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английский. Вариант 2 английский язык. Вариант 2 1 My sisters are doctors. These children have nice toys. Those bootles are on the shelf. 2

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НазваниеВариант 2 1 My sisters are doctors. These children have nice toys. Those bootles are on the shelf. 2
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Вариант 2


  1. My sisters are doctors.

  2. These children have nice toys.

  3. Those bootles are on the shelf.


  1. What colour is my ball?

  2. Our Institute is modern.  

  3. His children are in the garden. 

  4. Her dress is nice.  


  1. My friend Nick has a very friendly family. (У моего друга Ника очень дружелюбная семья.)

  2. The students will have a very difficult exam next week.  (У студентов будет очень трудный экзамен на следующей неделе.)

  3. I had no time yesterday.  (У меня не было времени вчера.)

  4. We will have a day off tomorrow.  (У нас будет выходной день завтра.)


  1. Tom, this is my friend Laura.  (Том, это моя подруга Лаура.)

  2. David and his brother are good football-players. (Давид и его брат хорошие футболисты)

  3. Is your sister at school? - No, she is not at school. My sister is at home. (Твоя сестра в школе? Нет она не в школе. Моя сестра дома.)

  4. Is this your watch? - Yes, it is. (Это твои часы? Да.)

  5. She is an actress. (Она актриса.)

  6. Your trousers are very nice. Where did you buy them?  (Твои брюки очень красивые. Где ты их купил?)

  7. This is my new bag. It is very expensive.  (Это моя новая сумка. Она очень дорогая.)

  8. My uncles are office workers. They are at work.  (Мои дяди офисные работники. Они на работе.)

  9.  Helen is a painter. She has some fine pictures. They are on the walls. She has much paper. It is on the shelf. The shelf is brown. It is on the wall.  (Хелен художник. У нее есть прекрасные фотографии. Они на стенах. У нее много бумаги. Они на полке. Полка коричневая. Они на стене.)

  10. Elena has a brother. He is a student. He has a family. His wife is not in St. Petersburg, she is in Moscow.  (У Елены есть брат. Он студент у него есть семья. Его жены нет в Санкт-Петербурге, она в Москве.)

  11. Where are you from? I am from Canada. (Откуда ты? Я из Канады.)

  12. What colour is your car? It is black. (Какого цвета твоя машина? Она черная.)

  13. Who is your favourite actor? (Кто твой любимый актер?)

  14. What colour are his eyes? His eyes are green. (Какого цвета его глаза? Его глаза зеленые.)

  15. Are the shops open today? Yes, they are. (Магазины открыты сегодня? Да.)

  16. Are you a teacher? No, I am a policeman. (Вы учитель? Нет я полицейский.)  

  17. Where is my key? It is on the shelf. (Где мой ключ? Он на полке.)

  18. Are your parents at home? My mother is at home.(Твои родители дома? Моя мама дома.)  

  19. I want to buy some milk. Is our shop open now?  (Я хочу купить молока. Наш магазин сейчас открыт?)

  20. Where are the boxes? They are under the bed. (Где коробки? Они под кроватью.)


  1. Nick and Mark were our best students.  (Ник и Марк были настоящими лучшими студентами.)

  2. Why was he angry yesterday? (Почему он был зол вчера?)

  3. Was Mary at work last Monday? Yes, she was. (Мери была на работе в прошлый понедельник? Да, была.)

  4. Our hotel room was very small and it was not very clean. (Наш номер в отеле был очень маленьким и не очень чистым.)

  5. Kate got married when she was 24 years old. (Катя вышла замуж когда ей было 24 года.)

  6. I phoned you yesterday but you were not at home. (Я звонил тебе вчера ,но тебя не было дома.)

  7. George was not at work last week because he was ill. (Джорджа н было на работе на прошлой неделе, потому что он был болен.)

  8. The shops were not open yesterday because it was a public holiday.(Магазин не был открыт вчера, потому что был праздник.) 

  9. Were you at home at 9.30? No, I was at work. (Ты был дома в 9:30? Нет, я был на работе.)

  10.  Paul was in the cafe yesterday. (Пауль был в кафе вчера.)


  1. There are a lot of many books in her study.

  2. There are beautiful flowers in my garden.

  3. There are some mistakes in his dictation.

  4. There are two kittens in the kitchen. 

  5. There is a lot of  much water in her garden. 


  1. He has got a lot of good books.

  2. There is little snow outside.

  3. There are a lot of flowers in the garden.

  4. There's not much light in this room.

  5. She has a lot of children.

  6. They don't have much time.

  7. There are a lot of old trees in this park.

  8. There aren't many rooms in this house.

  9. They is too much sugar in the tea.

  10. She has a lot of money.


My name is Kozlovskaya Irina. I have been living in Kamchatka for 10 years. I used to live in Vladivostok. I'm 28 years old. I have a beautiful son and a beloved husband. My son is in the second grade. He just started learning English. He likes to learn a new language. My husband works as a firefighter. He is 31 years old. Together, we love to go fishing and camping. Kamchatka has a very beautiful nature. Now this place has become my home. I love my region and my family.



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