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  • Задание 2. Situational task

  • Причастие действительного залога (настоящего времени) - The Present Participle , Participle I

  • Причастие страдательного залога (прошедшего времени) - The Past Participle , Participle II

  • III. Informative reading.

  • Занятие Систематизация лексики по теме Healthcare in Russia

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    Занятие 4.
    Систематизация лексики по теме Healthcare in Russia.

    Задание 1. Необходимо разделиться на 4 группы, чтобы подобрать из текстов:

    1) word combinations with an adjective characterizing the heath care in Russia and its services:

    Отличительная черта –

    Профилактическое здравоохранение –

    Доступные услуги –

    Раннее обнаружение –

    Первичная медицинская помощь –

    Большие медицинские центры –

    Бесплатная скорая помощь –

    Специализированные больницы –

    Частные диагностические центры
    2) types of the medical equipment used
    3)* the name of the department or a medical establishment and a specialist working for the department. Some of them are missing, so you should look them up in the dictionary.

    (ex. – cardiology – a cardiologist; a polyclinic – a district doctor)

    Pay attention to the general rule of word formation








    -ology → ist

    -ics → ian

    Exception: anaesthetics → anaesthetist

    4)* word combinations with the verbs that can be used to describe the services of the health care system

    - быть доступной –

    уделять внимание –

    обнаруживать симптомы (признаки) заболевания –

    просвещать население –

    предотвращать распространение болезней –

    предоставлять первичную помощь –

    принимать на работу, задействовать -

    работать круглосуточно –

    оборудовать аппаратурой –

    позволять (давать возможность) врачу –

    проводить неотложное лечение –

    сосредоточиться на уходе (за кем-то) –

    обеспечивать (способствовать) рождение –

    заниматься (иметь дело с) профилактикой и лечением –

    выполнять исследование -

    вводить в практику новые методики –
    Задание 2. Situational task:

    a) You are a staff manager of a clinic and you need to hire a nurse. Describe her duties as a ward nurse and a nurse on duty.

    b) You are a staff manager of a clinic and you need to hire a doctor. Describe the duties of a doctor on duty and a ward (attending) doctor.

    c) You are a staff manager of a pediatric out-patient department and you need to hire a doctor. Describe the duties of a community pediatrician.

    II. Работа над грамматикой. Причастие

    Причастие - неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками глагола, прилагательного и наречия.

    Причастие действительного залога (настоящего времени) - The Present Participle, Participle I

    Причастие настоящего времени образуется путем прибавления суффикса -ing к инфинитиву глагола: to play играть – playing (играющий). Данное причастие относится к субъекту действия, т.е. к лицу или объекту, выполняющему действие.

    Причастие страдательного залога (прошедшего времени) - The Past Participle, Participle II

    Причастие прошедшего времени правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления суффикса -ed к инфинитиву глагола: to extract (удалять)- extracted (удалённый). Причастие прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов необходимо помнить: to write (писать) - written (написанный). Данное причастие относится к объекту действия, т.е. к лицу или объекту, над которым выполняется действие.
    Функции причастий в предложении

    a. Составной части сказуемого:

    - The patient is breathing.

    - The lungs are located in lateral cavities of the chest.

    - I have finished a report
    b. Определения:

    - The right lung consisting of 3 lobes is heavier than the left one.

    - Hemoglobin transfers oxygen taken from the lungs.

    - Lungs take part in metabolism facilitating (опосредуя) the exchange of gases. - When combined (будучи соединённым) with hemoglobin, oxygen passes to the tissues and cells.

    Задание 3. Translate the sentences, state the function of the Participle.

    1) The doctor examining the man’s eyes now is our new ophthalmologist.

    2) Do you know the woman speaking to the nurse?

    3) The bleeding wound must be bandaged.

    4) The analyses made by the laboratory assistant will be ready only tomorrow.

    5) The patient admitted yesterday complains of severe pains in the chest.

    6) The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

    7) The bandaged wound doesn’t bleed.

    8) The recovering patient’s temperature and blood pressure were normal.

    9) Being vegetarians they don’t eat meat.

    10) Feeling bad he asked to stop the procedure.

    11) The wound infected with bacteria has inflamed.

    12) The patients recovering from heart diseases are staying in the rehabilitation center.

    13) Examining a patient, a doctor asks a lot of questions.

    14) When diagnosed correctly, the disease is treated properly.
    Задание 4. Сhoose the correct form of the Participle:

    1. The digestive system is a canal (forming /formed) by mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.

    2. When (absorbing /absorbed), the nutrients are (delivering/delivered) to all organs and tissues.

    3. Dietary energy is (obtaining/obtained) from a combination of fat and carbohydrate.

    4. The patients are (examining / examined) by the family doctor.

    5. When (forming /formed) in the prenatal period, the bones start to grow.

    6. More than 80% of all plants (living / lived) today are (flowering / flowered) plants.

    7. The research is (taking / taken) too much time

    8. We have already (studying / studied) the properties of these substances

    9. Many of the drugs (developing / developed) today are the product of years of intensive research
    Задание 5. Make 10 word combinations with Participle I and Participle II using the verbs from the previous texts. Ex – an examined patient, the emergency service operating day and night.

    III. Informative reading. Read the text and list the issues specific for each specialist.

    Choosing Your Medical Speciality
    All graduates should do a course of internship in a particular medical specialty, and many practising physicians go on to specialise in a particular area of medicine. The most frequently entered specialties are listed below.

    Emergency medicine

    An emergency physician focuses on the immediate decision making and action necessary to prevent death or any further problems both in the prehospital setting and in the emergency department. He/she provides immediate diagnosis and care of adult and pediatric patients in response to acute illness and injury.

    Family practice

    A family physician is concerned with the total health care of the individual and the family and is trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of illnesses in patients of all ages. The family physician’s training includes internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry, and geriatrics.


    Pediatricians both help healthy children to develop properly and treat those who are seriously or chronically ill. They easily understand emotions of their little patients and can be advocates for children and adolescents in difficult situations. In caring for children's physical health, pediatricians diagnose and treat infections, injuries, genetic defects, tumours, and many types of organic disease and dysfunction. They work to reduce infant and child mortality, control infectious disease, and foster healthy lifestyles.

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