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  • To graduate from the university

  • To get practical skills

  • Teaching staff

  • The course of studies lasts..

  • Task I. Say if the statements are true or false. If the statements are false, please, correct them USATU is located in Ufa. There are 7

  • Task II. Specify the passages (I, II, etc.) that provide the following information

  • Task III. Match the beginning of the sentences with their ends

  • Task IV. Give the Russian/English equivalents for the following words and phrases

  • Task V. Choose the best synonyms for the given lexical units

  • Task VI. Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences

  • Ufa state aviation technocal university topical vocabulary

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    To enter the universityпоступать в университет

    To graduate from the university – выпускаться из университета

    A first/second/third year student – первокурсник/второкурсник

    A post graduate – аспирант

    A full-time student – студент очного отделение

    A part-time student – студент заочного отделения

    To specialize/to major in – специализироваться в

    To get practical skills – получить практические навыки

    To develop an industry – развивать промышленность

    An aerospace industry – авиакосмическая промышленность

    An industrial enterprise – промышленное предприятие

    To get a degree – получать степень

    To get profound knowledge – получить глубокие знания

    Teaching staff – преподавательский состав

    Highly-skilled/highly-qualified -

    To train specialistsготовить/обучать специалистов

    To teаch students – обучать студентов

    To study/to learn – учиться/учить

    A department/ a faculty – факультет/отделение

    The course of studies lasts..– обучение длится 5

    To get a scholarship – получать стипендию

    To be good at – хорошо разбираться в

    To take / pass exams - сдавать экзамены

    To live in a hostel – жить в общежитие

    To offer an opportunityпредоставлять возможность

    Significant - значительный

    1. Ufa State Aviation Technical University is a leading scientific and educational complex. It was founded in 1932 in Rybinsk, but it was evacuated to Ufa in 1941. The university has 7 full-time faculties (Aircraft Engines, Aircraft Technological Systems, Protection in Emergency Situations, Economics, Management and Finance. Natural Sciences, Computer-Science and Robotics, Aircraft Instrument Design), a part-time faculty on the sites of Ufa Motorbuilding Production Association and 2 representative centers in different cities of Bashkortostan.

    1. Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет является ведущим образовательным комплексом. Он был основан в 1932 году в Рыбинске, 1941 году эвакуирован в Уфу. В университете 7 факультетов дневного обучения (Авиационные двигатели, Авиационные системы, Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях, Экономика, финансы. Естественные науки, информатика и робототехника, Авиационное приборостроение), факультет заочной формы обучения на площадках УМПО и двух городах Башкортостана.

    1. More than 20 thousand students are trained by highly skilled teachers, among them there are many doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences, more than 70 academicians of different public academies of Russia and foreign countries.

    (2) Более 20 тысяч студентов обучаются у преподавателей, среди них много докторов наук, профессоров, кандидатов наук, более 70 академиков России и зарубежных стран.

    (III) During the years of its existence USATU has trained a great number of highly-qualified specialists. Among them there are outstanding scientists who made a valuable contribution to the development of the aerospace industry of our country, leaders of science and research establishments, general directors of large industrial enterprises, members of the Russian and Bashkortostan governments, public and political figures.

    3) За годы существования УГАТУ подготовил огромное количество специалистов. Среди них ученые, руководители исследовательских учреждений, генеральные директора крупных предприятий, общественные и политические деятели.

    (VI) The university provides training for post graduate specialists as well. There are 6 Dissertation Boards, 5 of them grant the degree of Doctor of Sciences.
    Post-graduate students get degrees in the science and technology areas that determine the specific character of the University as well as in traditional university fields of knowledge: mathematics, physics, sociology, philology, economics.

    4) Университет также осуществляет подготовку специалистов существует 6 советов, 5 из них присуждают ученую степень доктора наук.

    Аспиранты получают степени в областях науки и техники, которые определяют университет, а также в областях знаний: математике, физике, социологии, экономике.

    (V) USATU is the only university in the region with its own aviation park, which is a large science teaching and research facility. Engineering students can also have an access to the university’s unique aircraft engine museum-class, which is Russia’s significant science teaching and research facility: there are the only two museums of this kind in the country (the second one is in Samara).

    5) УГАТУ - единственный университет с собственным авиационным парком, является крупным научным центром. Студенты могут получить доступ в музей университета авиационных двигателей, в стране есть только два музея такого рода

    (VI) Students from different Russian cities and other countries enter Ufa State Aviation Technical University because it offers great educational opportunities which enable them to succeed in aerospace, automotive, computer, nanotechnology, communications and other high-tech industries.

    6) Студенты из городов России и других стран поступают в Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет потому что он предлагает большие возможности в автомобильной, компьютерной, нанотехнологической, и других отраслях промышленности.

    (VII) The main priority of our University activities is integration of scientific and studying processes, university and academy science spheres. USATU plays a leading role among the higher educational institutions of our country.

    7) Главным приоритетом нашего университета является интеграция научных и учебных процессов, университетской и академической научных сфер. УГАТУ играет роль ведущего учебного заведений нашей страны

    (VIII) No doubt you understand the importance of higher education. Higher education can give you many benefits, including a successful career and financial security. In the 21st century, education plays an even more significant role in other aspects of your life. 

    8) Без сомнения, вы понимаете важность высшего образования. Высшее образование может много преимуществ успешную карьеру и финансовую безопасность. В 21 веке образование играет важную роль во всей вашей жизни.

    Task I.  Say if the statements are true or false. If the statements are false, please, correct them

    1. USATU is located in Ufa.

    2. There are 7 departments in our university.

    3. Young people from different countries enter USATU.

    4. There are many scientists, public and political figures teaching at USATU.

    5. Some graduates of USATU have become famous and outstanding personalities.

    6. The university provides training for day-time, part-time and post-graduate students.

    7. Dissertation boards of USATU grant the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

    8. The university provide knowledge in traditional university fields like philosophy, physics, etc.

    9. USATU plays an important role in the higher education field of the Russian Federation.

    Task II. Specify the passages (I, II, etc.) that provide the following information:

    1. This part tells us about the history and structure of USATU. 1,2,3,4,5,

    2. The university has unique facilities like an aircraft engine museum-class and its own aviation park. 5

    3. Higher education is really important nowadays. 8

    4. Students are trained by highly-qualified teachers. 2

    5. Post-graduate students can defend their dissertations in USATU. 4

    Task III. Match the beginning of the sentences with their ends

    1. USATU is a leading -d

    2. USATU has trained manyd-f

    3. USATU offers great-g

    4. Post-graduate students get degrees in the science and technology areas-c

    5. Higher education can give you-e

    6. The main priority of our University is -b

    7. Everybody understands the importance

    1. educational facilities.

    2. to integrate education and science.

    3. that determine the specific character of the University.

    4. scientific and educational complex.

    5. a successful career and financial security.

    6. many outstanding personalities.

    7. of highly-qualified teaching staff.

    Task IV. Give the Russian/English equivalents for the following words and phrases

    1. a leading educational complex, full-time faculties, protection in emergency situations, a candidate of science, to make a valuable contribution, a research establishment, a research facility, hi-tech industries, to succeed in the profession, to give benefits;

    2. заочное отделение, разные города и страны, высококвалифицированные преподаватели, иностранный, готовить специалистов, выдающийся, развитие авиакосмической промышленности, общественная фигура/деятель, иметь доступ, уникальный, играть значительную роль.

    Task V. Choose the best synonyms for the given lexical units

    1. to become a student –to enter

    2. to specialize in – to succeed

    3. to teach – to study

    4. deep (knowledge) – significant

    5. an area (of science/knowledge) – a part

    Task VI. Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences

    to enter the university to major in to get profound knowledge to be good (at) to train specialists an industrial enterprise to live in a hostel a scholarship to take (an) exams (a) first year student(s) significant

    1. We finished school several months ago. Now we are…… learning at USATU.

    2. Students who are from different cities can …… the enter of our university.

    3. My father told me that he wanted to …… leave .in Saint Petersburg.

    4. I can get a ….. money if I pass all my exams successfully.

    5. All Russian students …… rest….. twice a year.

    6. My room mate … specialist…at Mathematics. He does all the tasks really fast.

    7. Alice studies economics. She … specialist.. in taxation.

    8. I would like to ……finish university ….. in my major and become a highly-qualified professional.

    9. Getting higher education is a … important. step to your successful future.

    10. My brother has graduated from USATU. He works at a leading …..companies ….. of our country.

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