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For a letter

  1. Наличие адреса и даты (в правом верхнем углу);

Flat 65

20 Sadovaya Street

Barnaul (656031)


Br.: 27 May 2009

or: 27th May 2009

or: 27/05/2009

Am.: May 27, 2009

or: May 27th, 2009

or: 05/27/2009

  1. Наличие обращения (слева, обязательно с запятой):

Dear Jane,

  1. Ссылка на предыдущий контакт (с новой строки):

(Hi! How’re you?) Thanks a lot for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

or: Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m really glad to hear that…You must be very happy.

or: Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m really sorry to hear that…You must be very upset.

or: Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m really sorry I haven’t written to you for so long.

  1. Наличие ответов на все вопросы, содержащиеся в письме (с новой строки);

  2. Постановка вопросов по теме, указанной в задании (с новой строки);

  3. Соответствие стиля речи ситуации общения (неофициальный стиль):

- выбор лексики (лексика разговорного характера, фразовые глаголы и т.д.);

- использование сокращений (we’re, I’d, can’t, that’s, etc);

- использование неполных предложений (Hope you’re fine);

- использование императивных предложений (Tell me all about your trip);

- использование восклицательных предложений (I’ve become a science fiction fan!);

- использование вопросительных предложений (What do you think about it?);

- использование тире (I’m sure you’re busy with school – and your friends, of course);

7.Логичность в изложении материала;

8. Правильное использование средств логической связи между частями предложения и частями текста(союзы, вводные слова, междометия):

And … But … So, … Besides, … Perhaps … Actually, … As far as I know, …

By the way, … Anyway, … That’s why … Well, … Oh, …. Guess what?

9.Ссылка на последующий контакт(на отдельной строке, обязательно с точкой):

Hope to hear from you soon. Write back soon. Keep in touch.

Really looking to hearing from you. I’ll write again soon.

10.Завершающaя фраза, соответствующей неофициальному стилю (на отдельной строке слева, с запятой):

Best wishes, All the best, Yours,

11. Подпись (на отдельной строке слева, без знаков препинания):


12. Объем письма – 100-140 слов. (90-154). При написании более 154 слов проверяется только 140.
For an essay

  1. Вступление (постановка проблемы) (2-4 предложения);

  2. Мнение автора с обоснованием (2-3 аргумента);

  3. Противоположная точка зрения с объяснением (1-2 аргумента);

  4. Объяснение, почему вы с ней не согласны;

  5. Заключение с обобщением позиции автора по указанной проблеме (2-4 предложения)

  • объем высказывания - 200-250 слов (180-275);

  • правильность стилевого оформления высказывания (полуофициальный стиль):

  • выбор лексики, соответствующей полуофициальному стилю письма;

  • выбор средств логической связи (союзы, вводные слова и фразы), соответствующих полуофициальному стилю письма и их правильное использование между частями предложения и частями текста:

On the one hand, … On the other hand, …

Furthermore, …/ Moreover, …/ In addition to this, … (не And… Also…)

First(ly), Secondly, Thirdly, Finally,

A further positive/negative aspect of this is …

However, …/ Nevertheless, …/At the same time, … (не But …)

Therefore, …/Consequently, …/As a result, …/For this reason,… (не That’s why…)

To sum up, …/To summarise, …/In conclusion, … (не So…)

I believe…/I suppose…/In my opinion, …/In my view, …/ To my way of thinking, …/

As far as I am concerned, … /I am inclined to believe that…/I feel very strongly that… (не I think …)

союзы: since, as, although, so that, whereas, in spite of, despite, etc

структуры: It is believed that…/It is unlikely that…/It is supposed to be… etc

  • не допускаются сокращения (I do not agree … It is … I cannot …)

  • логичность изложения материала;

  • структурирование текста, деление на абзацы в соответствии с планом, указанном в задании.


Задание 2 – задать 5 прямых вопросов

price- How much?

  • How much is the ticket?

  • How much does the ticket cost?

  • What is the price of the ticket?

place/location - Where?

  • Where is this museum situated?

  • Where is this museum located?

  • Where is this museum?

duration/length - How long?

  • How long does the tour last?

  • How long is the tour?

time - When?

number - How many?

availability - Is/Are there?

If - Is/Are there?

discounts for students:

  • Are there any discounts for students?

  • Do you give/provide/offer a discount for students?

  • Can I get a discount if I am a student?

  • Can I buy a ticket at a reduced price?


1) dates for departures

2) hotel facilities

3) if breakfast is included

4) number of city tours

5) discounts
1) What are the dates for departures?

2) What facilities does the hotel provide?

3) Is breakfast included in the package?

4) How many city tours are offered?

5) Are there any discounts?

Задание 3 – описать фото

Начинать высказывание с «I have chosen picture number…»

In your talk remember to speak about:

  • when you took the photo

I took this photo in…

I took this photo when I …

- while travelling during your holidays

- a photo from your photo album

  • what/who is in the photo

In the photo you can see …

In the photo there is/there are …

People (relatives, friends, classmates…)







Where in the picture?

How do they feel? How do they look?

happy, sad, worried, angry, bored, tired

  • what is happening

He/she is …- ing

They are …- ing

  • why you took the photo

I took this photo

-to memorize one of the best days of my holidays

-to show it to my parents who were not with me that day

-to show proof that I indeed saw (the place or object) in person

-to capture the exciting moment of /the remarkable scene of

-so that I can take a look at … whenever I want.
I took this photo because

I always take photos when I visit new places.

I like to shoot everything that interests me.

I like taking pictures of people who I am travelling with.

I like to take scenery pictures.

my friend asked me to photograph his/her in front of…

  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

I decided to show the photo to my friend because

  • it is one of the best I took during my trip

  • It shows one of the most exciting moments of my trip

  • he/she has never seen …

  • I hope my photo will inspire him/her to…

  • unfortunately, he/she couldn’t be with us on that day.

  • this photo seems to me quite eye-catching/enjoyable/positive and joyful.

  • he/she is also fond of taking pictures and I hope he/she will like this one.

  • I want to share my experience with him/her.

I decided to show the photo to my friend

  • to demonstrate how we entertained ourselves to the fullest.

  • to demonstrate how excited and thrilled we felt on that day.

  • to share my experience with him/her

I hope my friend will like the photo. /I think the photo will be interesting for my friend.


I’ve chosen photo number 3.

I took this photo during my winter holidays which I spent with my family in Veliky Ustyug. Before the trip I didn’t think that I would really like it. But everything was great. The weather was nice, that’s why we spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying a lot of white snow and interesting activities. One day I took part in a wonderful show with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. I took a lot of photos that day. But in this photo there is only Father Frost. He is posing before the camera. I decided to snap a full-length photo of him in order to memorize his snow-white beard and long beautiful coat. In the background there are children who came from different parts of our country to celebrate the New Year with Russia’s chief Father Frost. They are dancing in a ring around him and singing a merry song. I want to show the photo to my friend because he wanted to go to Veliky Ustyug, but unfortunately he couldn’t. It will be interesting for him to see Russia’s chief Father Frost. Besides, I think a photo is worth a thousand words.

Задание 4 – сравнить 2 фото

Начать со вступления: «I see two pictures, which are devoted to…»
Be ready to compare and contrast the photos:

- give a brief description of the photos (action, location):

Both photos show…

Each picture illustrates how/where…

Both photos show problems which…

The photos deal with different aspects of…

The pictures/photos/photographs are about…

- say what the pictures have in common:

Similarly Just as Both Each

In picture 1 it is a nice sunny day. Similarly, in picture 2 the weather is warm and sunny.

Just as in picture 1 it is a nice sunny day; in picture 2 the weather is warm and sunny.

Both pictures show a nice sunny day.

Each picture depicts a hot sunny day.

The person in the first picture is involved in sports. Similarly, the people in the second picture are doing sports exercises.

- say in what way the pictures are different:

whereas while however unlike in comparison with

in contrast to be different from differ although but in contrast

There are some differences between these two photos.

There is a big difference between these two pictures.

The two pictures have more differences than similarities.

- say which of the … presented in the pictures you’d prefer and explain why:

Personally, I think… In my opinion,… Moreover, … Besides, …

I’d rather… I definitely wouldn’t like to...

I enjoy… more than… that is why I prefer...

These pictures are about places where people can live in.

In the first picture we see a large industrial city. In the second picture there is a small village.

There are not many similarities between these two pictures. I think that what unites them is that in both pictures we can see buildings, houses and roads.

There are more differences than similarities between these two pictures. I’ll name some of them. Firstly, the first picture shows a densely populated city with lots of tall buildings and blocks of flats, while the second picture depicts a rural area with a lot of green land and some old houses. Secondly, the city is located near a river, whereas the village is situated at the foot of the mountain. Another difference concerns transport. There isn’t any means of transport in the second picture. In contrast, in the first picture we can see a steamboat and a lot of cars on the bridge across the river. Furthermore, we can guess that the first picture was taken in summer, while the other picture shows an autumn day.

Personally, I’d prefer city life to country life. A city is a place where there are more places to go to, a wide variety of attractions that can't be found in the countryside. Besides, a city can give young people great opportunities to continue their education. And that is very important for me because I’m going to study at a university.

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