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Маслов_Доповідь. Удк 504. 05 504. 5 628. 47(477. 642) assessment of the state of contamination by polymeric compounds of msw landfills in zaporozhye

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НазваниеУдк 504. 05 504. 5 628. 47(477. 642) assessment of the state of contamination by polymeric compounds of msw landfills in zaporozhye
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УДК 504.05:504.5:628.47(477.64-2)


Maslov D.V.

Zaporizhzhya National University
The evaluation of the condition of Zaporizhzhya municipal solid waste polygons is given, the dynamics of the accumulation of polygons by polymeric compounds in recent years has been studied, and a pollution forecast has been constructed up to 2030. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of contamination by polymer compounds of the landfills of Zaporozhye. The research methods consist in the use of analytical and statistical data and their processing.

Polygon for solid household waste is a special construction, designed for the isolation and disposal of solid waste. In Zaporizhzhya, with a population of about 800 thousand people and a total area of 280 km2, there are three polygons for household waste. On the landfill of MSW № 1, which was operated since 1952, its design area is 47 hectares, it is possible to place annually about 250‒300 thousand tons of waste there. Today, 15.5 million tons of garbage have been accumulated here.

The ecological situation in the field of waste management, and especially with products from polymer compounds, remains acute and, above all, due to the large amounts of their annual formation, placement and accumulation over a long period of time. Traditional waste disposal technology as the physical and chemical properties of these compounds do not produce the desired result. The term of the plastic bottle is 100 years old, and the polyethylene film is 200 years old.

According to the obtained data on the production of polymers and statistical indicators of the market, using the software for processing the obtained results, the forecast of the accumulation of different types of polymers in the region up to 2030 was constructed.

In order to improve the use of land plots allocated for the landfill, it is necessary to carry out the design of landfills taking into account the composition of garbage and planned remediation of garbage dumps using scientific methods.

The pyrolytic waste disposal method is considered to be much safer for burning. However, even though the process of pyrolysis is much more time-consuming than conventional waste incineration, this technology is the most promising, since during pyrolysis the amount of emissions into the atmosphere is much less than with conventional combustion. Pyrolysis of solid household wastes is understood as the process of thermal decomposition of waste that occurs without the access of oxygen. Ultimately, this process makes it possible to obtain a solid carbon residue and a pyrolysis gas. Pyrolysis of solid waste contributes to the creation of modern non-waste technologies for the disposal of garbage and the most rational use of natural resources.

Economically beneficial low-temperature pyrolysis, and the most environmentally-friendly high-temperature pyrolysis method for the recycling of polyethylene waste.

Below are examples of methods for solving the problems of utilization of polymer waste in different countries around the world:

1. Suspension of the production of food plastic tare and polyethylene bags in China and India.

2. Further development of so-called biopolymers, that is, plastic, quickly decomposes in natural conditions without the release of toxic substances (USA, Germany and Ukraine).

3. Change in the composition of household polymers on reversible, which can be re-melted many times (Japan).

4. Deletion of a special type of bacteria that will process and neutralize plastic residues in special storage facilities. Such bacteria are to be extracted by genetic modification (USA and France).


  1. According to the forecast by 2030, the weight of polypropylene will increase by 2.5 times, ABS-plastic ‒ by almost 2 times, polyethylene ‒ by more than 3.7 times, polystyrene ‒ by 1.4 times, other types of plastic - 1.6 times

  2. The dynamics of the accumulation of solid waste, in particular polymers, in which the decay period is measured for centuries, allows us to assume that over time, polygons will not be able to fully accomplish the task. Therefore, the question now is raised about the construction of garbage processing factories and the withdrawal of new processing facilities.

УДК:504.05:504.5:628.47(477.64-2) (Дана оцінка стану полігонів ТПВ м Запоріжжя. Вивчалася динаміка накопичення полімерними сполуками полігонів за останні роки і побудований прогноз забруднення до 2030 року)

Маслова О.В., Маслов Д.В. Оцінка стану забруднення полімерними сполуками полігонів ТПВ м. Запоріжжя. // Питання біоіндикації та екології. – Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2018. – 12

Метою дослідження роботи є оцінка стану забруднення полімерними сполуками полігонів ТПВ м Запоріжжя. Методи дослідження полягають у використанні аналітичних та статистичних даних і їх обробки. Згідно з прогнозом, до 2030 маса поліпропілену зросте в 2,5 рази, маса АБС-пластика виросте майже в 2 рази, маса поліетилену зросте більш ніж в 3,7 рази, маса полістиролу зросте в 1,4 рази, інші види пластика - 1, 6 рази. Динаміка накопичення ТПВ, зокрема полімерів, в яких період розкладання вимірюється століттями, дозволяє припустити: про те, що з плином часу полігони не зможуть повністю виконувати поставлені завдання. Тому вже зараз постає питання про будівництво сміття переробних заводів і виведення нових засобів переробки.

Бібл. 12. Рис. 2.

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