - объяснять; to declare - заявлять; to notify – подтверждать; to murmur – бормотать; - to beg – умолять…а придаточное должно быть (преимущественно) дополнительным

I. Главное предложение должно стоять в прошедшем времени, If you use Past Tense e.g. She said;  I knew; They noticed; He was sure ….. (that)   …, remember the rules:     

All Present tenses are replaced by the corresponding Past tenses; Future tenses are replaced by the Future in the Past (will → would); Past Simple is changed in to Past Perfect (Past Continues and Past Perfect usually remains the same)

1)    Present Simple → Past Simple                                write → wrote

2)    Present Progressive → Past Progressive                is writing → was writing

3)    Present Perfect  → Past Perfect                               has written → had written

4)    Past Simple → Past Perfect                                     wrote → had written

5)    Past Progressive → Past Perfect Continuous             was writing → had been often remains the same writing

6)    Past Perfect –      is not changed !                             had written → had written

7)    Future → Future in the Past                                    will write → would write;

shall  → should

     will be writing → would be writing     

will have been written→ would have been written


Change the adverbs. (Наречияменяются):

 now →then;     today → that day;     ago → before;

Tomorrow → the next day / the following day             

The day after tomorrow → two days later

Yesterday → the previous day / the day before                        

Last month /year → the previous month/ year 

Next week /year → the next week/ year / the following month/year

Tomorrow → the following day / the day after

Two days/ month ago   → two days/ months before                                          

Change the pronouns (Местоимения меняются):

this → that; these → those; here → there 

Personal pronouns are changed according to the meaning (личные местоимения меняются по смыслу): “This is my car” → She said that was her car

II. You needn’t change if it is an immediate report i.e. the words are reported soon after they are spoken (Не нужно менять время в условных придаточных и придаточных времени, если речь предается сразу же и можно говорить - says). Если глагол стоит в простом настоящем, настоящем перфектном и будущем времени, его не меняют

  1. If the speaker states a fact that is still true at the time of reporting or it’s an everyday usual action, then we can keep the present tense. Changing the verb is possible, but it’s not necessary.

Present Simple – a) если высказывание выражает общеизвестный факт: Galileo proved that the Earth moves around the Sun.  The teacher told that water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.

b) Согласование не обязательно, если сказуемое в придаточном предложении выражает обычное или характерное действие: He said that his wife drinks coffee in the morning. She said her name is Jane. She said she is from Brazil. She said Brazilians celebrate their birthdays just like here in the US. They have a balloon and presents.  -  we needn’t change the tenses because these are facts and these are generally true.

c)    Если в придаточном говорится о том, что действительно и в настоящем: Rainforestsarebeingdestroyed. She told him that rainforests are being destroyed.  

   'I hate football.' I told him I hate football

  1. Future — if the speaker tells about a future event that has yet to happen at the time of reporting, then we can keep the future tense. Changing the verb tense is possible but not necessary. He said that next year he will be 16 and he will have a big party.

  2. Past Simple, Past Progressive – если точно указано время совершения действия ago /in 1995/ yesterday/ другим придаточным времени: I knew he left the city 5 years ago. I thought that you were working in the library at 5 o’clock yesterday. She said that he left Moscow yesterday. I knew that he saw her when he was in Moscow. Последнее придаточное - when he was in Moscow  - не меняется, т.к. является придаточным времени, а не дополнительным. She said that she was working when I rang her up.

  3. Modal verbs are not changed except “must” (mast→ had to) . Модальные глаголы  must, should, ought to (might) не меняются.  – He told us that we mustn’t cross the road against the red light.    I was sure that he must be here. / must → had to

«Must» не меняется, если он употреблен в значении вероятности!

Однако: can → could; will → would; may → might 'She can type well.' He told me she could/can type well. 'I'll help you.' She said she'd help me.  'I may come.' She said she might come.

  1. Past Perfect –  She said that he had left Moscow three days before

Если действие определено придаточным времени, начинающимся с союза «since» то всегда употребляется  Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.  I have been writing since you left – He said he had been writing since I left (Он сказал, что все время писал с тех пор, как я ушел – в придаточном времени ничего не меняется)                                       

  1. Согласование не соблюдается в определительных и обстоятельственных придаточных. В определительных придаточных и придаточных причины и сравнения глаголы можно оставлять в Present and Future: He told me about the book which you are reading. He refused to go to the party as he will have an exam. It was not so cold yesterday as it is today.

  2. Если мы ссылаемся на слова, которые были сказаны только что: Simon said that he will drive us home.– Саймон сказал, что отвезёт нас домой.

  3. Если в придаточном предложении, вводимом словами when/since, простое прошедшее время не изменяет своей формы: He said that he hadn’t seen her since she left. – Он сказал, что не видел её с тех пор как она уехала.

  4. Если в придаточном предложении используется прошедшее длительное время, то очень часто он не меняется: Tom said that when he entered the room his mother was mopping the floor.

III. Questions:

  1. Special Question 1) use “when”, “where”, “why”… ; 2) use affirmative word order 3) keep in minds the rule about Sequence of Tenses 4) and question mark is omitted. (Специальный вопрос или вопрос с вопросительным словом) – 1) “when”, “where”, “why”… ; 2)прямой порядок слов; 3)правило согласования времен; 4) вопросительный знак не ставится! – Where does she live? – He asked me where she lived.

  2. General Question 1) Put “if” ot “whether”; 2) use affirmative word order 3) keep in minds the rule about Sequence of Tenses 4) and question mark is omitted. (Общий вопрос – 1) “iforwhether”; 2) прямой порядок слов; 3) правило согласования времен; 4) вопросительный знак не ставится! – Do you like this film? - He asked me, if I liked that film.


IV. Requests: He asked me to open the window.             

                       She asked us not to go out.

V. Dialogues: Let’s go to the cafe? – He offered me to go to the café.

                   No, thank you. I have to work. – I refused because I had to work.

See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGdt9apUpqg


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLYjETy1d7s – questions and imperatives

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