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жжжж. англ. To be в Present Simple (в Настоящем простом времени)

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НазваниеTo be в Present Simple (в Настоящем простом времени)
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I - my              I like my job.

we- our          We like our jobs. you- your              You like your job.

he- his           He likes his job.

she- her          She likes her job. they- their               They like their jobs.

it- its            Oxford (= it) is famous for its university.

 Закончите предложения.

  1. He ... He lives with his parents.

  2. They live with..................... parents.

  3. We..................................... parents.

4. Ann lives ..........................................

5. I........................................ parents.

6. John lives .........................................

7. Do you live.................................. ?

8. Most children ...................................


2. Поставьте my /our /your /his /her /their /its.

  1. I like my job.

  2. Do you like.............. job?

  3. Does your father like........... job?

  4. Sally is married........ husband works in a bank.

  5. I know Mr. Watson but I don’t know...... wife.

  6. Put on........... coat when you go out. It’s very cold.

7.......... favourite sport is tennis. I play a lot in summer.

  1. My sister plays tennis too but.... favourite sport is athletics.

  2. We’re staying at a very nice hotel........ room is very comfortable.

  3. Mr. and Mrs. Baker live in London but.... son lives in Australia.

  4. Thank you for......... letter. It was good to hear from you again.

  5. We are going to invite all......... friends to the party.

  6. John is a teacher but........ sister is a nurse.

  7. Do you think that most people are happy in..... jobs?

  8. I gave the money to my mother and she put it in... bag.

  9. I often see that man but I don’t know....... name.

  10. They’ve got two children but I don’t remember...... names.

  11. The company has offices in many places but .......... head office is in      New York.

I - my - mine           It’s my money.  It’s mine. we- our - ours                It’s our money. It’s ours. you- your - yours         It’s your money. It’s yours. he- his -his                It’s his money.  It’s his.

she- her - hers        It’s her money. It’s her. they- their - theirs            It’s their money. It’s theirs.

my /our /your /her /their + a noun ( my hands / your book etc.):

My hands are cold. Is this your book?

mine / ours / yours / hers / theirs without a noun:

These books are mine but this newspaper is yours. I didn’t have an umbrella, so Ann gave me hers.

It’s their problem, not ours.

‘Is that their car?’ ‘No, theirs is green.’

Закончите предложения, используя mine / yoursetc.


1. It’s your money. It’s yours. 2. It’s my bag. It’s ................

2. It’s our car. It’s ................

3. They’re her shoes. They’re ...............

4. It’s their house. It’s ................................

5. They’re your books. They’re ..................

6. They’re my glasses. They’re ...................

7. It’shiscoat. It’s ................


2.     Выберите правильный вариант.


  1. Is this your/ yours book?

  2. It’s their/ theirs problem, not our/ ours.

  3. Are these your / yours shoes?

  4. Is this camera your/ yours?

  5. That’s not my / mine umbrella. My/ mine is yellow.

  6. They know our / ours address but we don’t know their / theirs.

  7. They’ve got two children but I don’t know their / theirs names.

  8. My / Mine room is bigger than her / hers, but her / hers is nicer.



a lot of money                                a lot of books

much money                                  many books

much + uncountable noun             many + plural noun

(много + неисчисляемое              (много + исчисляемое сущ.-ное)



much money                                  many banks

much time                                      many people

much food                                      many shops

much coffee                                   many credit cards

a lot of + uncountable or plural noun (исчисляемоеилинеисчислаемое существительное)

a lot of money                                a lot of computers

a lot (of) is more usual in positive sentences (вположительных предложениях)

-They haven’t got much money but they’ve got a lot of friends.

-There is a lot of equipment.

-   There are a lot of banks.


Much/many    are    more    usual    in     questions    and    negative    sentences (ввопросахиотрицательныхпредложениях)

  1. Do you drink much coffee?

  2. How much money have you got?

  3. She hasn’t got much money.

  4. Did you take many photographs?

  5. I took some but not many.

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