There are a huge variety of ways to classify translation transformations. Let's focus on some of them. V. N. Komissarov classifies translation transformations into lexical and grammatical transformations
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There are a huge variety of ways to classify translation transformations. Let's focus on some of them. V. N. Komissarov classifies translation transformations into lexical and grammatical transformations. The main types of lexical transformations include the following translation techniques: translation transcription and transliteration (Kleptocracy-клептократия — воровская элита; boss-босс). V.N. Komissarov also identifies lexical and semantic substitutions. The main types of such substitutions are concretization, generalization and semantic development of the meaning of the original unit. The most common grammatical transformations include: sentence division, sentence union, grammatical substitutions (word forms, parts of speech or sentence members). (We got under way with a mere breath of wind, and for many days stood along the eastern cost of Java, without any other incident to beguile the monotony of our course than the occasional meeting with some of the small grabs of the Archipelago to which we were bound. -Мы покинули порт при еле заметном ветерке и в течение долгих дней шли вдоль восточного берега Ява. Однообразие нашего плавания лишь изредка нарушалось встречей с небольшими каботажными судами с тех островов, куда мы держали свой путь. (Это пример членения предложения). (That was a long time ago. It seemed like fifty years ago. — Это было давно — казалось, что прошло Лет пятьдесят). Это пример объединения предложений. Grammatical substitutions are a translation method in which a grammatical unit in the original is converted into a translation unit with a different grammatical meaning. (He left the room with his heads held high. -Он вышел из комнаты с высоко поднятой головой. It is our hope that an agreement will be reached by Friday. -Мы надеемся, что к пятнице будет достигнуто соглашение). V.N. Komissarov also identifies the third type of translation transformations — a mixed type, or as he calls "complex lexico-grammatical transformations". These include: antonymic translation, explication and compensation. Explication or descriptive translation is a lexico—grammatical transformation in which the lexical unit of the original language is replaced by a phrase explicating its meaning, that is, giving a more or less complete explanation or definition of this meaning into the target language. With the help of explications, you can convey the meaning of any non-equivalent word in the original: "Conservationist" - a supporter of environmental protection. Barkhudarov distinguishes the following types of transformations: These four types of elementary translation transformations are rare in practice "in their pure form" — they usually combine with each other, taking on the character of complex, complex transformations. Permutation as a type of translation transformation, according to L.S. Barkhudarov, is a change in the location of language elements in the translation text compared to the original text. The elements that can be rearranged are words, phrases, parts of a complex sentence and independent sentences in the structure of the text. It is known that the word "order" in English and Russian is not the same. For example: /A suburban train / was derailed / near London/ last night/. 1 subject 2 predicate Z circumstance of place 4 circumstance of time The order of the components of the Russian sentence is "directly opposite" to the order of the components of the original English sentence. Last night / near London / a commuter train derailed. This phenomenon is quite common in translation. In the English text, the subordinate clause precedes the main one, in the Russian translation, on the contrary, the main one precedes the subordinate one. The silver saucer clattered when he replaced the pitcher. — Он быстро поставил кувшин, даже серебряная подставка звякнула. The second type of translation transformations that Barkhudarov distinguishes is substitutions. This is the most common and diverse type of translation transformations. In the process of translation, word forms, parts of speech, and sentence members can be replaced. That is, there are grammatical and lexical substitutions. The replacement of parts of speech is the most common example of translation transformations. (Сначала он висел в комнате деда, но скоро дед изгнал его к нам на чердак, потому что скворец научился дразнить дедушку. — At first the bird hung in my grandfather’s room, but soon he_ outlawed it to our attic, because in began to imitate him). There is also the replacement of a verbal noun with a verb in a personal form, the replacement of an adjective with an adverb, etc. When replacing sentence members, words and groups of words in the translation text are used in syntactic functions other than their correspondences in the original text, in other words, the syntactic scheme of sentence construction is rearranged. L. S. Barkhudarov also identifies lexical substitutions (concretization, generalization). Concretization is the replacement of a word or phrase of the original language with a broader preferential meaning by a word or phrase of the target language with a narrower meaning. Generalization is the reverse of concretization — the replacement of the unit of the original language, which has a narrower meaning, by the unit of the translation language with a broader meaning. Here are some examples of generalization. There are also complex lexical and grammatical substitutions. An antonymic translation, the essence of which is transformation an affirmative construction into a negative one, or vice versa, a negative one into an affirmative one, accompanied by the replacement of one of the words of the translated sentence of the original language with its antonym in the translation language. (I'm not kidding. -Я вам серьёзно говорю. She wasn’t looking too happy. -Вид у неё был довольно несчастный). The next type of translation transformations is addition. The reason for the need for additions in the translation text is what can be called the "formal lack of expression" of the semantic components of the phrase in the original language. (So what? -I said. Cold as hell. -Ну, так что же? — спрашиваю я ледяным голосом). The next type of translation transformations that L. S. Barkhudarov distinguishes is omission. This phenomenon is the exact opposite of addition. When translating, words that are semantically redundant are most often omitted, that is, expressing meanings that can be extracted from the text without their help (So I paid my check and all. I left the bar and went out where the telephones were. -Я расплатился и пошёл к автоматам). Ya.I. Retsker divides translation transformations into lexical and grammatical transformations. Ya.I. Retsker identifies seven varieties of lexical transformations: 1. differentiation of values; 2. specification of values; 3. generalization of values; 4. semantic development; 5. antonymic translation; 6. holistic transformation; 7. compensation for losses during the transfer process. Grammatical transformations, according to Ya.I. Retsker, consist in the transformation of the sentence structure in the translation process in accordance with the norms of the translation language. The transformation can be complete or partial. Usually, when the main members of a sentence are replaced, a complete transformation occurs, but if only the minor members of the sentence are replaced, a partial transformation occurs. In addition to substitutions of sentence members, parts of speech can also be replaced. Here are some examples of grammatical transformations Long habit has made it more comfortable for me to speak through the creatures of my invention. -В силу долголетней привычки мне удобней высказываться посредством вымышленных мною людей. Adjectives in translation are most often replaced by adverbs. This grammatical transformation is usually associated with the phenomenon of epithet hyphenation common in English fiction: Не stretched a careless hand. — Он небрежно протянул руку. Не was given money.-Ему дали денег, или She was offered another post- Ей предложили новую должность. Такого рода трансформации («пассив» — «актив») встречаются очень часто. These are the features of the classification of translation transformations proposed by Ya. I. Retsker. |