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  • Урок № 1 Выполнил

  • Материал урока, необходимый для выполнения задания

  • Текст задания Место для выполнения задания

  • Ответьте письменно на вопросы, используя текст

  • Дайте определение каждого слова по-английски, используя при необходимости словарь.

  • Заполните пропуски словами, данными курсивом в начале упражнения.

  • Сопоставьте идиомы с их определениями.

  • Завершите предложения, используя факты из текста. School System

  • Поставьте действия журналиста в правильном порядке.

  • Соотнесите описание (1-5) с участниками сюжета ( a - d ).

  • Прослушайте первый

  • Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present / Past Simple .

  • Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

  • Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  • фыв. Практическая работа №1. Урок 1 Выполнил фио студента Отеклый Кирилл Витальевич

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    Практическое задание по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

    Урок №



    ФИО студента

    Отеклый Кирилл Витальевич



    Материал урока, необходимый для выполнения задания

    Текст задания

    Место для выполнения задания

    1. Задания по тексту и лексическому минимуму

    Ответьте письменно на вопросы, используя текст:

    1. How many years are compulsory for schooling in Great Britain?

    2. What do voluntary years mean?

    3. Do all primary and secondary schools belong to the state system?

    4. What is the difference between county and voluntary schools?

    5. How long does the primary cycle generally last?

    6. How is the school which covers the primary cycle called?

    7. What is an approximate number of children who receive their secondary education in comprehensive schools?

    8. How are the two final years of secondary education called?

    9. Who plans the curriculum?

    10. What subjects are included into the curriculum?

    11. What are the subdivisions of an academic year in Great Britain?

    1. Schooling is compulsory for twelve years

    2. Voluntary years of schooling means that children may attend either state-funded or fee-paying independent schools.

    3. No, they are not.

    4. Country schools are provided and maintained by a local education authorities wholly out of public funds. Voluntary schools, mostly established by religious denominations, are also wholly maintained from public funds but the governors of some types of voluntary schools contribute to capital costs.

    5. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the primary cycle lasts from 5 to 11.

    6. The school that covers the primary circle called the infant school.

    7. Roughly 90 per cent of children receive their secondary education at ‘comprehensive’ schools.

    8. The two final years of secondary education are called tertiary or sixth-form college (a historical name).

    9.The content of the curriculum is the responsibility of local education authorities and of the schools’ governors

    10. English, Mathematics and Science, some study of the humanities including History, Religion and Physical education, opportunities for both practical and aesthetic activities, foreign languages are included into the curriculum.

    11. Schools in Britain have 3 terms a year each with a short half-term break in the middle, and longer holidays at Christmas and Easter and in the summer. The academic year begins in late summer, usually in September, and is divided into three terms, with holidays for Christmas, Easter and for the month of August, although the exact dates vary slightly from area to area.

    Дайте определение каждого слова по-английски, используя при необходимости словарь.

    compulsory –

    voluntary –

    comprehensive –

    State-funded, or maintained, school –

    County school –

    Aptitude –

    Curriculum –

    Religious denomination –

    Practical slant –

    Term –

    compulsory – required by law or a rule, something that is obligatory

    voluntary – done, given or acting of someone’s own free will.

    comprehensive – including or dealing with all elements and aspects of something (in this text: comprehensive school – a public school that does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement).

    State-funded, or maintained, school – a school that is funded and controlled by the local education authority.

    County school – a school in a rural district specifically which is provided and maintained by local education authorities wholly out of public funds.

    Aptitude – a natural ability to do something (skill).

    Curriculum – the courses offered by an educational institution.

    Religious denomination – a subgroup within a religion that operates under a common name, tradition and identify.

    Practical slant – application of the knowledge gained in a certain direction.

    Term – a fixed or limited period for which something lasts or is intended to last.

    Заполните пропуски словами, данными курсивом в начале упражнения.

    gym canteen lab art room classroom staff room playing field playground cloakroom library
    1. Today in the __________they had my favorite meal: steak and kidney pie with chips.

    2. When it rains, we have our P.E. lessons inside in the ______________.

    3. John nearly blew up the science ___________last week when he mixed the wrong chemicals together.

    4. The walls of the __________ are covered in pictures which have been painted by the pupils.

    5. It's always quiet in the ___________and there are lots of interesting books there.

    6. We have lots of fun in the ____________playing games or relaxing between lessons.

    7. There are thirty desks and chairs and a big blackboard in our ________

    8. You should put your hats, scarves and coats in the ______________.

    9. The __________ is for teachers only – pupils are not allowed to go in there.

    10. We watched our college team playing rugby on the __________yesterday.

    1. Today in the canteen they had my favorite meal: steak and kidney pie with chips.

    2. When it rains, we have our P.E. lessons inside in the gym.

    3. John nearly blew up the science lab last week when he mixed the wrong chemicals together.

    4. The walls of the art room are covered in pictures which have been painted by the pupils.

    5. It's always quiet in the library and there are lots of interesting books there.

    6. We have lots of fun in the playground playing games or relaxing between lessons.

    7. There are thirty desks and chairs and a big blackboard in our classroom.

    8. You should put your hats, scarves and coats in the cloakroom.

    9. The staff room is for teachers only – pupils are not allowed to go in there.

    10. We watched our college team playing rugby on the playing field yesterday.

    Сопоставьте идиомы с их определениями.

    1. learn by heart

    2. learn one's lesson

    3. learn the hard way

    4. you are never too old to learn

    5. read somebody like a book

    6. have one's nose in a book

    a. there's always something you haven't experienced before

    b. learn something after making a mistake

    c. memorize something

    d. learn something (unpleasant) by experiencing it

    e. read with great concentration

    f. understand sb's thoughts, ideas clearly







    Завершите предложения, используя факты из текста.

    School System

    There are … distinct levels of education in …

    In …, children start school at the age of …

    In …, compulsory schooling begins at the age of …

    Children usually start school when they are … years old.

    Children in … starts school at the age of …

    School is compulsory for everybody between … and … years of age.

    When children in … start school, they are usually … years old.

    When the students leave school, they are usually … years old.

    Schooling is compulsory until the age of …

    Students are required to attend school until the age of …

    Between the ages of … and …, one attends … school.

    The first school that children in … attend is … school.

    After … school they go to … school.

    Students attend … school for … years.

    Students remain at … school for … years.

    After … school, students attend … school.

    Then they start … school.

    Aged …, they start … school.

    Students in … have about … lessons per day / week…

    study approximately … subjects…

    have lessons from … to …

    The following subjects / courses are …

    Education at a … school …

    Education at … schools … is free of charge.
    is not free of charge.

    The school year is divided into … terms.

    The school year begins in … and finishes in …

    There are two distinct levels of education in Britain.

    In Britain, children start school at the age of five.

    In Britain, compulsory schooling begins at the age of five.

    Children usually start school when they are five years old.

    Children in Britain starts school at the age of five.

    School is compulsory for everybody between five and sixteen years of age.

    When children in Britain start school, they are usually five years old.

    When the students leave school, they are usually sixteen years old.

    Schooling is compulsory until the age of sixteen.

    Students are required to attend school until the age of sixteen.

    Between the ages of five and eleven, one attends infant school.

    The first school that children in Britain attend is infant school.

    After primary school they go to secondary school.

    Students attend school for twelve years.

    Students remain at infant school for 6 years.

    After infant school, students attend junior school.

    Then they start junior school.

    Aged eleven, they start secondary school.

    Students in Britain have about six lessons per day / week at school.

    study approximately eight subjects at school.

    have lessons from four to seven.

    The following subjects / courses are English, Mathematics and Science, some study of the humanities including History, Religion and Physical education, and opportunities for both practical and aesthetic activities.

    Education at a state-funded school in Britain is free of charge.

    Education at fee-paying schools in Britain is not free of charge.

    The school year is divided into three terms.

    The school year begins in September and finishes in August.

    2. Задания по видеоматериалу

    Поставьте действия журналиста в правильном порядке.

    a. He goes to the party in goth clothes and make-up.

    b. Two goths put make-up on him and change his hair.

    c. He feels relaxed with his appearance.

    d. He travels to Whitby for a goth weekend. 1

    e. He interviews some goths.

    D E B C A

    Соотнесите описание (1-5) с участниками сюжета (a-d).

    a. journalist (x2) c. goth woman

    b. goth man d. goth musician
    1. has been a goth for a long time

    2. usually feels different from other people but not in Whitby

    3. is worried about dressing up like a goth

    4. doesn’t like the journalist’s clothes

    5. now feels confident in goth clothes






    3. Задания по аудиоматериалу

    Прослушайте первый монолог, заполните пропущенные части:
    The subject I like best is __________.

    And my least favorite subject is____________.

    I’d like to drop it and do _____________instead.

    I suppose I’m good at___________but I’m not so good at___________.

    Outside class, I __________and_____________.

    It’d be great to____________.

    The subject I like best is Geography.

    And my least favorite subject is English language.

    I’d like to drop it and do business studies instead.

    I suppose I’m good at working in teams doing project work and that sort of thing but I’m not so good at passing exams.

    Outside class, I do basketball and I belong to the cadets.

    It’d be great to do climbing.

    4. Задания по грамматическому материалу

    Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present/Past Simple.

    1. He ... a student. He ... a good student.

    2. His father ...a doctor.

    3. My mother ...not a teacher.

    4. ...your sister a pupil? – Yes, she....

    5. They ...at home the day before yesterday.

    6. This ...my house.

    7. ...they at school? – No, they ...not at school.

    8. ...your father a pilot? – Yes, he....

    9. Nick ...not a student. He ...a pupil. He ...at school now.

    10. These men ... drivers.

    11. There ... newspapers on the table yesterday.

    12. Why ... not you at work last Friday?

    13. There ... a pencil in my pencil – box.

    14. Where ... his sister last week? – She ... not at home. She ... in the country.

    15. We ... at the theatre yesterday.

    1. He is a student. He is a good student.

    2. His father is a doctor.

    3. My mother is not a teacher.

    4. Is your sister a pupil? – Yes, she is.

    5. They were at home the day before yesterday.

    6. This is my house.

    7. Are they at school? – No, they are not at school.

    8. Is your father a pilot? – Yes, he is.

    9. Nick is not a student. He is a pupil. He is at school now.

    10. These men are drivers.

    11. There were newspapers on the table yesterday.

    12. Why were not you at work last Friday?

    13. There is a pencil in my pencil-box.

    14. Where was his sister last week? – She was not at home. She was in the country.

    15. We were at the theatre yesterday.

    Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

    1. This woman is from Japan.

    2. I am tired.

    3. The flower is beautiful.

    4. The man is doctor.

    5. The new radio is here.

    6. I am an American.

    7. This test is simple.

    8. He was in the classroom five minutes ago.

    9. Her friend was at school on Friday.

    10. The French book was on the table yesterday.

    11. She was ill last month.

    12. The white kitten was on the sofa an hour ago.

    13. There was a letter on the table yesterday evening.

    14. He was very busy last Wednesday.

    15. I was good at chess two years ago.

    1. These women is from Japan. Эти женщины из Японии.

    2. We are tired. Мы устали.

    3. The flowers are beautiful. Цветы красивые

    4. The men are doctors. Мужчины являются врачами.

    5. The new radios are here. Новые радио здесь.

    6. We are Americans. Мы американцы.

    7. These tests are simple. Эти тесты простые.

    8. They were in the classroom five minutes ago. Они были в классе пять минут назад.

    9. Her friends were at school on Friday. Ее друзья были в школе в пятницу.

    10. The French books were on the table yesterday. Французские книги были вчера на столе.

    11. They were ill last month. Они болели в прошлом месяце.

    12. The white kittens were on the sofa an hour ago. Белые котята были на диване час назад.

    13. There were letters on the table yesterday evening. Вчера вечером на столе были письма.

    14. They were very busy last Wednesday. Они были очень заняты в прошлую среду.

    15. We were good at chess two years ago. Мы были хороши в шахматах два года назад.

    Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Он водитель.

    2. Мы школьники.

    3. Они были в театре.

    4. Он был рабочим. Сейчас он инженер.

    5. Мои родители дома.

    6. Мой брат не был в школе вчера.

    7. Его мама молодая. Она студентка.

    8. Моя бабушка учительница. Она не на работе. Она сейчас дома.

    9. Мой дядя был летчиком.

    10. Вы были в театре вчера? – Нет, не были.

    11. В прошлом году его сестра была студенткой. Сейчас она доктор.

    12. Он больной? – Да, он сейчас болеет.

    13. Погода сегодня ясная, а вчера погода была плохой.

    14. Где ты был? – Я был дома.

    15. Она в театре? – Нет, она в кино.

    1. He is a driver.

    2. We are pupils.

    3. They were at the theater.

    4. He was a worker. He is an engineer now.

    5. My parents are at home.

    6. My brother was not at school yesterday.

    7. His mother is young. She is a student.

    8. My grandmother is a teacher. She is not at work. She is at home now.

    9. My uncle was a pilot.

    10. Were you at the theater yesterday? - No, we were not.

    11. His sister was a student last year. She is a doctor now.

    12. Is he ill? - Yes, he is ill now.

    13. The weather is clear today and the weather was bad yesterday. 14. Where were you? - I was at home.

    15. Is she in the theater? - No, she is in the cinema.

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