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Англ_яз_Murphy_Евсеева_А_Ю. Учебнопрактическое пособие Грамматика английского языка

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ТипУчебно-практическое пособие
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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using will ('ll) or going to.

  1. A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: I'm going to watch the news. (I/watch)

  1. A: Oh, I've just realised. I haven't got any money.

B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry……you some. (I/lend)

  1. A: I've got a headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and……an aspirin for you. (I/get)

  1. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: ……the car. (I/wash)

  1. A: I've decided to repaint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What colour……it? (you/paint)

  1. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes,……something for dinner. (I/buy)

  1. A: I don't know how to use this camera.

B: It's quite easy……you. (I/show)……

  1. A: What would you like to eat? .

B: ...... a sandwich, please. (I/have)

  1. A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot…… ……it now. (I/do)

  1. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if……down. (it/fall)

  1. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned……a holiday for a few weeks and then……a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do)
Exercise 2. Read the situations and complete the sentences using will ('ll) or going to.

  1. The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim.

caller: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please?

YOU: Just a moment……him. (I/get)

  1. It's a nice day. You've decided to sit in the garden. Before going outside, you tell your friend.

YOU: The weather's too nice to stay indoors ……in the garden. (I/sit)

friend: That's a good idea. I think……you. (I/join)

  1. Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter.

YOU: Don't worry about the letter. I'm sure……it. (you/find)

FRIEND: I hope so.

  1. There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you decided not to apply.

FRIEND: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised?
YOU: Yes,......for it. (I/not/apply)

  1. You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy.

YOU: Shhh! Don't make so much noise……everybody up. (you/wake)

  1. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning.

JOHN: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning.

ANN: That's no problem……you. (I/take) What time is your flight?

JOHN: 10.50.

ANN: OK……at about 9 o'clock then. (we/leave)

  1. Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport.

JOE: John, do you want me to take you to the airport?

JOHN: No thanks, Joe. …… me. (Ann/take)



Exercise 1. Write sentences with might.

  1. (it's possible that I'll go to the cinema) I might go to the cinema.

  2. ( it's possible that I'll see you tomorrow)

  3. (it's possible that Ann will forget to phone)

  4. (it's possible that it will snow today)

  5. (it's possible that I'll be late tonight)

Exercise 2. Somebody is asking you about your plans. You have some ideas but you are not sure. Choose from the list and write sentences with I might.
fish go away Italy Monday new car taxi

Where are you going for your holidays?

What are you doing at the weekend?

When will you see Ann again?

What are you going to have for dinner?

How are you going to get home tonight?

I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it?

I'm not sure. I might go to Italy.

I don't know. I ……

I'm not sure. ……

I don't know. ……

I'm not sure. ……

I haven't decided yet. ……

Exercise 3. Write three things that you might do tomorrow.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use must + one of these verbs:
be go go learn meet wash win

  1. We must go to the bank today. We haven't got any money.

  2. Marilyn is a very interesting person. You……her……

  3. My hands are dirty. I……them.

  4. You……to drive. It will be very useful.

  5. I……to the post office. I need some stamps.

  6. The game tomorrow is very important for us. We……

  7. You can't always have things immediately. You……patient.

Exercise 5. Put in I must or I had to.

  1. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

  2. It's late. ……go now.

  3. I don't usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday……work.

  4. ……get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

  5. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and ……stand all the way.

  6. I was nearly late for my appointment this morning. …run to get there on time.

  7. I forgot to phone David yesterday. phone him later today.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences. Use you should + one of these verbs:
clean go take visit watch wear

  1. When you play tennis, you should watch the ball.

  2. It's late and you're very tired……to bed.

  3. ……your teeth twice a day.

  4. If you have time, ……the Science Museum. It's very interesting.

  5. When you're driving,……a seat belt.

  6. It's too far to walk from here to the station……a taxi.

Exercise 7. Write sentences with I think... should... or I don't think... should

  1. It's late (go home now). I think we should go home now.

  2. That coat is too big for you. (buy it) ……

  3. You don't need your car. (sell it) ……

  4. Diane needs a rest. (have a holiday) ……

  5. Sally and Colin are too young. (get married) ……

  6. You're not well this morning. (go to work) ……

  7. James isn't well today. (go to the doctor) ……

  8. The hotel is too expensive for us. (stay there) ……

Exercise 8. What do you think? Write sentences with should.

  1. I think everybody should learn another language.

  2. I think everybody……

  3. I think ……

  4. I don't think ……

  5. I think I should ……

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to.

  1. George has travelled a lot. He can speak four languages.

  2. I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.

  3. Sandra……drive but she hasn't got a car.

  4. I can't understand Martin. I've never……understand him.

  5. I used to……stand on my head but I can't do it now.

  6. I can't see you on Friday but I…meet you on Saturday morning.

  7. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might…… help you.

Exercise 10. Complete the answers to the questions with was/were able to.

  1. A: Did everybody escape from the fire?

B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape.

  1. A: Did you have difficulty finding Ann's house?

B: Not really. Ann had given us good directions and we……

  1. A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?

B: Yes. There was nobody to disturb me, so……

  1. A: Did the thief get away?

B: Yes. No one realised what was happening and the thief ……
Exercise 11. Write these sentences in a different way using may or might.

  1. Perhaps Margaret is in her office. She might be in her office.

  2. Perhaps Margaret is busy.

  3. Perhaps she is working.

  4. Perhaps she wants to be alone.

  5. Perhaps she was ill yesterday.

  6. Perhaps she went home early.

  7. Perhaps she had to go home early.

  8. Perhaps she was working yesterday.

Exercise 12. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. Use may or might.

  1. I can't find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.

    1. (he/go/shopping) He may have gone shopping.

    2. (he /play /tennis) He might be playing tennis.

  2. I'm looking for Helen. Do you know where she is?

    1. (she / watch / TV/ in her room)……

    2. (she / go / out) ……

  3. I can't find my umbrella. Have you seen it?

    1. (it / be / in the car)……

    2. (you / leave / in the restaurant last night)……

  4. Why didn't Tom answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was in the house at the time.

    1. (he / be / in the bath)……

    2. (he / not / hear / the bell) ……

Exercise 13. Write sentences with may or might.

  1. Where are you going for your holidays? (to Ireland?)

I haven't decided yet. I may go to Ireland.

  1. What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes?)

I'm not sure yet. I……

  1. What are you doing this weekend? (go to London?)

I haven't decided yet……

  1. Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining room?)

I haven't made up my mind yet……

  1. When is Tom coming to see us? (on Saturday?)

I don't know yet……

  1. What is Julia going to do when she leaves school? (go to university?)

She hasn't decided yet……
Exercise 14. Complete the sentences using might + one of these verbs:
bite break need rain slip wake

  1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It might rain later.

  2. Don't make too much noise. You……the baby.

  3. Be careful of that dog. It……you.

  4. I don't think we should throw that letter away. We …… it later.

  5. Be careful. The footpath is very icy. You……

  6. I don't want the children to play in this room. They …… something.

Exercise 15. Complete the sentences using might be able to or might have to + a suitable verb.

  1. I can't help you but why don't you ask Jill? She might be able to help you.

  2. I can't meet you this evening but I……you tomorrow evening.

  3. I'm not working on Saturday but I……on Sunday.

  4. George isn't well. He……to hospital for an operation.

Exercise 16. Read the situations and make sentences with may/might as well.

  1. You and a friend have just missed the bus. The buses run every hour.
    You say: We'll have to wait an hour for the next bus. We might as well walk.

  2. You have a free ticket for a concert. You're not very keen on the concert but you decide to go. You say: I …… to the concert. It's a pity to waste a free ticket.

  3. You're in a cafe with a friend. You've finished your drinks. It's a nice cafe and there is no reason to go now, so why not have another drink? You say: We……What would you like?

  4. You and a friend are at home. You are bored. There's a film on TV starting in a few minutes. You say:……There's nothing else to do.

Exercise 17. Complete these sentences with must or have to (in the correct form). Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only have to is possible.

  1. It's later than I thought. I must or have to go now.

  2. Jack left before the end of the meeting. He had to go home early.

  3. In Britain many children……wear uniform when they go to school.

  4. When you come to London again, you……come and see us.

  5. Last night Don became ill suddenly. We call a doctor.

  6. You really……work harder if you want to pass the examination.

  7. I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow. I……work late.

  8. I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I……work late.

  9. Paul doesn't like his new job. Sometimes he work at weekends.

  10. Caroline may……go away next week.

  11. We couldn't repair the car ourselves. We……take it to a garage. Julia wears glasses. She……wear glasses since she was very young.


Exercise 1. Write sentences with might not.

  1. (it's possible that Mary will not be here)

  2. (it's possible that I won't have time to meet you)

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences. Use can or can't + one of these verbs:
come find hear see speak

  1. I'm sorry but we can't come to your party next Saturday.

  2. I like this hotel room. You …… the mountains from the window.

  3. You are speaking very quietly. I …… you.

  4. Have you seen my bag? I …… it.

  5. Catherine got the job because she …… five languages.

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences. Use can't or couldn't + one of these verbs:

eat decide find go go sleep

  1. I was tired but I couldn't sleep.

  2. I wasn't hungry yesterday. I …… my dinner.

  3. Ann doesn't know what to do. She ……

  4. I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday but I …… him.

  5. Jim …… to the concert next Saturday. He has to work.

  6. Paula …… to the meeting last week. She was ill.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use mustn't or needn't + one of these verbs:

clean forget hurry lose wait write

  1. The windows aren't very dirty. You needn't clean them.

  2. We have a lot of time. We……

  3. Keep these documents in a safe place. You……them.

  4. I'm not ready yet but you……for me. You can go now and I'll come later.

  5. We……to turn off the lights before we leave.

  6. I……the letter now. I can do it tomorrow.

Exercise 5. Put in must / had to / mustn't / needn't.

  1. You needn't go. You can stay here if you want.

  2. It's a fantastic film. You must see it.

  3. We've got enough food, so we……go shopping.

  4. We didn't have any food yesterday, so we……go shopping.

  5. I want to know what happened. You tell me.

  6. You……tell Sue what happened. I don't want her to know.

  7. I……hurry or I'll be late.

  8. 'Why were you so late?' 'I……wait half an hour for a bus.'

  9. We……decide now. We can decide later.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with can / can't / could / couldn't + one of these verbs:

come eat hear run sleep wait

  1. I'm afraid I can't come to your party next week.

  2. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He…… 100 metres in 11 seconds.

  3. 'Are you in a hurry?' 'No, I've got plenty of time. I……'

  4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I……anything.

  5. Can you speak up a bit? I……you very well.

  6. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I……last night.'

Exercise 7. Put in must or can't.

  1. You've been travelling all day. You must be very tired.

  2. That restaurant……be very good. It's always full of people.

  3. That restaurant……be very good. It's always empty.

  4. You're going on holiday next week. You be looking forward to it.

  5. It rained every day during their holiday, so they …… have had a very nice time.

  6. Congratulations on passing your exam. You…….be very pleased.

  7. You got here very quickly. You……have walked very fast.

  8. Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they……be short of money.

Exercise 8. Write these sentences in a different way using may not or might not.

  1. Perhaps she doesn't want to see me.

  2. Perhaps she isn't working today.

  3. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well yesterday.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using might not or couldn't.

  1. A: Do you think she saw you?

B: No, she was too far away. She couldn’t have seen me.

  1. A: I wonder why she didn't say hello. Perhaps she didn't see me.

B: That's possible. She might not have seen you.

  1. A: I wonder why Ann didn't come to the party. Perhaps she wasn't invited.

B: Yes, it's possible. She……

  1. A: Tom loves parties. I'm sure he would have come to the party if he'd been invited.

B: I agree. He……

  1. A: I wonder how the fire started. Do you think it was an accident?

B: No, the police say it……

  1. A: How did the fire start? I suppose it was an accident.

B: Well, the police aren't sure. They say it……
Exercise 10. Write sentences with may not or might not.

  1. (I don't know if Ann will come to the party.) Ann might not come to the party.

  2. (I don't know if I'll go out this evening.) I……

  3. (I don't know if Tom will like the present I bought for him.) Tom……

  4. (I don't know if Sue will be able to meet us this evening.) ……

Exercise 11. Complete these sentences using don't / doesn't / didn't have to + one of these verbs:
do get up go go pay shave wait work

  1. I'm not working tomorrow, so I don't have to get up early.

  2. The car park is free – you……to park your car there.

  3. I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I……

  4. Sally is extremely rich. She……

  5. We've got plenty of time. We……yet.

  6. Jack has got a beard, so he……

  7. I'm not particularly busy. I've got a few things to do but I……them now.

  8. A man was slightly injured in the accident but he……tohospital.

Exercise 12. Complete these sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't have to.

  1. I don't want anyone to know. You mustn't tell anyone.

  2. He doesn't have to wear a suit to work but he usually does.

  3. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I……go to work.

  4. Whatever you do, you……touch that switch. It's very dangerous.

  5. There's a lift in the building, so we……climb the stairs.

  6. You……forget what I told you. It's very important.

  7. Sue……get up early. She gets up early because she wants to.

  8. Don't make so much noise. We……wake the baby.

  9. I……eat too much. I'm supposed to be on a diet.

  10. You …… be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using needn't + one of these verbs:
ask come explain leave tell walk

  1. We've got plenty of time. We needn't leave yet.

  2. I can manage the shopping alone. You……with me.

  3. We……all the way home. We can get a taxi.

  4. Just help yourself if you'd like something to eat. You……first.

  5. We can keep this a secret between ourselves. We……anybody else.

  6. I understand the situation perfectly. You……further.

Exercise 14. Read the situations and make sentences with needn't have.

  1. George went out. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it didn't rain. He needn' t have taken an umbrella.

  2. Ann bought some eggs when she went shopping. When she got home, she found that she already had plenty of eggs. She……

  3. A friend got angry with you and shouted at you. You think this was unnecessary. Later you say to him/her: You……

  4. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery.

  5. When we went on holiday, we took the camera with us but we didn't use it in the end. ……

  6. I thought I was going to miss my train so I rushed to the station. But the train was late and in the end I had to wait 20 minutes. ……

Exercise 15. Write sentences with don't/doesn't/didn't have to....

  1. Why are you going out? You ……

  2. Why is Ann waiting? She ……

  3. Why did you get up early? You ……

  4. Why is Paul working so hard? He ……

  5. Why do you want to leave now? You ……

  6. Why do you work alone? You ……

  7. Why does he speak to her? He ……

  8. Why are you watching TV? You ……

  9. Why is she going to the cinema? She ……

  10. Why are you talking on the phone? You ……


Exercise 1. Make questions with have to.

I had to go to hospital last week.

I have to get up early tomorrow.

Ann has to go somewhere now.

George had to pay a parking fine yesterday.

I had to wait a long time for the bus.

I have to phone my sister now.

Paul has to leave soon.

Why did you have to go to hospital?



How much ……

How long……


What time ……

Exercise 2. Ask questions for these answers.

  1. Yes, I can come tomorrow.

  2. Yes, I can easily do it.

  3. Yes, we can go there together.

  4. No, we can’t afford to buy this car.

  5. No, you shouldn’t go there alone.

  6. Yes, they should meet their grand parents at the railway station.

  7. No, you can’t stay there at night.

  8. Yes, she should prevent her friends.

  9. No, he shouldn’t change his job.

  10. No, they don’t really need our help.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Ты не мог бы сегодня пойти со мной в кино?

  2. Твоя сестра умеет говорить по-французски?

  3. Вы не можете мне сказать, как доехать до вокзала?

  4. Не могли бы вы мне помочь донести эти сумки?

  5. Где тут можно купить хлеб?

  6. Ты сможешь отправить ему e-mail сегодня вечером?

  7. Ты сможешь сделать эту работу завтра?

  8. Мы сможем поехать в Америку в будущем году?

  9. Ты сможешь починить мою машину?

  10. Могу я войти?

  11. Можно я возьму свою сестру на вечеринку?

  12. Ты должен уехать завтра?

  13. Могу я взглянуть на ваш тест?

  14. Вам действительно нужно уходить прямо сейчас?

  15. Почему твоей сестре вчера пришлось остаться дома?

  16. Тебе пришлось пойти туда одному?

  17. Могу я задать Вам вопрос?

  18. Можно мне взять твою книгу на минуту?

  19. Кто может сходить в библиотеку за новыми учебниками?

  20. Тебе нужна моя помощь с этим переводом?


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use have to or has to + one of these verbs:
do read speak wear travel

  1. My eyes are not very good. I have to …… glasses.

  2. At the end of the course all the students……a test.

  3. Mary is studying literature. She……a lot of books.

  4. Albert doesn't understand much English. You……very slowly to him.

  5. Kate is not often at home. She……a lot in her job.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Use have to or had to + one of these verbs:
answer buy walk change go

  1. We had to walk home last night. There were no buses.

  2. It's late. I……now. I'll see you tomorrow.

  3. I went to the supermarket after work yesterday. I……some food.

  4. This train doesn't go all the way to London. You……at Bristol.

  5. We did an exam yesterday. We……six questions out of ten.

Exercise 3. Complete the questions. Some are present and some are past.

  1. George had to wait a long time. How long ……?

  2. Liz has to go somewhere. Where ……?

  3. I had to translate it myself. Who ……?

  4. They have to meet my parents. Who ……?

  5. My sister has to leave early. What time ……?

  6. I have to get up early tomorrow. What time……?

  7. We had to pay a lot of. How much ……?

Exercise 4. Write sentences with don't/doesn't/didn't have to....

  1. Why are you going out? You ……

  2. Why is Ann waiting? She ……

  3. Why did you get up early? You ……

  4. Why is Paul working so hard? He ……

  5. Why do you want to leave now? You ……

  6. Why do you work alone? You ……

  7. Why does he speak to her? He ……

  8. Why are you watching TV? You ……

  9. Why is she going to the cinema? She ……

  10. Why are you talking on the phone? You ……


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or was/were able to.

  1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages.

  2. I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn't find it.

  3. They didn't want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them.

  4. Laura had hurt her leg and……walk very well.

  5. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I……contact her at her office.

  6. I looked very carefully and I……see a figure in the distance.

  7. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn't have any but I get some in the next shop.

  8. My grandmother loved music. She……play the piano very well.

  9. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we……rescue her.

  10. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I……take any photographs.

Exercise 2. Read the situations and use the words in brackets to write sentences with must have and can't have.

  1. The phone rang but I didn't hear it. (I / asleep)

I must have been asleep.

  1. Jane walked past me without speaking. (she / see / me)

She can't have seen me.

  1. The jacket you bought is very good quality. (it / very expensive) ……

  2. I haven't seen the people next door for ages. (they / go away)……

  3. I can't find my umbrella. (I / leave / it in the restaurant last night) ……

  4. Don passed the exam without studying for it. (the exam / very difficult) ……

  5. She knew everything about our plans. (she / listen / to our conversation) ……

  6. Fiona did the opposite of what I asked her to do. (she / understand / what I said) ……

  7. When I woke up this morning, the light was on. (I / forget / to turn it off) ……

  8. The lights were red but the car didn't stop. (the driver / see / the red light) …… 11 I was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise next door. (the neighbours / have / a party) ……

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't.

  1. We haven't got much time. We must hurry.

  2. We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry.

  3. We have enough food at home so we……go shopping today.

  4. Jim gave me a letter to post. I……remember to post it.

  5. Jim gave me a letter to post. I……forget to post it.

  6. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You……decide now.

  7. You……wash those tomatoes. They've already been washed.

  8. This is a valuable book. You……look after it carefully and you……lose it.

  9. 'What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?' 'Well, it ……be big - that's not important. But it……have a nice garden - that's essential.'

Exercise 4. Read the situations and write sentences with should/shouldn't. Some of the sentences are past and some are present.

  1. I'm feeling sick. I ate too much. I shouldn't have eaten so much.

  2. That man on the motorbike isn't wearing a helmet. That's dangerous.
    He should be wearing a helmet.

  3. When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn't reserved one. We ……

  4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is 9 o'clock now but the shop isn't open yet……

  5. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Catherine is doing 50. She……

  6. I went to Paris. A friend of mine lives in Paris but I didn't go to see him while I was there. When I saw him later,-he said: You……

  7. I was driving behind another car. Suddenly, the driver in front stopped without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn't my fault. ……

  8. I walked into a wall. I wasn't looking where I was going. ……

Exercise 5. Write two sentences for each situation. Use needn't have in the first sentence and could have in the second (as in the example).

  1. Why did you rush? Why didn't you take your time?

Example: You needn't have rushed. You could have taken your time.

  1. Why did you walk home? Why didn't you take a taxi?

  2. Why did you stay at a hotel? Why didn't you stay with us?

  3. Why did she phone me in the middle of the night? Why didn't she phone me in the morning?

  4. Why did you leave without saying anything? Why didn't you say goodbye to me?

Exercise 6. For each situation write a sentence with should or shouldn't + one of the following:
go away for a few days go to bed so late look for another job

put some pictures on the walls take a photograph use her car so much

  1. (Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days.

  2. (My salary is very low.) You……

  3. (Jack always has difficulty getting up.) He ……

  4. (What a beautiful view!) You……

  5. (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She ……

  6. (Bill's room isn't very interesting.) ……

1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   ...   36

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