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  • 230 Приложение Б Файл job.clp

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  • кр. Ю. Ю. Громов, О. Г. Иванова, В. В. Алексеев, М. П. Беляев, Д. П. Швец, аи. Елисеев интеллектуальные информационные системы и технологии

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    НазваниеЮ. Ю. Громов, О. Г. Иванова, В. В. Алексеев, М. П. Беляев, Д. П. Швец, аи. Елисеев интеллектуальные информационные системы и технологии
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    Обработка нажатия кнопоки "Заново " elif event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() == Заново ': clips.Reset()
    Обработка нажатия кнопоки "Назад " elif event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() == Назад ': clips.Eval("(prev_q_yes %s)" %
    (factlist[1].Index)) clips.Run() self.nextState()
    Обработка нажатия кнопки "Выход " def OnQuit(self, event): self.Close() # завершение работы приложения Класс приложения class PrintDiagApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self):
    # создание главного окна frame = MainFrame()
    # отображение главного окна frame.Show() return True if __name__ == '__main__': app = PrintDiagApp() app.MainLoop()

    230 Приложение Б Файл job.clp
    (defclass human
    (is-a USER) ;; пользовательский класс concrete)
    (pattern-match reactive)
    (slot education (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot sphere (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot lang (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot comp (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot managament (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot experience (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot experiencenegotiations (type SYMBOL)(create- accessor read-write))
    (slot communicating (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot organized (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot creative (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read- write))
    (slot paul (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot age (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot driverscertificate (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write))
    (slot graph (type SYMBOL)(create-accessor read-write) ) )
    (definstances humans (
    of human
    (education 0)
    (sphere 0)
    (lang 0)
    (comp 0)
    (managament 0)
    (experience 0)
    (experiencenegotiations 0)
    (communicating 0)
    (organized 0)
    (creative 0)
    (paul 0)
    (age 0)
    (driverscertificate 0)
    (graph 0) ) )

    (make-instance PPK of human)
    (deffunction check (?question ?answer)
    (switch ?question
    (case 1 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-education higher))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-education average-professional))
    (case 3 then (send [PPK] put-education average))
    (default 0) )
    (case 2 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-sphere economic))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-sphere humanitarian))
    (case 3 then (send [PPK] put-sphere technical))
    (case 4 then (send [PPK] put-sphere other))
    (default 0) )
    (case 3 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-lang in- perfection))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-lang talking))
    (case 3 then (send [PPK] put-lang reading))
    (case 4 then (send [PPK] put-lang no))
    (default 0) )
    (case 4 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-comp professional))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-comp user))
    (case 3 then (send [PPK] put-comp no))
    (default 0) )
    (case 5 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-managament yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-managament no))
    (default 0) )
    (case 6 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-experience yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-experience no))
    (default 0) )

    (case 7 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-communicating yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-communicating no) )
    (default 0) )
    (case 8 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-organized yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-organized no))
    (default 0) ) )
    (case 9 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-creative yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-creative no))
    (default 0) )
    (case 10 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-paul male))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-paul female))
    (default 0) )
    (case 11 then
    (send [PPK] put-age ?answer) )
    (case 12 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put- driverscertificate yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put- driverscertificate no))
    (default 0) )
    (case 13 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put-graph full))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put-graph free))
    (case 3 then (send [PPK] put-graph unnormalized))
    (case 4 then (send [PPK] put-graph short))
    (default 0) )
    (case 14 then
    (switch ?answer
    (case 1 then (send [PPK] put- experiencenegotiations yes))
    (case 2 then (send [PPK] put- experiencenegotiations no))
    (default 0) )
    ) ) )

    233 Правила для определения вакансии -- менеджер rule-manager
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK]) (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK]) (sphere economic))
    (object (name [PPK]) (communicating yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (lang in-perfection))
    (object (name [PPK]) (comp professional | user))
    (object (name [PPK]) (paul male))
    (object (name [PPK]) (creative yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (managament yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (experience yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (experiencenegotiations yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full))
    (assert (job-title менеджер) ) )
    ; -- маркетолог rule-market
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (sphere economic))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (communicating yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (lang in-perfection))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (comp professional | user))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (paul male))
    (test (< (send [PPK] get-age) 35))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (creative yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (experiencenegotiations yes))(object (name [PPK])
    (graph full))
    (assert (job-title маркетолог) ) )
    ; -- бухгалтер rule-accountant
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (sphere economic))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (comp professional))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (paul female))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (creative yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (graph unnormalized |

    (assert (job-title бухгалтер) ) )
    ; -- специалист по связям с
    (defrule rule-public-relation
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (sphere humanitarian))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (communicating yes))(object (name [PPK])
    (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (lang in-perfection))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (comp professional | user))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (creative yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (experiencenegotiations yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (graph full))
    (assert (job-title специалист по связям с
    ) ) )
    ; -- системный администратор rule-sys-admin
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK]) (education average | average- professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (sphere technical))
    (object (name [PPK]) (lang in-perfection | talking
    | reading))
    (object (name [PPK]) (comp professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (paul male))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full))
    (assert (job-title системный администратор) ) )
    ; -- разработчик приложений rule-developer
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK]) (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK]) (sphere technical))
    (object (name [PPK]) (lang in-perfection | talking
    | reading))
    (object (name [PPK]) (comp professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full | short | free))
    (assert (job-title разработчик приложений) ) )

    ; -- web- программист rule-web
    (declare (salience 50))
    (job-title разработчик приложений)
    (object (name [PPK]) (creative yes))
    (assert (job-title web- программист) ) )
    ; -- водитель rule-driver
    (declare (salience 45))
    (object (name [PPK]) (paul male))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full | short))
    (object (name [PPK]) (driverscertificate yes))
    (assert (job-title водитель) ) )
    ; -- торговый представитель rule-representative
    (declare (salience 45))
    (object (name [PPK]) (communicating yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full | free))
    (assert (job-title торговый представитель) ) )
    ; -- секретарь rule-secretary
    (declare (salience 45))
    (object (name [PPK]) (education average- professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (communicating yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (organized yes))
    (object (name [PPK]) (lang in-perfection))
    (object (name [PPK]) (comp professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (paul female))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full))
    (assert (job-title секретарь) ) )
    ; -- специалист по связям с
    (defrule rule-public-relation
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (education higher))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (sphere humanitarian))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (communicating yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (organized yes))

    (object (name [PPK])
    (lang in-perfection))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (comp professional | user))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (creative yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (experiencenegotiations yes))
    (object (name [PPK])
    (graph full))
    (assert (job-title специалист по связям с
    ) ) )
    ; -- системный администратор rule-sys-admin
    (declare (salience 50))
    (object (name [PPK]) (education average | average- professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (sphere technical))
    (object (name [PPK]) (lang in-perfection | talking | reading))
    (object (name [PPK]) (comp professional))
    (object (name [PPK]) (paul male))
    (object (name [PPK]) (graph full))
    (assert (job-title системный администратор) ) )
    ; -- предложение вакансий rule-list-vacancies
    (declare (salience 40))
    (job-title $?item)
    (bind ?str (implode$ ?item))
    (printout t crlf)
    (printout t "Вакансия ")
    (format t "%s%n" ?str))
    ; -- нет вакансий rule-no-vacancies
    (declare (salience 40))
    (not(job-title ?))
    (assert (job-title
    , в
    данный моменту нас нет вакансий)

    237 Файл index.php
    } if (isset($_POST['sfera'])) { clips_function_call('check',"2 $_POST[sfera]");
    } if (isset($_POST['jazik'])) { clips_function_call('check',"3 $_POST[jazik]");
    } if (isset($_POST['comp'])) { clips_function_call('check',"4 $_POST[comp]");
    } if (isset($_POST['managament'])) { clips_function_call('check',"5 $_POST[managament]");
    } if (isset($_POST['experience'])) { clips_function_call('check',"6 $_POST[experience]");
    } if (isset($_POST['communicating'])) { clips_function_call('check',"7
    } if (isset($_POST['organized'])) { clips_function_call('check',"8 $_POST[organized]");
    } if (isset($_POST['creative'])) { clips_function_call('check',"9 $_POST[creative]");
    } if (isset($_POST['paul'])) { clips_function_call('check',"10 $_POST[paul]");
    } if (isset($_POST['age'])) { clips_function_call('check',"11 $_POST[age]");
    } if (isset($_POST['driverscertificate'])) { clips_function_call('check',"12
    } if (isset($_POST['graph'])) { clips_function_call('check',"13 $_POST[graph]");

    if (isset($_POST['experiencenegotiations'])) { clips_function_call('check',"14
    } if (isset($_POST['result'])) {
    $job_title = clips_get_fact_lits('job-title');
    1   ...   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20

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