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Помехи. Учебнометодическое пособие для дисциплин, связанных с преднамеренными силовыми электромагнитными воздействиями Томск 2018 2 Cодержание

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НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие для дисциплин, связанных с преднамеренными силовыми электромагнитными воздействиями Томск 2018 2 Cодержание
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Smart Grids / W. Radasky // Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, IEEE. – 2012. –
Vol. 1. – P. 107–110.
6. Baum C. A time-domain view of choice of transient excitation waveforms for enhanced response of electronic systems / C. Baum // Presented at the International Conference
Electromagnetics Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2001). –
Turin, Italy, September. –
2001. – P. 181-184.
7. Survey of worldwide highpower wideband capabilities / W. Prather, C. Baum, R. Torres,
F. Sabath, D. Nitsch // Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on. –2004. –
Vol. 46. – P. 335–344.
8. Giri D. High-power electromagnetic radiators : nonlethal weapons and other applications /
D. Giri // Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. – 2004.
9. Giri D. Classification of intentional electromagnetic environments (IEME) / D. Giri,
F. Tesche // Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on. –2004. – Vol. 46. –
P. 322–328.
10. IEC 61000-2-13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2–13:Environment –
Highpower electromagnetic (HPEM) environments - Radiated and conducted // Ed: IEC. –

62 11. Armanious M. Design and analysis of a high power moderate band radiator using a switched oscillator / M. Armanious // doctor of philosophy, college of optical sciences, the university of Arizona. – 2010.
12. Vega F. Analytical methods for the study and design of integrated switched oscillators and antennas for mesoband radiation / F. Vega // Docteur ès sciences, faculté des sciences et techniques de l'ingénieur, école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. – 2013.
13. Switched oscillators and their integration into helical antennas / D. Giri, F. Tesche, M.
Abdalla, M. Skipper, M. Nyffeler // Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Notes. –
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14. Switched oscillators and their integration into helical antennas / D.V. Giri, F. Tesche,
M. Abdalla, M. Skipper, M. Nyffeler // Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. – 2010. –
Vol. 38. – P. 1411–1426.
15. Giri D. Helical antennas energized by transient marx generators / D. Giri // In High Power
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16. Sabath F. Risk potential of radiated HPEM environments / F. Sabath, H. Garbe // In
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18. JOLT: a highly directive, very intensive, impulse-like radiator / C. Baum, W. Baker,
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19. Tesche F. Swiss impulse radiating antenna (swira) characterization in the presence of a local ground plane (earth) /F. Tesche, D.V. Giri // Sensor and Simulation Notes. – 2011. –
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20. Conducted IEMI threats for commercial buildings / Y. Parfenov, L. Zdoukhov, W. Radasky,
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21. Mansson D. Propagation of uwb transients in lowvoltage power installation networks /
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22. Hagmann J. Application and propagation of transient pulses on power supply networks /
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25. A statistical analysis on the risetime of lightning current pulses in negative upward flashes measured at säntis tower / C. Romero, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, D. Pavanello,
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26. Tesche F. Transformer responses to fast transient excitations / F. Tesche // The Defense
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27. Performance limitations of transmission line oscillators for high powermesoband sources /
J. Tyo, M. Skipper, M. Abdalla, S. Romero, D. Giri // in Pulsed Power Conference, 2007 16th IEEE International. – 2007. – P. 298–301.
28. Analysis of mesoband single element pulsed ring-down antennas for implementation in phased array systems / D. Belt, J. Mankowski, J. Walter, J. Dickens, M. Kristiansen // In
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29. Interaction between geometric parameters and output waveforms in high-power quarterwave oscillators / M. Armanious, J. Tyo, M. Skipper, M. Abdalla, W. Prather, J. Lawrance //
Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. –2010. – Vol. 38. – P. 1124–1131.
30. Giri D. HPEM 201-2009: Damped sinusoid basics / D. Giri // Ed. Chateau d'Oex. –
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31. Backstrom M. Susceptibility of electronic systems to high-power microwaves: summary of test experience / M. Backstrom K. Lovstrand // Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE
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32. Vulnerability of european rail traffic management system to radiated intentional EMI /
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33. IEC 61000–4–35: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4–35: Testing and measurement techniques - HPEM simulator compendium // Ed: IEC. – 2009.
34. Das A. Digital communication principles and system modeling / A. Das // Berlin: Springer
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37. Giri D. Classification of Intentional EMI based on bandwidth / D. Giri // Presented at the
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38. Trends in EM susceptibility of IT equipment / R. Hoad, N. Carter, D. Herke, S. Watkins //
Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on. –2004. – Vol. 46. – P. 390–395.
39. High power microwave effects on civilian equipment / O. Arnesen, E. Krogager,
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40. Giri D. Documented Electromagnetic Effects (EME) / D. Giri // In EUROEM 2008. –
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41. Brauer F. Susceptibility of IT network systems to interferences by HPEM / F. Brauer,
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45. UWB HPM at ISL: The GIMLI project and other applications / P. Delmote, J. Duperoux,
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46. Design, fabrication, and testing of a paraboloidal reflector antenna and pulser system for impulse-like waveforms Plasma Science / D. Giri, H. Lackner, I. Smith, D. Morton,
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57. The breakdown fields and risetimes of select gases under conditions of fast charging (20 ns and less) and high pressures (20-100 atmospheres) / V. Carboni, H. Lackner, D. V. Giri,
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61. Electrostatic field management and electrodynamic modeling of switched quarter-wave oscillators / M. Armanious, J.S. Tyo, M.C. Skipper, M.D. Abdalla, W.D. Prather, G. Gruen //
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63. Taylor C.D. High-power microwave systems and effects / C.D. Taylor, D.V. Giri // Taylor and Francis. – Washington, July 18, 1994. – 215 p.
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