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Чиза. They had dined well and were now drinking hard their faces getting redder and redder(red, red) (Priestley) Was there anything in the world worse than indecision (bad) (Galsworthy) 3

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НазваниеThey had dined well and were now drinking hard their faces getting redder and redder(red, red) (Priestley) Was there anything in the world worse than indecision (bad) (Galsworthy) 3
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Exercise 3

  • They had dined well and were now drinking hard… their faces getting redder and redder(red, red) (Priestley) 2. Was there anything in the world worse than indecision? (bad) (Galsworthy) 3. He was

Only five years younger than I was, which made him forty-five, (young) (Snow) 4. He loved his brother and he had done his brother what people seemed to consider most bitter of wrongs, (bitter) (Greene) 5.The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them, (bad) (Shaw) 6.He had been a great fencer, before the war, greatest fencer in Italy, (great) (Hemingway) 7. She is stopping at one of the best hotels in town, (good) (Saroyan) 8. Difficult to believe it was so long ago, he felt young still! Of all his thoughts this was the most poignant,the most bitter.With his white head and his loneliness he had…Remained young and green at heart, (poignant, bitter) (Galsworthy) 9. She received congratulations

As if she were the happiest of women, (happy) (Hansford Johnson) 10. Kate remembered the little general; he was a good deal smaller than herself, (small) (Lawrence) .11. I think we'll resume the conversation when you're a little calmer, Caroline, (calm) (Maugham) 12. They had never made less pretence of believing him. (little) (Greene) 13. Things went from bad to worse(bad) (Saroyan) 14. He took his trinkets, carried them to the more presentable pawnshop he could find, and being offered forty-five dollars for the lot, took it. (presentable) (Dreiser) 15. He felt her breathing grow – and slower (slow, easy) (Cusdck)16. To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps the most bitter experience a young man can go through. (bitter)(Galsworthy) 17. It's hotter in here than it is on the street. (hot) (Salinger) 18. I think you're about the prettiest girl in school, (pretty) (/. Shaw)19. All his life he had taken pains to be stronger,braver yhan his fellows,…(strong, brave) (Saroyan) 20. From that moment may be dated the downfall of the greatest and the most civilized of the Indian nations, that existed within the limits of the present United States, (great, civilized) (Cooper)21. Mr. Micawber, under pretence of showing me a nearer way than that by which I had come,accompanied me to the corner of the street, (near) (Dickens) 22. He would walk here and there and be no more conspicuous than an ant in an ant hill, (conspicuous) (Greene) 23. We slept in a double-bedded room,which was the best that the little country inn could do for us. (good) (Conan Doyle) 24. This is Sam Penty one of our the best artists, (good) (Priestley)

Exercise 4

1. Киев – более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов России.2. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. 3. Волга длиннее Днепра; это самая длинная река Европы. 4. Ватикан - самое маленькое государство в Европе. 5. Одной из важнейших проблем сегодняшнего дня является установление прочного и длительного мира. 6. Условия жизни трудящихся в странах социалистического лагеря значительно лучше, чем в странах капиталистического лагеря. 7. Можно надеяться, что в ближайшем будущем культурные связи с Англией будут еще более тесными. 8. Точка кипения (the boiling point) спирта ниже точки кипения воды. 9. Платина тяжелее золота; это один из самых тяжелых металлов. 10. Утро было прекрасное, но к вечеру погода стала хуже,ветер усилился, и темные тучи покрыли небо.

1. Kiev is an older city than Moscow; it is one of the oldest cities in Russia.2. In the XVI century, Spain was the most powerful power in the world. 3. The Volga is longer The Dnieper; it is the longest river in Europe. 4. The Vatican is the smallest state in the Europe. 5. One of the most important problems of today is the establishment of a lasting And lasting peace. 6. The living conditions of workers in the countries of the socialist camp are much better than in the countries of the capitalist camp. 7. It is hoped that in the near future cultural ties with England will be even closer. 8.The boiling point of alcohol is below the boiling point of water. 9. Platinum is heavier than gold; it Is one of the heaviest metals. 10. The morning was beautiful, but by evening the weather became worse,the wind increased, and dark clouds covered the sky.

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