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  • Вопрос 838 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 839 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 840 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 841 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 842 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 843 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 844 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 846 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 848 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 849 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 850 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 851 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 852 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 853 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 854 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 856 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 857 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 859 Choose the correct variant

  • Вопрос 860 Choose the correct variant

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    Вопрос 837

    Choose the correct variant

    A) We always go abroad for our holidays;

    B) Always we go abroad for our holidays;

    C) We go always abroad for our holidays;

    D) We go abroad always for our holidays;

    E) We are always go abroad for our holidays.

    Вопрос 838

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Does Sandra always get up early in the morning;

    B) Does Sandra get up early always in the morning;

    C) Does Sandra get up always in the morning early;

    D) Does Sandra get up always early in the morning;

    E) Do Sandra always get up early in the morning.

    Вопрос 839

    Choose the correct variant

    A) When next year do you start at the university?

    B) When at the university do you start next year?

    C) When do start you at the university next year?

    D) When do you start at the university next year?

    E) When next year do at the university you start?

    Вопрос 840

    Choose the correct variant

    A) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go very often there;

    B) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t very often go there;

    C) We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don’t go there;

    D) We enjoy the theatre, but we aren’t go very often there;

    E) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go there very often.

    Вопрос 841

    Choose the correct variant

    A) How much does cost it for the return ticket?

    B) How much for the return ticket does it cost ?

    C) How much does it cost for the return ticket?

    D) How does much it cost for the return ticket?

    E) How much do cost it for the return ticket?

    Вопрос 842

    Choose the correct variant

    A) They don’t often phone my mother in London;

    B) They often don’t phone my mother in London;

    C) They don’t phone my mother in London often;

    D) They don’t often phoned my mother in London;

    E) They don’t phone my mother often in London.

    Вопрос 843

    Choose the correct variant

    A) The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen;

    B) The next train leave in the morning at two fifteen;

    C) The next train leaved in the morning at two fifteen;

    D) The next train leaving in the morning at two fifteen;

    E) The next train are leaving in the morning at two fifteen.

    Вопрос 844

    Choose the correct variant

    A) What is the girl doing now?

    B) What the girl is doing now?

    C) What doing the girl now?

    D) What is the girl doing now?

    E) What does the girl doing now?

    Вопрос 845

    Choose the correct variant

    A) What those people are looking for?

    B) What are those people looking for?

    C) What is those people looking for?

    D) What do those people looking for?

    E) What do those people are looking for?

    Вопрос 846

    Choose the correct variant

    A) who’re shouting at the dog?

    B) who’s shouting at the dog?

    C) who shouting at the dog?

    D) who does shouting at the dog?

    E) who’ve shouting at the dog?

    Вопрос 847

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Do the children are listening to the teacher?

    B) Are listening the children to the teacher?

    C) Is the children are listening to the teacher?

    D) Are the children listening to the teacher?

    E) Have the children are listening to the teacher?

    Вопрос 848

    Choose the correct variant

    A) When you are going to have a meal?

    B) When do you going to have a meal?

    C) When are you going to have a meal?

    D) When going you to have a meal?

    E) When to have a meal you are going ?

    Вопрос 849

    Choose the correct variant

    A) How do many students sitting on the stairs?

    B) How many students are sitting on the stairs?

    C) How many are sitting on the stairs students?

    D) How many is sitting students on the stairs?

    E) How do many students sitting are on the stairs?

    Вопрос 850

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Why do they looking at me like that?

    B) Why is they looking at me like that?

    C) Why are they looking at me like that?

    D) Why have they looking at me like that?

    E) Why they are looking at me like that?

    Вопрос 851

    Choose the correct variant

    A) The cat isn’t hiding from the dog, isn’t it?

    B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn’t it?

    C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn’t it?

    D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn’t it?

    E) The cat aren’t hiding from the dog, aren’t it?

    Вопрос 852

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?

    B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?

    C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?

    D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely isn’t she?

    E) Has the girl speaking rudely or politely?

    Вопрос 853

    Choose the correct variant

    A) The policeman is pointing at the dog;

    B) The policeman haven’t pointing at the dog;

    C) The policeman are pointing at the dog;

    D) The policeman doesn’t pointing at the dog;

    E) The policeman hasn’t pointing at the dog.

    Вопрос 854

    Choose the correct variant

    A) It doesn’t not raining now;

    B) It isn’t rain now;

    C) It’s not raining now;

    D) It doesn’t raining now;

    E) It is doesn’t not raining now.

    Вопрос 855

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children ice-cream;

    B) Mrs. Bell is buy for her children ice-cream;

    C) Mrs. Bell buying for her children ice-cream;

    D) Mrs. Bell is buying for her children ice-cream;

    E) Mrs. Bell no buying for her children ice-cream is.

    Вопрос 856

    Choose the correct variant

    A) The students aren’t drawing nothing;

    B) The students are drawing nothing;

    C) The students drawing nothing;

    D) The students don’t drawing nothing;

    E) The students isn’t drawing nothing.

    Вопрос 857

    Choose the correct variant

    A) John’s having a ride;

    B) John has having a ride;

    C) John having no ride;

    D) John is have no ride;

    E) John’s has a ride.

    Вопрос 858

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Why they not cleaning the window?

    B) Why aren’t they cleaning the window?

    C) Why they aren’t they cleaning the window?

    D) Why don’t they cleaning the window?

    E) Why they cleaning not the window?

    Вопрос 859

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Did Bill at home last night?

    B) Did Bill was at home last night?

    C) Was Bill at home last night?

    D) Did Bill be at home last night?

    E) Were Bill at home last night?

    Вопрос 860

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Who did be at home last night?

    B) Who was at home last night?

    C) Who did at home last night?

    D) Who did was at home last night?

    E) Who be at home last night?

    Вопрос 861

    Choose the correct variant

    A) When did Bill at home?

    B) When did Bill was at home?

    C) When was Bill at home?

    D) When did Bill be at home?

    E) When Bill did be at home?

    Вопрос 862

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Who cleaned clothes last night?

    B) Who did cleaned clothes last night?

    C) Who was cleaned clothes last night?

    D) Who did clean clothes last night?

    E) Who clean clothes last night?

    Вопрос 863

    Choose the correct variant

    A) When Bill cleaned his clothes?

    B) When did Bill cleaned his clothes?

    C) When was Bill cleaned his clothes?

    D) When did Bill clean his clothes?

    E) When Bill clean his clothes?

    Вопрос 864

    Choose the correct variant

    A) What he did first?

    B) What was he do first?

    C) What was he did first?

    D) What did he do first?

    E) What he do first?

    Вопрос 865

    Choose the correct variant

    A) Where he put them?

    B) Where was he put them?

    C) Where he was put them?

    D) Where did he put them?

    E) Where put he them?

    Вопрос 866

    She (to learn) French and German two years ago.

    A) lernt;

    B) is learnt;

    C) learnt;

    D) was learnt;

    E) were learnt.


    We (to keep) our car in the garage last winter.

    A) were kept

    B) kepted;

    C) was kept;

    D) kept;

    E) is kept.


    They often (to make) mistakes lаst lesson.

    A) made;

    B) maked;

    C) had make;

    D) was made;

    E) were made.

    Вопрос 869

    When I lived with my parents I (to help) my mother about the house.

    A) help;

    B) helpt;

    C) was helped;

    D) helps;

    E) helped.

    Вопрос 870

    They (not to do) their shopping every day last year.

    A) do not do;

    B) did not do;

    C) does not do;

    D) not did;

    E) did not to do.

    Вопрос 871

    We (to go) to the university by metro yesterday.

    A) go;

    B) gone;

    C) goes;

    D) went;

    E) did go.

    Вопрос 872

    The classes (to begin) at 8 yesterday.

    A) begined;

    B) begun;

    C) began;

    D) begint;

    E) begand.

    Вопрос 873

    I (to stay) at school yesterday.

    A) was stay;

    B) stay;

    C) stayed;

    D) were stay;

    E) stayd.

    Вопрос 874

    It often (to rain) last October.

    A) raint;

    B) raind;

    C) rain;

    D) rains;

    E) rained.


    Tom (to get) excellent marks in English yesterday.

    A) got;

    B) getted;

    C) get;

    D) gott;

    E) was got.

    Вопрос 876

    It often ( to rain) in autumn and spring last year.

    A) rainet;

    B) rain;

    C) raint;

    D) rained;

    E) raned.

    Вопрос 877

    Yesterday the boys (to spend) their free time on the bank of the river.

    A) spent;

    B) spend;

    C) spended;

    D) spented;

    E) spond.

    Вопрос 878 She (to studiy) English hard at school.

    A) study;

    B) studied;

    C) studed;

    D) studing;

    E) will study.

    Вопрос 879

    Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late.

    A) didn’t ate, get;

    B) didn’t ate, got;

    C) didn’t eat, get;

    D) didn’t eat, got;

    E) don’t eat, got.

    Вопрос 880

    I (to read) books yesterday.

    A) will read;

    B) readed;

    C) read;

    D) was read;

    E) were read.

    Вопрос 881

    I (to write) a lot of letters yesterday.

    A) was write;

    B) write;

    C) written;

    D) will write;

    E) wrote.

    Вопрос 882

    I (to go) to the library and (to take) a book yesterday.

    A) went, took;

    B) went, take;

    C) go, took;

    D) go, take;

    E) gone, taken.

    Вопрос 883

    Вчера я написала письмо маме.

    A) Yesterday I wrote a letter to my mom;

    B) Yesterday I write a letter to my mom;

    C) Yesterday I written a letter to my mom;

    D) Yesterday I writed a letter to my mom;

    E) Yesterday I will write a letter to my mom.

    Вопрос 884

    Two weeks ago I (to go)to London to see a friend of mine.

    A) gone;

    B) went;

    C) goes;

    D) go;

    E) goed.

    Вопрос 885

    This house (to cost) 35.000$ in 1980.

    A) cosed;

    B) costed;

    C) cost;

    D) coset;

    E) cose.

    Вопрос 886

    I was angry because Tom and Ann (to be) late.

    A) are;

    B) were;

    C) is;

    D) was;

    E) am.

    Вопрос 887

    Ann: Did you go out last night, Tom?

    Tom: Yes, I (to go) to the cinema. But I didn’t enjoy the film.

    A) goes;

    B) gone;

    C) go;

    D) went;

    E) got.

    Вопрос 888

    When … Mr Edward’s …?

    A) do, die;

    B) did, die;

    C) did, died;

    D) does, die;

    E) was, die.

    Вопрос 889

    What you (do) at the last week–end?

    A) do,do;

    B) did,do;

    C) has,done;

    D) is done;

    E) was done.

    Вопрос 890

    We didn’t invite her to the party, so she (not to come) come.

    A) did not come

    B) not came

    C) is not coming

    D) are coming

    E) will come

    Вопрос 891

    Tom (to arrive)?-Not yet.

    A) have arrived;

    B) has arrived;

    C) is arrived;

    D) are arrived;

    E) arrives.

    Вопрос 892

    I didn’t have enough money (to buy) anything to eat.

    A) to buy

    B) is bought

    C) was bought

    D) are bought

    E) has bought

    Вопрос 893

    These crazy scientists (to find) treasures on Antarctica.

    A) founded;

    B) found;

    C) find;

    D) finded;

    E) fond.

    Вопрос 894

    Look what a fashionable blouse I (to buy). – Well, I (to wear) such blouse about two seasons ago.

    A) buy, wear;

    B) bought, worn;

    C) buy, wore;

    D) bought, wear;

    E) have bought, wore.

    Вопрос 895

    I (to have) be there right in time, but I was late as usual.

    A) have to;

    B) had;

    C) have;

    D) has to;

    E) had to.

    Вопрос 896

    I (to fly) from one continent to another last summer.

    A) flew;

    B) flow;

    C) flown;

    D) flied;

    E) flyed.

    Вопрос 897

    I accidentally (to cut) my leg yesterday.

    A) cutted;

    B) cat;

    C) cuted;

    D) cut;

    E) cute.

    Вопрос 898

    Find a mistake: I founded (1) myself in a desert (2) completely (3) exhausted (4) and without any water in a bottle (5).

    A) 2;

    B) 3;

    C) 1;

    D) 5;

    E) 4.

    Вопрос 899

    She (to be)in America two years ago.

    A) are;

    B) were;

    C) is;

    D) was;

    E) am.

    Вопрос 900 Tom (to live) in Africa five years ago. .

    A) lifted;

    B) lived;

    C) lives;

    D) live;

    E) life.

    Вопрос 901

    They (to move) Moscow ten years ago.

    A) move;

    B) is moved;

    C) has moved;

    D) moves;

    E) moved.

    Вопрос 902

    Ann (to visit) London two years ago.

    A) has visited;

    B) visits;

    C) visited;

    D) are visited;

    E) visit.

    Вопрос 903

    Jane and Tom (to marry) two years ago.

    A) married;

    B) has maried;

    C) are married;

    D) marries;

    E) marry.

    Вопрос 904

    Mike (to swim) in the river every day.

    A) swam;

    B) swum;

    C) swim;

    D) are swum;

    E) swims.

    Вопрос 905

    The music at the party (to be) very loud and could be heard from far away.

    A) are;

    B) were;

    C) am;

    D) was;

    E) be.

    Вопрос 906

    They (to be glad) to meet him yesterday

    A) am;

    B) was;

    C) are;

    D) is;

    E) were.

    Вопрос 907

    Tom: Look! It’s raining again.

    Ann: Oh no, not again. It (to rain) all day yesterday too.

    A) is rained;

    B) rains;

    C) rained;

    D) are rained;

    E) rain.

    Вопрос 908

    I (to enjoy) the last party very much.

    A) are enjoyed;

    B) is enjoyed;

    C) enjoyed;

    D) enjoyes;

    E) has enjoyed.

    Вопрос 909

    Mr Edward’s (to die) ten years ago.

    A) dies;

    B) died;

    C) is died;

    D) has died;

    E) die.

    Вопрос 910

    When I lived in Manchester, I (to work) in a bank.

    A) work;

    B) works;

    C) is worked;

    D) worked;
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