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E) has worked.

Вопрос 911

We (to invite) them to our party but they decided not to come.

A) invited;

B) invites;

C) had invited;

D) invite;

E) was invited.

Вопрос 912

I was watching TV when my father (to come) back from work.

A) went;

B) come;

C) has come;

D) comed;

E) came.

Вопрос 913

Listen, John! Who (to be) with you at yesterday’s party? – It (to be) my new girlfriend.

A) was, were;

B) was, was;

C) were, was;

D) were, were;

E) had been, had been.

Вопрос 914

Bank of New York (to deal) with Halyk Bank last year, didn’t it?

A) did deal;

B) dealed;

C) dealt;

D) was dealing;

E) has dealt.

Вопрос 915

I (to make) up my mind not to visit training courses any more.

A) was making;

B) has made;

C) makes;

D) made;

E) make.

Вопрос 916

The speech of our President (to awake) us to the sense of patriotism and duty.

A) awoken;

B) awaked;

C) awoke;

D) has awoken;

E) are awoken.

Вопрос 917 I (to understand) clearly what the teacher was explaining yesterday.

A) is understood;

B) understand;

C) had understood;

D) have understood;

E) understood.

Вопрос 918

I (to go) to a basketball match last Friday.

A) went;

B) gone;

C) had gone;

D) was going;

E) have gone.

Вопрос 919

This guy (to begin) using drugs several years ago. Now he is a finished man.

A) begun;

B) began;

C) is begun;

D) has begun;

E) begins.

Вопрос 920

We (to send) him a letter last week but he hasn’t answered us yet.

A) send;

B) sent;

C) were sending;

D) have sent ;

E) sand.

Вопрос 921

He owes me because I (to do) him a great favor.

A) were doing;

B) do;

C) done;

D) did;

E) was doing.

Вопрос 922

I (to speak) to him last evening and he promised to come.

A) speaked;

B) spoken;

C) spoke;

D) speak ;

E) spoks.

Вопрос 923

Have you seen my papers? – I guess I (to throw) them away.

A) had thrown;

B) is thrown;

C) thrown;

D) throw;

E) threw.

Вопрос 924

Whom do you think I (to see) yesterday? – Tell me the truth I don’t know.

A) saw;

B) sew;

C) seed;

D) seen;

E) had seen.

Вопрос 925

Can I wear your pink T-shirt? – I (to sell) it on a Christmas Sale.

A) sold;

B) seld;

C) is sold;

D) sell;

E) sells.


Look! What a fashionable jeans I (to buy).

A) are bought;

B) bought;

C) buys;

D) have bought;

E) buy.


She (to break) this vase yesterday and today it appeared to be glued.

A) has broken;

B) break;

C) have broken;

D) broke;

E) haden broken.


Two years ago we (to be) students.

A) be;

B) was;

C) are;

D) been;

E) were.

Вопрос 929

We (live) in Moscow for five years.

A) lives;

B) live;

C) lived;

D) have been living;

E) were live;

Вопрос 930

When I (to be) student, I sometimes (stay) after classes (to play) volleyball.

A) were, stayed, to play;

B) was, stayed, play;

C) was, stayed, played;

D) was, stayed, to play;

E) was, stay, to play.

Вопрос 931

Ann (translate) a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.

A) translates;

B) translate;

C) translated;

D) will translate;

E) translating;

Вопрос 932

(To do) you (play) volleyball every week-end?

A) do, play;

B) did, play;

C) did, played;

D) does, play;

E) done, played;

Вопрос 933

A week ago my friend (come) to Moscow from Leningrad.

A) came;

B) come;

C) comes;

D) comed;

E) will come;

Вопрос 934

Yesterday (to be) my day off.

A) be;

B) were;

C) are;

D) been;

E) was;

Вопрос 935

I (to get) up at 8 o’clock yesterday.

A) gets;

B) get;

C) got;

D) gotten;

E) will get;

Вопрос 936

When you (to have) breakfast yesterday?

A) did…have;

B) have;

C) has;

D) had;

E) do…had;

Вопрос 937

Mr Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning.

A) were fix;

B) fix;

C) was fix;

D) fixed;

E) fax;

Вопрос 938

Yesterday I (to get up) very early.

A) will get up;

B) get up;

C) gets up;

D) got up;

E) gotten up.

Вопрос 939

I (to go) to the bathroom and ( to wash ) my hands.

A) went, wash;

B) went, washed;

C) go, washed;

D) go, wash;

E) gone, washed;

Вопрос 940

Yesterday I (to have) breakfast with my son.

A) was having;

B) have;

C) has;

D) will have;

E) had.

Вопрос 941

I (no to drink) tea,I prefer milk .

A) don’t drunk;

B) don’t drink;

C) didn’t drink;

D) didn’t drank;

E) didn’t drunk;

Вопрос 942

Yesterday I (to drink) coffee.

A) drink;

B) drank;

C) drunk;

D) drinks;

E) are drunk;

Вопрос 943

I (to leave) home with my son.

A) left;

B) leaved;

C) leaves;

D) has left;

E) was left;

Вопрос 944

Yesterday in the evening I (to be) at home.

A) am;

B) were;

C) will be;

D) was;

E) been;

Вопрос 945

They (walk) very quickly to be in time.

A) walked;

B) walk;

C) walks;

D) will walk;

E) was walk.

Вопрос 946

If I studied hard, I would … the test yesterday.

A) Be passed;

B) Had passed;

C) Passed;

D) Have passed;

E) Pass.

Вопрос 947

They are sure that nobody (to arrive) on Sunday if the weather (to be) bad.

A) Had arrived/will be;

B) Has arrived/is;

C) Will arrive/is;

D) Would arrive/was;

E) Arrived/would be.

Вопрос 948

Nobody (to expect) that the expedition (to be found).

A) Is expected/will find;

B) Expected/would be found;

C) Expect/would find;

D) Expected/will be found;

E) Expects/had found.

Вопрос 949

Choose correct variant

А) I would like to join the party;

B) I would to join the party;

C) I would to like to join the party;

D) I would to be like to join the party;

E) I would has liked to join the party.

Вопрос 950

Choose correct variant

A) Will you promise to step on your toes if I not dance with me?

B) Will you promise not dance with me if I step on to your toes?

C) If I promise not to step on your toes you will dance with me?

D) Will you dance with me if I promise not to step on your toes?

E) Will you dance with me if I promise not step on to your toes?

Вопрос 951

Could you speak…, I can not catch you?

A) More slow;

B) Most slowly;

C) Slowliest;

D) More slowly;

E) Many slowly.

Вопрос 952

What film (to be) on now?

A) is;

B) were;

C) are;

D) had been;

E) was.

Вопрос 953

What a boring film! It is the most boring film I ...ever ... .

A) have...seen;

B) is...seen;

C) are...seen;

D) will...seen;

E) has...seen.

Вопрос 954

Find right question

You wish to know if your friend can lend you money.

A) Could you lend me some money?

B) You can borrow me money, can you?

C) You can lent me money?

D) Can you to lend me money?

E) Can you lent me money?

Вопрос 955

We will be late, if you do not drive a bit…

A) Fastly;

B) More quick;

C) More fast;

D) Fast;

E) Faster.

Вопрос 956

If the letter… in English he will easily translate it without a dictionary.

A) Writes;

B) Is written;

C) Will write;

D) Wrote;

E) Will be written.

Вопрос 957

If a marriage finishes, you get…

A) Children;

B) Alone;

C) A family;

D) Divorced;

E) A ticket.

Вопрос 958

The plants will grow better if…

A) You water them regularly;

B) The sun will shine brightly;

C) You will take care of them;

D) It will not be snowing;

E) It will be a fine weather.

Вопрос 959

We… for the examination if I had known that it would be so difficult.

A) Had entered;

B) Did not have;

C) Could have entered;

D) Would be entering;

E) Would not have entered.

Вопрос 960

If you look carefully, you… find writing scratched on the glass.

A) Can;

B) Are going to;

C) Shall;

D) Will;

E) Shall not.

Вопрос 961

You… mad if you think I am going to lend you any more money.

A) Should be;

B) Are supposed to be;

C) Must be;

D) Ought to be;

E) Must not be.

Вопрос 962

If I had not come along at that moment, Jim… the one arrested instead of the real thief.

A) Might have been;

B) May have been;

C) Can have been;

D) Could have been;

E) Should have been.

Вопрос 963

He … it if he tried.

A) Can do;

B) Could do;

C) Could be done;

D) Could been done;

E) Could doing.

Вопрос 964

If you… so much noise,I… able to sleep.

A) Make, will not be;

B) Will make,will be;

C) Will make, am;

D) Will not make, will be;

E) Will make, be.

Вопрос 965

If I… in your shoes, I… her.

A) Was,help;

B) Were help;

C) Were,would have helped;

D) Shall be,would have helped;

E) Was, will help.

Вопрос 966

I thought that he… her that he… to go to the Crimea.

A) Will tell, intended;

B) Would tell, intended;

C) Would tell, intends;

D) Would tell, has intended;

E) Would tell, had intended.

Вопрос 967

If it …, we … go to the country.

A) Will rain, shall not;

B) Rains, shall not;

C) Rained, shall;

D) Will rain, will;

E) Rains, shall.

Вопрос 968

If he… to Moscow he… sightseeing.

A) Will go… will go;

B) Goes… will go;

C) Has… will go;

D) Will have…will go;

E) Had… will go.

Вопрос 969

If she… time then,she… to the theatre.

A) Had…would go;

B) Has… will go;

C) Will have…will go;

D) Shall have…shall go;

E) Do have…will go.

Вопрос 970

If I… about it, I… them.

A) Shall know… visit;

B) Shall know… shall visit;

C) Knew… should visit;

D) Should know… visit;

E) Would know… visit.

Вопрос 971

If he… time yesterday, he… the film.

A) Had had… would have seen;

B) Had… would see;

C) Would have… would see;

D) Had have… will see;

E) Will have… would see.

Вопрос 972

If it… last Monday, they… to the park.

A) Had not rained… would have gone;

B) Did not rain… will go;

C) Would not rained… would go;

D) Do rained… will go;

E) Did rained… will not go.

Вопрос 973

I wish he … here.

A) Were;

B) Was;

C) Is;

D) Are;

E) Was not.

Вопрос 974

I wish you… earlier.

A) Come;

B) Had come;

C) Came;

D) Have come;

E) Comes.

Вопрос 975

If he … here he would do this work.

A) Was;

B) Is;

C) Were;

D) Been;

E) Are.

Вопрос 976

He ran as if he… a sportsman.

A) Was;

B) Is;

C) Were;

D) Been;

E) Are.

Вопрос 977

She spoke as if she… the problem.

A) Knew;

B) Know;

C) Had known;

D) Have known;

E) Has known.

Вопрос 978

They suggested that the work… next week.

A) Would be done;

B) Will be done;

C) Will have done;

D) Will have being;

E) Shall be done.

Вопрос 979

It is important that they… at work at seven o clock.

A) Were;

B) Should be;

C) Are;

D) Been;

E) Being.

Вопрос 980

He speaks as if he… his lesson.

A) Knows;

B) Known;

C) Knew;

D) Is known;

E) Are known.

Вопрос 981

I wish I…

A) Can swim;

B) Can swam;

C) Could swim;

D) Have to swim;

E) Are swim.

Вопрос 982

The teacher ordered that the text… immediately.

A) Should be translated;

B) Was translated;

C) Will translated;

D) Will be translated;

E) Is translated.

Вопрос 983

It was necessary that they… there in time.

A) Would go;

B) Gone;

C) Went;

D) Going;

E) Are going.

Вопрос 984

She wished now she… the bag.

A) Had forgotten;

B) Forgot;

C) Have forgotten;

D) Forgoted;

E) Forget.

Вопрос 985

If only he … free!

A) Was;

B) Be;

C) Were;

D) Being;

E) Be not.

Вопрос 986

Success… you!

A) Attend;

B) Attends;

C) Be attended;

D) Was attended;

E) Were attended.

Вопрос 987

If she… not so absent-minded, she… her keys.

A) Was… will not have lost;

B) Be… would not lose;

C) Were… would not have lost;

D) Is… would not have lost;

E) Are… would be not.

Вопрос 988

We wish our exams … over.

A) Were;

B) Are;

C) Be;

D) Is;

E) Was.

Вопрос 989

It is difficult to get there by bus. I wish I … a car.

A) Have;

B) Had;

C) Has;

D) Having;

E) Have to.

Вопрос 990

Sue is taking her English test tomorrow, but she does not know grammar well enough. She wishes she … it better.

A) Learns;

B) Learnt;

C) Had learnt;

D) Have learnt;

E) Learning.

Вопрос 991

Dad is angry with you.

I am sorry. I wish I … those offensive words;

A) Did not say;

B) Had not said;

C) Have said;

D) Has said;

E) Having said.

Вопрос 992

We had a wonderful holiday in France. I wish we … there again next summer.

A) Will go;

B) Go;

C) Went;

D) Would go;

E) Shall go.

Вопрос 993

Will your sister come to the party? I wish she… some of my friends.

A) Would meet;

B) Meet;

C) Meets;

D) Have met;

E) Had met.

Вопрос 994

Mag`s lost her key. She wished … so careless.

A) Was not;

B) Were not;

C) Had not been;

D) Have not be;

E) Is not been.

Вопрос 995

I wish … I so much money. Now I have to borrow some from my parents.

A) Had not spent;

B) Did not spent;

C) Have not spent;

D) Is not spent;

E) Has not spent.

Вопрос 996

Terry had a terribly headache yesterday. He wished he …less at the party.

A) Drank;

B) Had Drunk;

C) Are drunk;
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