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английский язык. АНГЛ ТЕСТЫ моё и чужое. Выберите правильный перевод словосочетания Labour Productivity

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a person who has a computer;

a person who uses the Internet and its resources;

a computer programmer.
Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. With the development of technology in the twenty-first century, it would be really difficult to imagine life without computers. They are a source of information, education and entertainment, but today's world of computers can also be quite frightening and dangerous. This is because of people who use computers for illegal purposes. They are called hackers. Hackers spend their time playing with computer data in all parts of cyberspace. Much of what they do is not dangerous, but sometimes their activities break the law, for example, when they break into websites, take control of computers or create viruses. They are especially interested in breaking through the security of military websites. Hackers know how to trick people just using their programs. They use a 'Trojan Horse’, a program that looks perfectly safe, but actually contains something destructive. The only way of not getting into trouble is not to open it. Although they can get serious punishment if they are caught, most hackers still think that what they do is a game. They often meet at festivals to take part in discussions, share their experiences, meet other hackers and generally to have a good time. These meetings are organized in well-known places like Las Vegas or Berlin. However, what the hackers do at such festivals is a secret and often many of their activities take place at night. Recently, hacking has started to increase. Hackers are getting into computer systems and stealing or destroying information. It is certain that there will be a lot more of this high-tech crime in the twenty-first century. A hacker is a person who ... (Вес: 1)

provides computer users with new and interesting information;

enters other people's computer programs without permission;

surfs through the Internet.

Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Of the full-time students now attending English Universities three quarters are men, and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture. The University of London, for instance,, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method which brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. These colleges, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London. Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such .as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges, which prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own fields. The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity, and the vacations between the terms – a month at Christmas, a month at Easter, and three or four months in summer – are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate. B.A. or B. Sc. stands for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science, the first degree. M.A. or M. Sc. denotes Master of Arts, or of Science. One can become a B.A. after three years of hard study, and an M.A. at the end of five years. London University ... (Вес: 1)

uses the tutorial system of education;

is a collection of colleges;

is the most prestigious university in the UK.

Вопрос: Since the early times communication played a crucial role in human society. All the previous ways of communication set the stage for the present unprecedented integration of communication capabilities, which we call Internet. Internet revolutionized the communication world like nothing before. If you are a Netizen (Net citizen), you can consider any person on the Net your compatriot. It does not matter where this person lives. In the virtual reality of the Net you live next door to everyone. There are no borders for the Internet, you work in cyberspace. Every person on the Net can make an intellectual contribution to the global society. It means that access to the Net needs to be universal. It is a long way to go to achieve this goal, but a lot has been done in this direction already. In the United States, you can get unlimited number of hours on the Internet paying about $20.00 a month and this cost is definitely going down. The universities provide free access to the Net for their students, professors, staff, etc. Many businesses are also connected and allow their employees to use the Net for business purposes. Most public libraries now offer free on line service through their computers. There is another process going on with the Internet – its commercialization. Businesses advertise and market on the Internet. Online catalogs and advertising provide many opportunities, and online shopping is becoming more and more popular. There are lots of companies that are trying to make profit through the Internet. The Internet owes its design to the US Defense Department's project of 1969. The Internet was designed in part to provide a communications network that would work even if some of the sites were destroyed by nuclear attack. Then people in universities all over the world started to use the network to share ideas. They used it for work and for fun. In the 1980s, people started calling it the Internet. The Internet first started ... (Вес: 1)

for military reasons;

for research purposes;

for business.
Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. With the development of technology in the twenty-first century, it would be really difficult to imagine life without computers. They are a source of information, education and entertainment, but today's world of computers can also be quite frightening and dangerous. This is because of people who use computers for illegal purposes. They are called hackers. Hackers spend their time playing with computer data in all parts of cyberspace. Much of what they do is not dangerous, but sometimes their activities break the law, for example, when they break into websites, take control of computers or create viruses. They are especially interested in breaking through the security of military websites. Hackers know how to trick people just using their programs. They use a 'Trojan Horse’, a program that looks perfectly safe, but actually contains something destructive. The only way of not getting into trouble is not to open it. Although they can get serious punishment if they are caught, most hackers still think that what they do is a game. They often meet at festivals to take part in discussions, share their experiences, meet other hackers and generally to have a good time. These meetings are organized in well-known places like Las Vegas or Berlin. However, what the hackers do at such festivals is a secret and often many of their activities take place at night. Recently, hacking has started to increase. Hackers are getting into computer systems and stealing or destroying information. It is certain that there will be a lot more of this high-tech crime in the twenty-first century. In the author's opinion, the use of computers ... (Вес: 1)

is dangerous and destructive;

is quite safe and necessary;

has its advantages and disadvantages.

Вопрос: Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола. (Вес: 1)

Студенты прослушают эту лекцию к 12.00. will have listened

Все студенты сейчас на лекции. Они внимательно слушают профессора. are listening

Они прослушали эту лекцию на прошлой неделе. listened

Они не услышали, как зазвонил телефон, так как слушали громкую музыку. were listening

Мы часто слушаем радио. listen
Вопрос: Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола. (Вес: 1)

Джек красит потолок с самого утра. has been painting

Моя дочь – художница. Она рисует очень хорошо. paints

Он сказал, что покрасит стены в зеленый цвет. would paint

Я уверен, что Джордж нарисует твой портрет лучше всех. will paint

Моя сестра красила пол, когда начался дождь. was painting
Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Can you imagine the world without money? It is quite impossible. Money – they say – makes the world go round. Why is that so? Well, think of all the situations in which you have to pay for the things you buy – like food, clothes, medicine, newspapers, or for the services you get, like a new hairstyle or car repairs. Think of the entertainment you have to pay for – tickets to concerts, sports matches, favourite books, CDs and holidays. You can have it all if you've got the money. Money has played an important role in every civilization. It has taken various forms and has changed many times over the centuries. The first form of payment was the exchange of goods. People usually exchanged animal skins and meat, fruit and vegetables, cloth and precious stones. In ancient Egypt they used metal bars which were cut into smaller parts if necessary. In the seventh century BC the first coins appeared. They were usually made of silver or gold and their value depended on the amount of metal in each coin. With time, coins became very popular and many countries produced their own currency. The introduction of paper money – banknotes – in the seventeenth century was the beginning of banking systems in many European countries. Since then, banks have offered a wide range of services like loans, bank accounts, etc. Today, people pay for things in many different ways: they pay in cash, by cheque, or by credit card. The last one, it seems, is the most convenient form of payment. Many people believe that one day money in the form of coins, banknotes, cheques and magnetic cards will totally disappear and that all buying and selling will be done via the Internet. In a primitive society people used … (Вес: 1)

a system of barter;

their own currency;

a system of bank accounts.

Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Of the full-time students now attending English Universities three quarters are men, and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture. The University of London, for instance,, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method which brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. These colleges, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London. Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such .as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges, which prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own fields. The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity, and the vacations between the terms – a month at Christmas, a month at Easter, and three or four months in summer – are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate. B.A. or B. Sc. stands for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science, the first degree. M.A. or M. Sc. denotes Master of Arts, or of Science. One can become a B.A. after three years of hard study, and an M.A. at the end of five years. External students ... (Вес: 1)

attend all lectures;

prepare for their exams;

never study art subjects.
Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. There are about ninety Universities in Great Britain, the biggest one being London University, and the oldest ones Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford was founded in the 12th century as an aristocratic University and retains its aristocratic character to the present day: the cost of studies is comparatively high. Students have to pay for using libraries and laboratories, as well as for taking examinations. Oxford's organization is very complicated. In fact, the University is a collection of 35 Colleges: two for women only, the rest taking both men and women. Each college is a world of its own which gives its students a specialized training in arts, law, medicine and science. The largest college has over 500 students; the smallest college has 100 students. The University is an administrative centre which arranges lectures for students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees. The tutorial system of education used both in Oxford and Cambridge is one of the ways in which Oxbridge differs from other English Universities. Every student has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the student; the student's duty is to regularly see his tutor and submit papers and essays. The tutorial system of education brings the student into personal contact with his tutor, the latter trying to influence the social and political life of the student. The academic year in England has three terms; each term lasts from eight to ten weeks. Terminal examinations take place at the end of autumn, spring and summer terms. Final examinations take place at the end of the course of studies. If a student fails in an examination, he may be allowed to take the exam again, only two re-examinations being usually allowed. Every academic year students take exams... (Вес: 1)



three times
Вопрос: Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола. (Вес: 1)

Когда я вернулся, мои родители разговаривали на кухне. were talking

Стелла и Джоанна разговаривают по телефону с 3 часов. have been talking

Они обещали, что поговорят с начальником завтра. would talk

Мои коллеги говорили о контракте вчера вечером. talked
Вопрос: Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола. (Вес: 1)

Сара улетела в Париж в прошлый вторник. flew

Белинда летела в Лондон, когда началась гроза. was flying

Завтра в это время мы будем лететь над Атлантическим океаном. will be flying

Он сказал, что летал на Конкорде раньше. had flown

Мой друг редко летает на самолетах. flies
Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Can you imagine the world without money? It is quite impossible. Money – they say – makes the world go round. Why is that so? Well, think of all the situations in which you have to pay for the things you buy – like food, clothes, medicine, newspapers, or for the services you get, like a new hairstyle or car repairs. Think of the entertainment you have to pay for – tickets to concerts, sports matches, favourite books, CDs and holidays. You can have it all if you've got the money. Money has played an important role in every civilization. It has taken various forms and has changed many times over the centuries. The first form of payment was the exchange of goods. People usually exchanged animal skins and meat, fruit and vegetables, cloth and precious stones. In ancient Egypt they used metal bars which were cut into smaller parts if necessary. In the seventh century BC the first coins appeared. They were usually made of silver or gold and their value depended on the amount of metal in each coin. With time, coins became very popular and many countries produced their own currency. The introduction of paper money – banknotes – in the seventeenth century was the beginning of banking systems in many European countries. Since then, banks have offered a wide range of services like loans, bank accounts, etc. Today, people pay for things in many different ways: they pay in cash, by cheque, or by credit card. The last one, it seems, is the most convenient form of payment. Many people believe that one day money in the form of coins, banknotes, cheques and magnetic cards will totally disappear and that all buying and selling will be done via the Internet. The most convenient form of payment nowadays is … (Вес: 1)


credit card;

Вопрос: Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Of the full-time students now attending English Universities three quarters are men, and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture. The University of London, for instance,, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method which brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. These colleges, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London. Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such .as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges, which prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own fields. The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity, and the vacations between the terms – a month at Christmas, a month at Easter, and three or four months in summer – are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate. B.A. or B. Sc. stands for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science, the first degree. M.A. or M. Sc. denotes Master of Arts, or of Science. One can become a B.A. after three years of hard study, and an M.A. at the end of five years. Methods of instruction in British Universities
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