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Вот. 11школьная олимпиада . задания ,инструктаж. Задания олимпиады Listening(Аудирование) (Прослушать текст и выполнить тестовые задания к нему письменно на понимание содержания текста )

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НазваниеЗадания олимпиады Listening(Аудирование) (Прослушать текст и выполнить тестовые задания к нему письменно на понимание содержания текста )
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Инструктаж о проведении школьной олимпиады.

Школьная олимпиада по англ. языку проводится 16.11. 2021 в дистанционном режиме, начало олимпиады в 14:00, Вам по эл. почте в 14:00 высылаются задания к олимпиаде , вы берёте три двойных листа ученической тетради в линию , из которых один двойной лист будет титульным ( обложкой вашей олимпиадной работы ), вы подписываете титульный лист по образцу , ставите дату в указанном месте на первой странице титульного листа (под местом печати ), сзади на последней странице титульного листа вы пишите карандашом дату своего рождения (число , месяц, год) и номер своего телефона. Подписав титульный лист , вы откладываете его в сторону и больше на нём ничего не пишите . Вы пишите на 2 –ом двойном листе---на нём тоже на 1-0й стр. оставьте место для печати, его должно хватить на все три вида заданий ( для аудирования , письменного сообщения ( сочинения по теме или для написания одного неформального письма) и говорения ( написать 3 вопроса к выбранной теме для устного сообщения ) , 3-ий двойной лист вы можете использовать как черновик . В олимпиадной работе все задания пишем аккуратно , разборчивым почерком, за поля не выходим, после окончания выполнения всех заданий , Вы делаете фото всех страниц вашей написанной работы и высылаете вашу работу курирующему учителю -предметнику по электронной почте, фото работы выслать через 3 часа после выполнения в 17 :00, в среду (17.11. 2021) вы приносите в файле свою письменную работу , вложенную в титульный лист и оставляете её у дежурной при входе в школу .

Задания олимпиады


(Прослушать текст и выполнить тестовые задания к нему письменно на понимание содержания текста )

The mobile telephone market is the largest consumer electronics segment ever. So, we should consider mobile phones as not just a technological marvel but a social phenomenon. What effect are mobile phones having on society?  

Many of the millions of messages exchanged between these high-tech devices are not in the form of speech, but in the form of the written word. The Short Message Service allows phone users to type and send brief messages to each other. Because communicating in this way requires typing a message on the phone’s tiny keypad, SMS devotees use an abbreviated form of language that combines letters and numbers to make word sounds.  

Some social commentators worry that the mangled spelling and syntax used in SMS messages is harming the literacy skills of young ones. Others disagree, stating that the SMS phenomenon is spawning the revival of writing in a new generation and giving the opportunity to develop a whole new style of language. In fact, the combination of text messaging and the internet means young people are doing a lot more writing. They have to be fluent and articulate enough to pick up the style and master the in-words and the code of the genre. 

While mobile phones are a useful tool both for socializing and for conducting business, they might make employees feel chained to the office. Workers feel pressured to be available, either to their employers or to clients, at all times, no matter where they are or what they are doing, which can disturb the people around them. In response, engineers have developed a building material for use in restaurants and theaters that can block out mobile-phone signals. 

More than just creating annoying intrusions, these ubiquitous gadgets have the potential to become a public enemy. A Canadian study found that using a mobile phone while driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol, because holding a conversation on the telephone is considerably more difficult than just talking with a passenger in the car. Even using hands-free devices does not eliminate the risk of getting into a traffic accident. 

Another danger of mobile phone is that it is so addictive. Young people appear to view their mobile phones as parts of their bodies and may even start to panic if they are separated from their phones. In fear of being cut off from others, many keep their gadgets on all the time, everywhere. If they do not receive any messages on their mobile phones, they feel uneasy and irritable, and start to feel they are not needed by anybody. This uneasiness impels them to answer all incoming text messages immediately, which is often not necessary. 

Ironically, mobile phone addiction can harm normal communication skills. Experts are worried that because of excessive use of mobile phones children are losing the ability to interpret the facial expressions, behavior and tones of voice of others. A consequence of this is increased aggressiveness among children, coupled with a disregard for others’ feelings. 

Of course, mobile phones can be beneficial. Actually, they have often proved invaluable in emergency situations. Even casual use of mobile phones is not necessarily wrong, as long as this is done in a balanced way. It seems inevitable that our reliance on these gadgets will grow in the future. Like its electronic cousins—the TV and the personal computer—the mobile phone has the potential to be either a useful slave or a demanding master. The power to determine whether it becomes friend or foe is literally in the hands of the user. 


mangle, v.  – damage, spoil 

spawn , v. – to generate, give rise to sth. 

articulate, adj. – able to produce speech that is clear and easy to understand 

in-word, n. – a word popular at a particular time, usually not for long 

ubiquitous, adj. – omnipresent, seeming to be everywhere 
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Task 1. Listen to the text  Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F) 

  1. While texting, people often use shortened forms of the words. 

  1. These days, young people don’t write as often as before the mobile phone era. 

  1. The text recommends using a hands-free device instead of a hand-held phone while driving as a way to avoid road accidents.  

  1. Children who prefer mobile phones to face-to-face communication are not able to communicate more successfully in general.  

  1. People will become less dependent on their mobile phones in future.  


Task 2. Listen to the text again. Choose the correct option A, B or C 

6. The main idea of the text is 

A. Children shouldn’t be allowed to use mobile phones. 

B. The mobile phone is a useful tool for conducting business. 

C. Mobile phones have an impact on the society. 

7. Using a mobile phone while driving is 

A. less dangerous than drunk driving. 

B. just as dangerous as drunk driving.  

C. more dangerous than drunk driving. 

8. Children that use mobile phones too often are likely to 

A. learn to use them in a balanced way. 

B. pay less attention to other people’s feelings. 

C. get tired of answering all text messages immediately. 

9. If a mobile phone user answers all the messages immediately, he/she probably has 

A. good communication skills. 

B. a good command of the keypad. 

C. a fear of rejection. 

10. The author comes to the conclusion that 

A. It depends on the user whether the mobile phone will be useful or harmful. 

B. Mobile phones are more useful than personal computers.  

C. We should try to use mobile phones less often. 


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(Выбрать одно из трёх письменных заданий , написать или сочинение по теме или одно из 2-х неформальных писем.)


  1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 

Write 20-25 sentences  


2. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nick who writes: 
On summer holidays my friends and I went hiking to the forest. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think isthe best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why?Some days ago our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interestingevents in the past of our country … 

Write a letter to Nick. 

In your letter: 

- answer his questions 

- ask 3 questions about his project  

Remember the rules of letter writing. 

Write 20-25 sentences  


3. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Richard who writes: 
Two weeks ago our class went to London to visit the National Gallery. It was my first visit thereand it was fun! How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which museum isyour favourite or what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should gothere? 

Write a letter to Richard. 

In your letter 

- answer his questions 

- ask 3 questions about his summer plans 

Remember the rules of letter writing. 

Write 20-25 sentences  

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Выбрать одну из 20 тем для устного сообщения , написать 3 вопроса к теме устного сообщения)


1. Do you think being a celebrity automatically means the person is intelligent? Why? Why not? Should celebrities be role models?  

2. Are you a member of any student groups (circles or club)? Which ones? Are you satisfied with what's happening with your group(s)? 

3. What do you think of student government? Are you now or have you ever been part of it? Do you think it's worthwhile? Does student government do anything important? Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants? What? 

4. What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?  

5. What customs do you practice? What are your favorite customs? What customs do you think should be revised? What customs do you think should no longer be practice? What customs (from elsewhere) do you think should be included in our culture? 

6. As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?  

7. Tell about the influence of the technological processes on the environment.  

8. Is new technology always beneficial to a country? Why or why not? 

9. Imagine you have got enough money to start a business. What business will you start? 

10. Have you ever tried to do virtual shopping? Are there any supermarkets in your area where it is possible to buy on-line? 

11. How superstitious are you? Do you ever cross your fingers as a sign of good luck? 

12. What is it like to be a young person in Ukraine? What is your idea? 

13.” If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” How do you feel about this American saying?  

14. You will graduate in about 6 months. What are your future plans? What scares you the most and what makes you the most excited about leaving school? 

15. Pretend that you are writing a letter to Santa Claus. You will ask him to bring 3 gifts to three different people. Tell him what each gift is that you would like to give plus tell him the reasons why you think that these people deserve such a gift.  

16. People are often told, "Be careful what you wish for." Why is it important for people to be careful what they wish for? 

17.  Do you have a family photo album? What is your favorite picture? 

18. Do you ever use the Internet to help you with your schoolwork? How is studying with the Web different to studying with books? 

19. Some countries do not allow smoking at all in public places. Is this a good policy? Is it fair? Why or why not? 

20. Do you know any teenagers who don't act like other teens? Why do you think they act differently? What do teenagers think about? 

Образец письма

You have received a letter from your pen – friend Mike … В своём письме он пишет о своей жизни и о друге и задаёт вам вопросы –дальше отрывки из его письма и его вопросы к вам…

,,What a wonderful day was yesterday. We went to the cinema and the film was so exiting!... What about you? Did you like the last film you watched in the cinema? Why? What kind of films do you enjoy watching? What is your attitude towards special effects in films?...Yesterday we congratulated my friend Sam on his successful first performance in the theatre… ( Напишите Майку письмо в ответ, ответьте на его вопросы в своём письме и задайте ему 3 вопроса о его друге.)

Образец ответного письма от вас Майку


the DPR

4th November,2021

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to receive it . It was interesting for me to read your news.

In your letter you ask me about my preferences related to the cinema. Of course, I can’t imagine my life without films . I don’t often go to the cinema because I can watch different kinds of films at home. They may be various: comedies ,thrillers, dramas, detectives, feature , documentaries films. I never miss a chance to watch a new blockbuster. I prefer feature, detective films, but also enjoy watching popular science films. The last film I watched was very interesting. It was a Russian comedy ,,The Batya,,. I liked it . It was funny , I laughed a lot and I could relax. I like special video and sound effects in films because they attract your attention.

I am glad that your friend was successful on the stage of the theatre. Do you like to spend much time with your friend? Is your friend reliable? What are your friend’s hobbies?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


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