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Контрольная. Вариант 1 Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите 1, 2, 5ый абзацы

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Вариант 1

  1. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите 1, 2, 5-ый абзацы.

Early Juries

A jury is a body of lay men and women randomly selected to determine facts and to provide a decision in a legal proceeding. Such a body traditionally consists of 12 people and is called a petit jury or trial jury.

Присяжные заседатели - это группа мужчин и женщин, не имеющих профессиональных знаний, выбранных случайным образом для установления фактов и вынесения решения в ходе судебного разбирательства. Такой орган традиционно состоит из 12 человек и называется «малая коллегия присяжных» или «судебная коллегия присяжных».

The exact origin of the jury system is not known; various sources have attributed it to different European peoples who at an early period developed similar methods of trial. The jury is probably of Frankish origin, beginning with inquisition, which had an accusatory and interrogatory function. Trial by jury was brought to England by the Normans in 1066.

Точное происхождение системы суда присяжных неизвестно; различные источники приписывают ее различным европейским народам, которые в ранний период разработали схожие методы суда. Вероятно, суд присяжных имеет франкское происхождение, начиная с инквизиции, которая выполняла функции, связанные с вынесением обвинения и проведением допросов. Суд присяжных был привезен в Англию норманнами в 1066 году.

In medieval Europe, trials were usually decided by ordeals, in which it was believed God intervened, revealing the wrongdoer and upholding the righteous. In the ordeal by water, for instance, a priest admonished the water not to accept a liar. The person whose oath was being tested was then thrown in. If he floated, his oath was deemed to have been perjured. If he was telling the truth, he might drown but his innocence was clear. 

In 1215, however, the Catholic Church decided that trial by ordeal was superstition, and priests were forbidden to take part. As a result, a new method of trial was needed, and the jury system emerged.

At first the jury was made up of local people who could be expected to know the defendant A jury was convened only to "say the truth" on the basis of its knowledge of local affairs. The word verdict reflects this early function; the Latin word from which it is derived, veredictum, means "truly said".

Сначала присяжные заседатели состояли из местных жителей, которые, как можно было ожидать, знали подсудимого. Присяжные созывались только для того, чтобы «сказать правду» на основе своих знаний о местных делах. Слово вердикт отражает эту раннюю функцию; латинское слово, от которого оно происходит, veredictum, означает «истинно сказанное».

In the 14th century the role of the jury finally became that of judgment of evidence. By the 15th century trial by jury became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue. It was not until centuries later that the jury assumed its modern role of deciding facts on the sole basis of what is heard in court.
2. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is a jury?

A jury is a body of lay men and women randomly selected to determine facts and to provide a decision in a legal proceeding.

2. How were cases resolved before jury system?

Before jury system, trials were usually decided by ordeals, in which it was believed God intervened, revealing the wrongdoer and upholding the righteous.

3. Why was there a need for jury system?

In 1215 the Catholic Church decided that trial by ordeal was superstition, and priests were forbidden to take part. As a result, a new method of trial was needed, and the jury system emerged.

4. What was the function of the first juries?

A jury was convened only to "say the truth" on the basis of its knowledge of local affairs.

5. How did the function of the jury change centuries?

The jury assumed its modern role of deciding facts on the sole basis of what is heard in court.
3. Найдите в тексте слова, которые обозначают следующее:

1. examination of a case before a court of law; Trial

  1. a former method of trial used to determine guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to serious physical danger, the result being regarded as a divine judgment; Ordeal

  2. a solemn appeal to a court to witness one's determination to speak the truth; Oath

  3. freedom from sin or moral wrong; Innocence

  4. a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance. Superstition

4.Запишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. "I have something to show you", I said to her.

I told her that I had something to show her.

2. "I couldn't get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break a window", he said.

He said that he couldn't get into the house because he had lost his key, so he had to break a window

3. "Who put salt in my coffee?" he asked.

He asked who had put salt in his coffee.

4. "Don't forget to thank Mrs Jones when you are saying good bye to her", said his mother.

His mother told him not to forget to thank Mrs Jones when he was saying good bye to her.
5.Составьте и запишите 8 типов вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный (2), вопрос к подлежащему, косвенный (2)) к выделенному предложению в тексте.

By the 15th century trial by jury became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue.

1. Did trial by jury become the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue by the 15th century?

2. When did trial by jury become the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue?

3. Did trial by jury become the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue by the 15th or 16th century?

4. By the 15th century trial by jury became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue, didn’t it?

5. By the 15th century trial by jury didn’t become the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue, did it?

6. What became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue by the 15th century?

7. Do you know when trial by jury became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue?

8. Can you tell me what became the dominant mode of resolving a legal issue by the 15th century?
6. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. time/see/brother/that/I/at/only/to/my/was/the/person/wanted.

My brother was the only person I wanted to see at that time.

2. make/it/moon/be/the/tourist/when/to/regular/will/possible/to/trips?

When will it be possible to make regular tourist trips to the moon?

3. cup/after/there/like/good/a/hard/nothing/tea/of/day/is/a.

There is nothing like a good cup of tea after a hard day.
7. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения.

1. All of them got the invitations to the party. to invite

2. Mr. Field is a very helpful neighbour. to help

3. Your proposal will be taken into consideration to propose

4. He is an unknown singer, very few people to know

have heard his songs.
8. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках.

1. I've never seen (такие) such high mountains.

2. The red dress is (хуже) worse than the blue one.

3. You can't believe everything she says, (не так ли) can you?

4. The little boy was (напуган) scared by the look of the big dog.

5. Where did you (учился) learn to play the guitar?

6. I said I could (сводить) take him to the theatre.

7. It doesn't (делает) make any difference now.

8. Oh, here you are! And where are (другие) the other boys?
9. Выберитеправильныйвариант.

1. a) Neither of the two boys spoke no German.

b) No one of the two boys spoke German.

c) Neither of the two boys spoke German.

2. a) There isn't any other way to do it.

b) There isn't any another way to do it.

c) There isn't no other way to do it.
10. Напишите подходящие по смыслу фразы-стимулы к данным ответам.

1. — Can I have your ticket, please? — Here you are.

2. — Would you like to go to the cinema with me? — With pleasure.

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