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Крок акушерство та гінекологія. КРОК 2021 акушерство и гинекология (1). Зниження рівня антигемофільного глобуліну

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A. Subinvolution of the uterus

B. Postpartum metroendometritis *

C. Normal postpartum period *

D. Postpartum endometritis

E. Lactostasis

31. A 20-year-old patient is undergoing treatment for anemia (hemoglobin - 72 g / l). A year and a half ago, after a spontaneous miscarriage in the period of 16 weeks and blood loss, he notes a decrease in memory, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry skin, brittle nails, swelling, menstrual dysfunction. Objectively: blood pressure - 80/55 mm Hg, pulse - 54 / min., Height - 168 cm, weight - 48 kg, hypoplasia of the genitals. Which of the following would be most appropriate for this patient?

A. methotrexate

B. Infliximab

C. Human immunoglobulin normal

D. Hydrocortisone

E. Hydroxychloroquine

32. A woman in labor with regular labor has lost green amniotic fluid. Fetal heartbeat 150 / min. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. Vaginal examination: the cervix is ​​open up to 5 cm, the head is presented, the small fontanel is located on the left under the symphysis. What should be used to monitor the condition of the fetus?

A. Amnioscopy

B. Determination of pH of amniotic fluid

C. Cardiotocography

D. Biophysical profile of the fetus •

E. Doppler umbilical blood flow

33. An obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic consulted a woman with a gestational age of 10 weeks (first visit). Which of the medical documents should be kept by the doctor in this case to monitor the progress of pregnancy?

A. Birth history

B. Control card of dispensary observation

C. Outpatient medical record

D. Individual card of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor

E. Card of registration of medical examination

34. A woman of 6-7 weeks of pregnancy consulted a antenatal clinic. From the anamnesis it was found that from the age of 15 he has been suffering from severe diabetes mellitus. According to the opinion of an ophthalmologist, retinopathy of the 2nd century. Had 2 pregnancies that ended in stillbirth. The blood sugar content is 15 mmol / l. A bimanual examination revealed that the uterus was enlarged (as in pregnancy up to 7 weeks). What is the doctor's tactics?

A. Prolongation of pregnancy under the control of blood sugar

B. Abortion is indicated

C. Consultation of a geneticist

D. Consultation of an endocrinologist

E. hospitalization at critical stages of pregnancy

35. The fever for 7 days of the postpartum period entered the gynecological department with a diagnosis of postpartum endomyometritis, a focus. A woman bothers the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase in temperature to 38 ° C, muddy blood-serous separation from the genital tract. After vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterus, the difficulty of breathing with a frequency of up to 40 / min is noted., Akricyanosis, AT- 85/50 mm Hg. Pulse - 105 / min. What preliminary diagnosis can be installed?

A. System inflammatory response syndrome

B. Frigration of uterus

C. Metrotromibophlebitis +

D. Sepsis

E. Septic shock

36. Patient for 26 years is married for 5 years. In the absence of contraception and the presence of regular sex life, the pregnancy is absent, the husband is examined, fertile. From the anamnesis: in 19 years, it was operated on about the phenomena of spilled peritonitis. What studies need to be done to clarify the reasons for infertility?

A. Studies of genital steroids, gonadotropins, foliculose

B. Kimographic Pinds

С. with hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy +

D. Tests of functional diagnostics

E. Hysteroscopy with an estimate of the functional state of the endometrium

37. With a planned survey of a 22-year-old pregnant (30 weeks), isolated bacteriuria was detected in the urine. Pregnancy proceeds without pathology. Determine the tactics of pregnant women:

A. Physiotherapeutic treatment

B. Assignment of ampicillin +

C. Dynamic observation

D. Purpose of Ciprofloxacin

E. Fitotherapy

38. During the profression, it was established: a woman has 23 years old pregnancies. With a bimanual examination, it was revealed: the body of the uterus of normal sizes, on the front wall - a dense rounded formation on the leg, is associated with the uterus, diameter size up to 6 cm, painless, appendages without features. With the help of ultrasound, the diagnosis of subseasonous Misa of the uterus was confirmed. What method of treatment should be offered?

A. Conservative Miomectomy +

B. Ammputation of the uterus

C. High Supplist Matter Amputation

D. Defundation of the uterus

E. Extirpation of the uterus

39. Patient 34 years old entered the gynecological department with complaints of abundant bleeding from sex tract for 3 weeks, which began on the date of the next menstruation. In history 2 physiological genera; Gynecological diseases denies. In case of inspection in the mirrors, the mucule of the vagina and the cervix is clean. Isolation of blood, abundant. With a bimanual study of pathology has not been detected. diagnosis:

A. Algodismenorye

B. Endometrial cancer

C. Bleeding Erosion of the cervix

D. Abnormal uterine bleeding +

E. Abortion in the go
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