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Green employment and labour market in the formation of environmentally friendly
E. A. Voikina, I. M. Potravny
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
36, Stremyanny per., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
For citation: Voikina E. A., Potravny I. M. Green employment and labour market in the formation of environmentally friendly economy. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 2018, vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 217–240. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu05.2018.202
The article deals with the issues of employment in the context of the development of the green economy, which allows to agree on the solution of tasks on the greening of the labor market with a decrease in unemployment, increasing the environmental and energy efficiency of the economy. On the one hand, environmental pollution, depletion of natural capital have a nega- tive impact on the state of the labor market, employment, and on the other — activities to improve the environment, eliminate the accumulated ecological damage, the development of the market of environmental works, goods and services contributes to the expansion of employment, not only green, but also common. The authors of the article define the leading guidelines of the national policy in the field of green employment in addition to the traditional areas of employment policy (reducing unemployment, promoting self-employment, etc.) ar- eas associated with reducing the negative impact on the environment. A list of green profes- sions by types of economic activity has been developed, as well as key economic activities for the creation of green jobs have been identified. The comparative analysis of directions and tendencies of labor market ecologization realized in Russia and abroad is carried out.
Keywords: sustainable development, ecological economy, labour market, green employment, green job, accumulated environmental damage, energy efficiency, climatic policy, the market of works and services of ecological appointment.
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Au t h o r ’s i n f o r m at i o n :
Ekaterina A. Voikina — PhD, Associate Professor; vokatemoscow@mail.ru
Ivan M. Potravny — Dr. Sci. in Economics, Professor; ecoaudit@bk.ru
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