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  • Law is a system of rules. (1 абзац ) 2. What is the main function of law How is it put into practiceThe main function of law is a regulative one.

  • Because there would be anarchy in this society then.

  • There are different types of law: civil law, criminal law, law of contracts, law of property, labour law, etc.

  • It will help its citizens to live safely and as comfortably as possible. Task

  • 1-d, 2-b, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c Task

  • 1-i, 2-e, 3-f, 4-b, 5-h, 6-j, 7-g, 8-a, 9-c, 10-d Task

  • I would like to introduce law that permanently isolating serious criminals from society, because they are very dangerous and uneducated.

  • Задание 1 на 23. 12. 22 (группа с211зсо) English Language Test (входной контроль)

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    НазваниеЗадание 1 на 23. 12. 22 (группа с211зсо) English Language Test (входной контроль)
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    Английский язык
    Задание № 1 на 23.12.22

    (группа с211зсо)

    English Language Test (входной контроль)

    Task 1

    Прочитайте и переведите текст The Need for Law. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту и объясните, как вы понимаете разницу между следующими терминами:

     A law and a rule

     Criminal law and civil law

     Law and morality


    Law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. It is also a set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people as well as supported by the power of the government for moral, religious and emotional reasons.

    The main function of law is a regulative one. Law basically serves two functions in a modern society. First, it serves to order and regulate the relations between all “persons”: individuals, businesses or governments. Secondly, law acts as a standard of conduct and morality. Through both of these functions law forms and regulates the pattern of behaviour of a given society in order to achieve a broad range of social objectives. A modern society cannot exist without law as there would be anarchy in this society then.

    Law is “invisible” for ordinary people and is noticed only when somebody violates its order. If our neighbours play loud music late at night we will probably try to settle the matter in a reasonable and informal way without going to the police. Only when an informal discussion breaks down we will start thinking about law.

    Relations and transactions in modern societies are so complex that often we cannot deal with them without seeking legal advice. We use it when we buy or sell property, settle disputes with our employers, demand a refund for a defective product, try to hold somebody liable for damaging or stealing our possessions. Thus there are different types of law: civil law, criminal law, law of contracts, law of property, labour law, etc.

    Life of a modern society is changing very fast and every day new phenomena appear. Therefore, there is always a demand for new laws to regulate new spheres of life. For example, two hundred years ago there were no cars, so people didn’t need any laws for roads and traffic. With the invention of the car there appeared a need for driving regulations and we cannot imagine our life without these rules. The same happened with the advent of the computer. When the first computer crime took place, no one could be punished for it as there was no law for it; only after this case the need for law on computer crime and later on cybercrime appeared and they started to be developed.

    Every country tries to provide laws which will help its citizens to live safely and as comfortably as possible but no country has been successful in producing such laws which are completely satisfactory. But as you can see life in a civilized society, not in anarchy, is impossible without law, so it is much better to live with the imperfect laws which we have than if we had none at all.


    1. What is law?

    Law is a system of rules. (1 абзац)

    2. What is the main function of law? How is it put into practice?

    The main function of law is a regulative one.

    First, it serves to order and regulate the relations between all “persons”: individuals, businesses or governments. Secondly, law acts as a standard of conduct and morality.

    1. Why cannot a society exist without law?

    Because there would be anarchy in this society then.

    1. In what situations do we usually need to seek legal advice?

    When we can’t deal with relations and transactions in modern societies.

    1. What types of law do you know?

    There are different types of law: civil law, criminal law, law of contracts, law of property, labour law, etc.

    1. Why do new laws appear?

    Life of a modern society is changing very fast and every day new phenomena appear.

    1. Why does every country try to provide laws?

    It will help its citizens to live safely and as comfortably as possible.

    Task 2

    Cоотнесите слова или выражения в левой колонке с их эквивалентами в правой:

    1. society a. общество

    2. government b. нарушать

    3. regulative c. юридическая консультация

    4. anarchy d. правительство

    5. violate e. сделка

    6. transaction f. регулятивный

    7. legal advice g. изобретение

    8. property h. Анархия

    9. invention i. собственность

    10. labour law j. трудовое законодательство
    1-a, 2-d, 3-f, 4-h, 5-b, 6-e, 7-c, 8-i, 9-g, 10-j

    Task 3

    Cоотнесите каждое слово из левой колонки с правильным определением из правой:

    1. liable a. the people living in a region as an organized group

    2.objective b. is what you are trying to achieve

    3. crime c. an argument between people

    4. society d. legally responsible

    5. dispute e. an illegal action punished by law
    1-d, 2-b, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c

    Task 4

    Образуйте правильную форму слова и заполните пробелы в левой или правой колонках. При необходимости используйте словари.

    Noun Adjective

    1. crime

    1. criminal

    2. society

    2. societal

    3. strength

    3. powerful

    4. individual

    4. individuality

    5. morality

    5. moral

    6. modernity

    6. modernization

    7. informality

    7. informal

    8. liability

    8. liable

    9. regulation

    9. regulatory??

    10. success

    10. successful

    Task 5

    Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам из левой колонки:

    1. legal a. unimportant

    2. social b. impossible

    3. perfect c. law and order

    4. possible d. uncivilized

    5. modern e. asocial

    6. moral f. imperfect

    7. right g. wrong

    8. important h. traditional

    9. anarchy i. illegal

    10. civilized j. immoral
    1-i, 2-e, 3-f, 4-b, 5-h, 6-j, 7-g, 8-a, 9-c, 10-d
    Task 6

    Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания. Объясните вашу точку зрения.

     Should we obey the law which we disagree with or which we consider to be stupid and unnecessary?

    It entirely depends on the sort of society people live in, so I can’t agree or disagree. In general, I think that the reason people obey laws they disagree with is to avoid punishments they do not want to suffer.

     Are there any new laws you would like to introduce?

    I would like to introduce law that permanently isolating serious criminals from society, because they are very dangerous and uneducated.

     Everybody must be equal before the law, regardless of their wealth, social status or position

    I agree with this statement, because this should be the main rule in the modern world we live in.

    Вниманию студентов!

    Студенты, пропустившие занятия по английскому языку, или не принявшие непосредственное участие в занятии (по различным причинам):

    - представляют выполненное (в полном объеме) домашнее задание в письменном виде преподавателю через старосту группы;

    - делают аудиозапись чтения текста, указанного в задании к конкретному занятию (в объёме не менее 20 строк) и присоединяют к файлу домашнего задания.

    Оформление титульного листа выполненного задания с указанием ФИО, № группы, № домашнего задания и даты является обязательным. Не оформленные должным образом задания рассматриваться не будут.

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