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  • Английский. Вводное занятие. Спряжение глаголов to be и to have

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    Раздел 1. Будущая профессия

    Тема 1.1. Моя будущая профессия - юрист (Практические занятия №№ 1-3)

    Практическое занятие № 1

    Тема: Вводное занятие. Спряжение глаголов to be и to have.

    Цель: формирование у обучающихся навыков детального чтения, отбора лексического материала, корректного употребления глаголов to be и to have.


    Формы глаголов to be и to have

    Таблица № 1. Формы глагола tobe.

    Лицо / число








    1 лицо ед. ч.

    2 лицо ед. ч.

    3 лицо ед. ч.



    He, she, it







    shall/will be

    will be

    will be

    1 лицо мн. ч.

    2 лицо мн. ч.

    3 лицо мн. ч.










    shall/will be

    will be

    will be

    Для образования отрицательной формы используется отрицательная частица not, которая ставится непосредственно после глагола: He isnot (isn't) a student. He wasnot (wasn't) sleeping.

    Для образования вопросительной формы личная форма глагола tobe ставится перед подлежащим: Is he a student? Was he sleeping?

    Таблица № 2. Формы глагола to have.

    Лицо / число








    1 лицо ед. ч.

    2 лицо ед. ч.

    3 лицо ед. ч.



    He, she, it







    shall/will have

    will have

    will have

    1 лицо мн. ч.

    2 лицо мн. ч.

    3 лицо мн. ч.










    shall/will have

    will have

    will have

    Для образования отрицательной формы используется отрицательная частица not, которая ставится непосредственно после глагола: He has not (hasn't) any books on history. У негонет книг по истории. I had not (hadn't) any time to rest. У меня не было времени для отдыха.

    Когда глагол tohave употребляется в сочетании с некоторыми существительными, он утрачивает свое основное значение иметь, обладать, и образует с ними смысловое целое: to have dinner обедать, to have a rest отдыхать, to have a talk поговорить. В этих случаях отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются с помощью глагола todo:

    When do you have dinner? Когда вы обедаете?

    We don't have dinner at home on weekdays. Мы не обедаем дома в рабочие дни.

    Ex. 1.1. Revise your knowledge of using to be and to have in the Indefinite Tenses and do the following test.


    1. Вставьтеглагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple: a) is, b) are, c) am, d) were, e) was, f) will be.

    1. They __ drivers one year ago. 2. Now John __ my best friend. 3. My sister __ at home tomorrow. 4. It __ cold here yesterday. 5. What __ you by profession? 6. I __ in Spain this week. 7. What __ your speciality? 8. My dad __ really Jack of all the trades.

    2. Выберите правильный вариант, используя оборот there + tobe:

    1. There ___ a cat under my desk. 2. There _____a small shop in my street last year. 3. There _____ a lot of flowers in the garden next summer. 4. There _____ no chairs in the sitting room. 5. There _____ not any lectures yesterday.

    3. Вставьтеглагол to have в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple: a) have, b) had, c) will have, d) has.

    1. He __ his English lesson every day. 2.I __ a lot of work to do now.3.I __ many problems with my car yesterday.4.Max __ a new cottage soon. 5. My sister __ two children. 6. I __ some questions. 7. My friend __ some troubles with his studies a year ago. 8. What time does your family usually __ supper? 9. __ any relatives in Moscow? 10. __ you a little time for a walk tomorrow evening? 11. Did you like that film? – Yes, I did. It __ a happy end.

    Text Work. Text for Detailed Understanding

    Ex. 1.2. Read and translate the quote below and say if you agree or disagree with this statement and why. “For me, being a lawyer means to help those in need.” (Joe Jamail)

    Ex. 1.3.Read aloud the following words and word-combinations paying attention to their meaning:

    1. independent – независимый, самостоятельный

    2. educational establishment [ɪsˈtæblɪʃmənt] – образовательное учреждение

    3. to offer – предлагать

    4. choice – выбор

    5. to develop one’s knowledge – расширять свои знания

    6. speciality ['speʃɪ'ӕlɪtɪ]– специальность

    7. useful ['juːsfəl] – полезный

    8. a qualified lawyer [ˈkwͻlɪfaɪd 'lͻjə]– квалифицированный юрист (адвокат)

    9. to follow [fͻləu]– последовать

    10. advice – совет

    11. in the field of justice ['dʒᴧstɪs] – в сфере правосудия

    12. a successful career [səkˈsesf(ə)l kəˈrɪə] – успешная карьера

    13. matter ['mӕtə]– дело, вопрос

    14. prestige [presˈtiːʒ] – престиж

    15. wealth [welϑ]– богатство, финансовое благополучие

    16. noble [nəʊbl] – благородный

    17. responsible – ответственный

    18. to be in great demand [di'mα:nd] – пользоваться большим спросом

    19. the law-governed state ['lͻ:'gᴧvənd]– правовое государство

    20. society [səˈsaɪətɪ] – общество

    21. to prepare [prɪˈpeə] – подготовить

    22. legal documents [li:gəl 'dͻkjumənts]– правовые (юридические) документы

    23. to make a will – составить завещание

    24. defence [dɪˈfens] – защита

    25. divorce [dɪˈvɔːs] – развод

    1. debts [dets]– долги

    2. to punish for crimes ['pᴧnɪʃ fͻ: kraimz]– наказать за преступления

    3. to prevent [prɪˈvent] – предотвратить

    4. to protect rights [prə'tekt raits]– защищать права

    5. to pass examinations [pα:s ɪgzæmɪˈneɪʃnz] – сдать (выдержать) экзамены

    6. to start one's own business – открыть свой собственный бизнес

    7. a sophomore [ˈsͻfəmɔː] – второкурсник

    8. full-time department – дневное отделение

    9. to carry on research work [rɪˈsəːʧ]– заниматься исследовательской работой

    10. to apply [əˈplaɪ] – применять

    11. course of training [kͻ:s]– курс обучения

    12. to take part in – принимать участие в

    13. in order to – для того, чтобы

    14. to last [lα:st] – продолжаться, длиться

    15. profound [prəˈfaund] – глубокий

    16. ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] – способность, навык

    17. well-mannered ['wel'mӕnəd]– хорошо воспитанный

    18. to graduate from [ˈgrædjuɪt] – окончить (колледж, институт и т.п.)

    19. to continue one’s education [kənˈtɪnjuː] – продолжить своё образование

    Ex. 1.4. 1) Read and translate the text. Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 2) Entitle it and find the text part which says about the profession of lawyer.

    My Future Profession

    Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school-leavers in our country. Many roads are open before them. Numerous educational establishments in our city offer the young people a wide choice of faculties and departments where they can get their professional knowledge and develop talents. Though it is difficult to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world I made my choice long ago.

    I think all professions are good and the main thing is to do something useful. As for me I want to become a lawyer. Thinking about what I would like to devote myself to I mostly followed my father’s advice. He works in the field of justice and is making a successful career. He supposes the right choice of one’s future trade is the matter of prestige and wealth.

    No doubt, lawyer is one of the noblest, most important, responsible and best-paid professions in the modern world. Lawyers are in great demand in the law-governed state which we are creating now. Lawyers solve many problems in our society. They deal with all the day-to day work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, they prepare their clients’ defence if they get into trouble with police and argue their court cases. They represent their clients at a court when the case is one of divorce or recovering some debts. The duty of the lawyer is not only to punish people for crimes but they do their best to prevent crimes. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens and the whole organizations. They are widely engaged in politics, economy, administration and other spheres and their number is rapidly increasing.

    One should study for a long time, pass a great number of examinations and have enough practice to become a qualified specialist and to start one’s own business.

    At the moment I am a sophomore of the full-time department of the Khabarovsk Trade and Economy College and my speciality is Law and Organizing Social Welfare. I am sure that I made the right decision when I entered this college. Here, I made new friends among my groupmates and students of senior course. I study with great pleasure because since my schooldays I have been very interested in social sciences. We have a highly qualified teaching staff at our college that carries on research work and applies new educational technologies. The course of training lasts for 3 years and is professionally oriented. My favourite subjects are History, Informatics, English language and of course the subjects concerned with my future profession. As an advanced student I take part in scientific research work, intellectual, sporting and creative competitions in order to get a profound knowledge and to develop my abilities. I suppose I have all qualities needed to get a good lawyer. I am honest, responsible, disciplined, well-mannered, kind and attentive to people. After graduating from my college, I would like to continue my education at an institute or university.

    Post-Text Exercises

    Ex. 1.5. 1) Translate the following variants of the text title and exclude that one which does not belong to text content:

    1) My Choice of Future Trade, 2) My First Steps in Career, 3) My Speciality, 4) Professionally Oriented Education, 5) Why I Chose the Legal Profession.

    2) Divide the text into logical parts and entitle each of them in English using key word combinations in each part. Compare your text outline with that of your groupmates.

    Ex. 1.6. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian and compose short sentences with them:

    1. to choose one’s future profession, 2. to study at a professional education establishment, 3. to develop their abilities and talents, 4. to do something useful, 5. to follow one’s advice, 6. to work in the field of justice, 7. the noblest, most important and best-paid profession, 8. to prepare legal documents, 9. to become a qualified lawyer, 10. to do one’s best to prevent crimes, 11. the professionally oriented course of training, 12. the subjects concerned with future profession, 13. take part in scientific research work and competitions, 14. to get a profound knowledge, 15. to continue one’s education at a university.

    Home Task

    Ex. 1.7. Insert prepositions where necessary.

    1. It is difficult to choose a profession ___ more than 2000 existing ___ the world. 2. ___ the moment I am a sophomore. 3. He works ___ the field ___ justice. 4. Lawyers are ___ great demand now. 5. To become a qualified specialist, one should study ___ a long time. 6. We have a highly qualified teaching staff ___ our college. 7. My favourite subjects are of course the subjects concerned ___ my future profession. 8. I take part ___ scientific research work, intellectual, sporting and creative competitions. 9. ___ graduating ___ college I would like to continue my education ___ an institute.

    Ex. 1.8. Find English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations in the text:

    1. выбрать специальность, 2. дело престижа и финансового благополучия, 3. создавать правовое государство, 4. подготовить юридические документы, 5. предотвращать преступления, 6. самостоятельная жизнь, 7. продолжить образование, 8. общество, 9. последовать совету, 10. защищать права и интересы, 11. составить завещание, 12. внимательный к людям, 13. быть очень востребованным, 14. стать квалифицированным специалистом, 15. приносить пользу, 16. сделать успешную карьеру.

    Ex. 1.9. Learn the conjugation of to be and to have by heart.

    Ex. 1.10. Revise usage of the Present Indefinite Tense (see grammar part of Unit 2).

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