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  • Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

  • Задание 3. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

  • Задание 4. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

  • 1. Until what time the Midwest of America was an Indian country. 2. how the first Americans built houses.

  • 6. mobile homes. Задание 5. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

  • Задание 6. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

  • Задание 7. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

  • АНГ. Занятие 5

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      1. Практическое занятие 5


    Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Закрепление навыка составления вопросов, пересказа, а также работы со словарём. Отработка навыков устной и письменной речи.


    Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

    Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте пересказ на 10-15 предложений на английском языке (пересказ делается письменно

    Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

    For example Englishmen are very fond of fireplaces, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.

    They like to live in small houses with a small garden. People all over the world know the saying «The Englishman's home is his castle».

    They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. As for the Scots, for example, they never put sugar in their porridge, they always put salt in it.

    The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea at lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have «high tea» or big tea and no supper. For high tea they may have cold meat, bread and butter, cakes, and, of course, a lot of tea. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.
    Задание 2. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)
    Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту из первого задания. Вопросы должны быть составлены на английском языке.

    1. Does every nation have its own traditions?
      2. In Britain traditions play more important part ...don't they?
      3. Englishmen are proud of their traditions, aren't they?
      4. Why are foreigners coming to England struck at once?
      5. What house does an English family prefer to this day?
      6. Most English love gardens, don't they?
      7. Do English love flowers? 8. What are English holidays?
      9. Is Chistmas a day of special gifts and greetings?
      10. What holiday do English celebrate on the 14-th of February?

    Задание 3. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

    Составьте собственное высказывание на английском языке, не менее 10 предложений о культуре и традициях в России. Назовите основные праздники на территории РФ. Выскажите своё мнение, – какие Вам нравятся, какие нет и почему. Расскажите о своём любимом празднике, о том, как принято его праздновать в кругу Вашей семьи.

    Talking about Russia and Russian culture I can speak about our traditions forever. Many foreign people don’t know them, many people don’t м them. But we love, respect and follow our traditions. They came from past and I hope we will save Russian traditions for future generation.

    The best tradition I like is celebrating of New Year. This holiday is celebrated all around the world. But we celebrate it in a particular way. We have traditional Russian salad on the table, TV programs and movies, decorations, Christmas tree, stories and so on. We celebrate New Year in a big company with presents, songs and dances. Children wait for New Year because of our Russian Santa “Ded Moroz”. It is really interesting and funny holiday.

    In spring we celebrate Easter. There is no certain day for this holiday, but there are always coloured eggs, Easter pie and family lunch. I like Easter because all my family always gets together.

    In the beginning of July we celebrate Kupalle. This is a holiday nobody knows abroad. At night young people can read fortune and their future and jump over the fire.

    A marriage is also full of different traditions. For example, a bridegroom can’t see a bride before the ceremony. During the lunch guests should shout “gorko” and newlyweds should kiss each other. In general we celebrate marriage during 2 days, sometimes even longer. I guess it’s a nice tradition because guests can meet each other and spend a lot of time together.

    According Russian tradition the first day of summer is in June 1. In Europe and in the USA summer start in June 21. The same thing is for autumn, winter and spring. Every season starts on the first day of September, December and March.

    Also Russian people are very friendly and hospitable. I think it’s a nice tradition and that’s why tourists like to visit our country. We have many interesting fairy-tales and legends, our cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world, the history of our country is interesting and historical monuments are all around Russia. I am proud to be Russian and I like our traditions.

    Задание_4._(максимальное_количество_баллов_–_4_балла)'>Задание 4. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

    Прочитайте текст. Составьте расширенный план для пересказа (не менее 6 подпунктов) на английском языке.

    1. Until what time the Midwest of America was an Indian country.

    2. how the first Americans built houses.

    3. how they decorated their beds.

    4.great historical sites of the Old World.

    5. rest of the Americans.

    6. mobile homes.

    Задание 5. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

    Сделайте письменный перевод на английский язык.Переведите на английский.

    The weather in Britain has a bad reputation because it changes quickly. People can never be sure that it won't rain. Because of the changeable weather, people wear umbrellas every day. The British say "it's raining like a bucket" if it's raining heavily. Summer in Britain is not very hot. And winter is not very cold. In some parts of Britain, winter passes without snow at all. Therefore, we can say that the climate in Britain is mild. The British often talk about the weather. They say that talking about the weather is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger.

    Задание 6. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

    Найдите в тексте соответствия следующих слов и выражений:

    И так далее; кроме того; завязать разговор; никто не имеет дел с незнакомцами; избегать сплетен; давать советы и взваливать на себя груз чужих проблем; личный опыт; действуйте по ситуации; это сработало; сводить на нет; не имеет значения; я пришла к выводу; невыносимо неловко.

    И так далее - and so on

    Кроме того - besides

    Завязать разговор - start a conversation

    Никто не имеет дел с незнакомцами - nobody has any dealings with strangers

    Избегать сплетен - avoid gossip

    Давать советы и взваливать на себя груз чужих проблем - give advice and take upon themselves the heaviness of other people’s problems.

    Личный опыт - personal experience

    Действуйте по ситуации - be spontaneous

    Это сработало - it helped

    Сводить на нет - to bring to nothing

    Не имеет значения - does not play role

    Я пришла к выводу - I came to the conclusion

    Невыносимо неловко - unbearably awkward

    Задание 7. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

    Составьте письменное высказывание на тему «Лондон-столица Великобритании» на английском языке. Высказывание должно содержать не менее 10-15 предложений.

    London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It`s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames.
    Palace of Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It`s the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It`s a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Trafalgar Square is the heart of London.
    All London`s long-past history is told by its streets. There are many streets in London which are known all over the world.

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