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  • фрагмент урока. 8. Фрагмент урока по обучению рецептивной лексике. Урока по обучению рецептивной лексике в 4ом классе Проблема Different

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    Фрагмент урока пообучениюрецептивнойлексике в 4-ом классе
    Проблема:Different professions of people

    Речевыефункции:to give information, to describe people’s activities.

    Практическая цель: формирование рецептивных лексических навыков по теме. Образовательная цель:развитие основных видов речевой деятельности – восприятие англоязычной речи на слух, чтение, говорение.
    Воспитательнаяцель:формирование системы нравственных взглядов, потребности в социальном и творческом развитии.
    Развивающаяцель:развитие языковой догадки.

    Сопутствующие задачи:совершенствование произносительных навыков. Лексическийматериал:dancer, farmer, sailor, painter, seller, singer, actor, teacher, writer, gardener.

    Оснащение:раздаточный материал с правилом, упражнениями, текстом.


    Задача этапа


    Врем я

    Деятельность учителя

    Деятельность обучающихся

    Начало урока

    Введение учащихся в атмосферу

    иноязычного общения

    Good morning, children! How are you today? How did you spend your week-end? Как вы провели ваши выходные? Did you

    spend it with your parents? Do you like to spend time with your parents? Do you

    Дети отвечают, как они

    провели выходные,



    spend a lot of time with them in weekdays? А выпроводите с ними много времени в будние дни?... Они, наверное, очень устают на работе. Do your parents get tired at work? Устают?... And what are they? What do they do? Кем они работают? Do you know how to say it in English? No? All right, don’t worry. We’ll learn how to do it today. Мы сегодня

    научимся это делать.

    много ли времени проводят с родителями. Отвечают, кем работают их родители.

    Ознаком ление с новыми ЛЕ

    Формирован ие знаний и первичных рецептивных лексических умений

    В английском языке существительные, обозначающие профессию, образуются очень просто. В основном с помощью суффиксов –er и –or, которые присоединяются к основе инфинитива (который обозначает деятельность, относящуюся к профессии) или существительному (так же относящемуся к какой-то профессии).

    Эту схему вы видите у себя на распечатках.

    Внизу под правилом вы видите примеры таких существительных. Давайте их

    Дети изучают под руководство м учителя распечатку с правилом и переводят слова из примеров.




    Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание на то, как произносятся слова “seller”и“sailor”. Is everything clear? Ok.

    Трениро вка новых ЛЕ

    Формирова ние рецептивных лексических навыков

    -Now let’s do the first exercise from your handouts. You’re to make up nouns from the given words, like in the example, and translate them.

    Дети выполняют упражнение и переводят получившиеся существительны




    -Very well! Clever you are! Молодцы! Now, let’s fulfill the next exercise. You are to match words from the first column with their definitions from the second one and translate, please, these definitions.

    Учащиеся выполняют упражнение и переводят дефиниции.

    -Very well! Ok, now let’s do the following exercise. We’ve got a little puzzle. Here are some sentences from which some words fell out. Let’s insert these words in appropriate sentences. Давайте вставим по смыслу данные

    слова в предложения.

    Дети вставляют пропущенные слова по смыслу.



    -Ok, very well. Now Id like to offer you

    Дети читают,




    to read a text. Please, read it, translate,



    новых ЛЕ


    and underline the words denoting


    в чтении

    лексических навыков


    слова- профессии.


    To write, to sail, a farm, to dance, to teach, to sell, to paint, to sing.

    Teacher A person who dances.

    Seller A person who sings.

    Writer A person who teaches.

    Gardener A person who sails.

    Actor A person who works in the garden.

    Sailor A person who sells something.

    Painter A person who writes stories.

    Singer A person who works in a farm.

    Farmer A person who acts in the theatre.

    Dancer A person who paints.
    Exercise3.Insertwordsfromthelist(thewordscanbeusedintheplural). Teacher,singer,painter,farmer,dancer,sailor,seller.

    1.I like the in this shop because she is very polite. 2. We always congratulate … of our school on …’s Day.

    1. Dima Bilan is my favourite

    2. His father is a and he works in a ship. 5. My grandparents take care of their farm, animals and plants very well, they are very good … . 6. The pictures of this… are very bright and funny. 7. Mary’s mother dances very well, I think she was a when was young.

    Exercise3.Insertwordsfromthelist(thewordscanbeusedintheplural). Teacher,singer,painter,farmer,dancer,sailor,seller.

    1.I like the in this shop because she is very polite. 2. We always congratulate … of our school on …’s Day.

    1. Dima Bilan is my favourite

    2. His father is a and he works in a ship. 5. My grandparents take care of their farm, animals and plants very well, they are very good … . 6. The pictures of this… are very bright and funny. 7. Mary’s mother dances very well, I think she was a when was young.


    Mary is 11 years old and she lives in New-York. Her family moved there 2 weeks ago. So, now Mary goes to a new school. She likes her new friends and teachers. Mary also attends dancing classes twice a week. She wants to become a popular dancer in future. Besides, the girl likes to paint very much. She usually paints with her mother who is a painter. Unfortunately, Mary cannot spend much time with her father because he’s very busy. He is an actor and acts in the theatre. But sometimes they all go to the concerts of different singers. Mary also has an elder brother who studies at the university and works as a gardener

    sometimes. He likes beautiful gardens. At week-ends Mary visits her grandparents who live in the country. They’re farmers. Long time ago Mary’s grandfather was a sailor. He likes the sea very much. Her grandmother was a seller in a shop. But now they do not work. They are retired, and can spend more time with Mary. Mary loves her grandparents and all her family very much.

    Mary is 11 years old and she lives in New-York. Her family moved there 2 weeks ago. So, now Mary goes to a new school. She likes her new friends and teachers. Mary also attends dancing classes twice a week. She wants to become a popular dancer in future. Besides, the girl likes to paint very much. She usually paints with her mother who is a painter. Unfortunately, Mary cannot spend much time with her father because he’s very busy. He is an actor and acts in the theatre. But sometimes they all go to the concerts of different singers. Mary also has an elder brother who studies at the university and works as a gardener sometimes. He likes beautiful gardens. At week-ends Mary visits her grandparents who live in the country. They’re farmers. Long time ago Mary’s grandfather was a sailor. He likes the sea very much. Her grandmother was a seller in a shop. But now they do not work. They are retired, and can spend more time with Mary. Mary loves her grandparents and all her family very much.

    Verb(без частицы to)

    a profession)

    Noun( в ед. числе)
    + -er или -or = noun (denoting

    ! The suffix –er is used more often the suffix –or.

    ! If the word ends in the letter “e” we omit this letter.


    To teach - teacher

    to act - actor

    to sing singer

    Garden - gardener

    To dance - dancer

    to sail - sailor

    to paint painter

    Farm - farmer

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