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  • Дисциплина: Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 8 Выполнил: Обучающийся Рассказова Олеся Сергеевна Преподаватель

  • Гоголева Елена Александровна

  • 4) 1 first teacher 2 what is the name of the first method 3 what would you say about the second method 4 how many methods

  • 7 what is the most popular game for the first lesson 8 why is it hard for a child to sit out forty minutes of a lesson

  • Титульный лист (16). 1. Этот детский сад называется Солнце. Почти 160 детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет составляют восемь детских классов. Каждый класс сгруппирован по возрасту

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    Название1. Этот детский сад называется Солнце. Почти 160 детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет составляют восемь детских классов. Каждый класс сгруппирован по возрасту
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    Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

    Программа среднего профессионального образования

    44.02.02 Преподавание в начальных классах

    Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

    Практическое занятие 8


    Обучающийся Рассказова Олеся Сергеевна


    Гоголева Елена Александровна

    1.) Этот детский сад называется «Солнце». Почти 160 детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет составляют восемь детских классов. Каждый класс сгруппирован по возрасту.
    В детском саду есть пространства, созданные специально для детей: арт-зал, тренажерный зал, музыкальный зал, игровая комната, «музей» профессиональных и детских рисунков. Помимо обычных классных комнат, для каждой группы предусмотрены спальни, гардеробные и санузлы.
    Детский сад открывается в 7:00 утра; однако большинство маленьких детей приводят в школу их родители где-то с 8:00 до 9:00 утра. Когда бы ни появился ребенок, его или его всегда встречают с улыбкой. С 8:00 до 9:00 дети делают утреннюю зарядку, затем умываются и чистят зубы. Далее они завтракают.

    Около 9:00 утра начинаются игровые мероприятия. Эти занятия различаются: у маленьких детей одно занятие в день, а у детей постарше — два-три занятия. Уроки предназначены для развития математических и коммуникативных навыков, а также для знакомства детей с природой и миром. Кроме того, дети могут заниматься экологией, музыкой, театром, рисованием, лепкой, аппликацией, дизайном, спортом и уроками английского языка. Зимой дети в возрасте 5 лет катаются на коньках и лыжах. Летом они ездят на велосипедах.
    Как только уроки, которые меняются в течение недели, заканчиваются, дети идут гулять. Они наблюдают за природой, играют, ходят на экскурсии в театры, музеи, на выставки. У маленьких детей обеденный перерыв в полдень; через час старшие дети обедают. Дети спят после обеда, который обычно длится от 2,5 до 3 часов для маленьких детей и 1,5 часа для детей постарше.

    После дневного сна дети занимаются дыхательной и оздоровительной гимнастикой, гимнастикой. После этих оздоровительных упражнений дети обедают. Они пьют молоко или сок, едят компоты. Затем дети играют. Они могут выбирать из множества организованных мероприятий, таких как художественный класс, ремесленный клуб и так далее.
    Дети также ужинают в детском саду. Хотя родители могут забрать детей домой в любое время, большинство детей уходят домой между 17:00 и 17:00. и 18:00 Детский сад работает до 18:30.

    В детском саду работают следующие специалисты: воспитатели детского сада по два на каждую группу; помощники воспитателей детского сада, которые отвечают за приготовление всех блюд, поддержание чистоты и помощь воспитателям в классе; психолог; преподаватель, который организует все спортивные мероприятия; педагоги, развивающие эстетические и музыкальные способности; и учитель англ. Раз в неделю психолог консультирует родителей по вопросам воспитания детей.
    Каждый российский детский сад имеет свои уникальные особенности и отличия, и каждый день отличается от предыдущего. Но одно остается неизменным: все люди, которые работают в детском саду, делают все возможное, чтобы способствовать развитию здоровых, творческих, умных и счастливых детей, а также убеждать родителей в том, что их дети находятся в надежных руках.
    (из «Воспитание детей», выпуск International Focus Issue, 2002, том 78, № 6, стр. 341).

    2) The name of the kindergarten is the sun. Each class is grouped by age. There are all conditions for children, both for development and for personal hygiene. There is a quiet hour and meals four times a day, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The games start around 9:00 after breakfast.

    Each group has different activities. And the kindergarten opens very early at 7:00. There are lessons in mathematics and communication skills and acquaintance of children with nature. The lessons are over and the children go to eat, the older ones go after the little ones in an hour. And after lunch, a quiet hour, the duration differs from the group of children. After sleep, children do gymnastics, and after it they go to drink tea, milk or compote. Then the children play choosing a different club for themselves.

    Children also have dinner in kindergarten. Parents can pick up their children at any time, and most leave during the period from 17:00 to 18:00

    The following specialists work in the kindergarten: educator, assistant educator, psychologist, who once a week advises parents on raising children, music teacher, speech therapist. Each Russian kindergarten has its own unique features. One thing remains unchanged, that's all that teachers and educators do. Children are in safe hands.

    3) My work day starts early. I get up at six o'clock in the morning, air the room and make the bed. Then I go to the bathroom, where I wash my face, brush my teeth; I get dressed, I do my hair. Then I have breakfast. It can be a cup of tea or coffee, and a sandwich or porridge. Then I leave home.

    Teacher…. How many notes of pride, respect and understanding are in this word. There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter in the world than the profession of a teacher. From the very first entry on the threshold of the school, the teacher replaces the dearest person - mother. He becomes everything for the child: a parent, a mentor, an example to follow. I am convinced that the work should be based on love for children, mutual understanding, cooperation, it is important to understand and respect their inner world. Sh. A. Amonashvili, a great teacher and psychologist of our time, said: “A child becomes happy as soon as he feels sincere and selfless love for himself.” Success in any undertaking can be created by a teacher who himself experiences the joy of success. It's important to be yourself. It seems to me that teaching is not a profession, but a way of life. After all, even at home you do not stop thinking about your students. When preparing a lesson, you see, think, feel the whole class and each one individually. Students are always with you.

    Teaching is a creative profession. A creative person will not be able to work according to the same lesson plan or scenario from year to year. There should be a desire to make the lesson even better and more interesting.
    Many students do not want to study, do not see the need, prospects for this. These students are not motivated to learn. That is why the main task of the school and the teacher is to contribute to the creation of such an atmosphere in the lesson in which each student would feel the need for learning

    In the early years of working with children, it was strange for me why children do not perceive information well when everything is so simple and clear. This is clear to us adults, but not to them. It took time to understand and realize this. So, the first lesson given by the students: a real teacher is one who is able to descend from the heights of his knowledge to the student's ignorance and make the ascent together with him. This became the first principle that I am guided by today in my pedagogical activity.

    The second lesson I learned while taking my first pedagogical steps was that teaching should be sincere. After all, only through the prism of their attitudes, their system of values, their attitude to everything that happens around, dry program material becomes a magical crystal, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow and calling for discoveries. Therefore, my second principle is to be sincere and honest with children

    So, from these great discoveries for me, a teacher was born in me.
    Every child is talented, talented in their own way - this is my position. I don't skimp on praise. There is no such “loser”, which there would be nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island of success from the stream of failures, to give a straw of help, to show the path to understanding - and the child will have faith in his abilities and a desire to learn - this is my third principle.

    My task as a teacher is to make sure that the spiritual world of children is filled with love, faith, and hope.
    Over the years, with work experience, my activity is more and more filled with other content, but still coming to class for a lesson is a great joy for me. I know only one thing, that my vocation is school, students, to whom I give my love and the joy of communicating with them.

    I strive to create such an atmosphere, such conditions under which children would like to learn, discover something, and they would achieve this.
    Therefore, in my activities I introduce new forms and means of education, use interactive methods and teaching in formation on a diagnostic basis, creating favorable conditions for maintaining the mental and physical health of children.

    I think it is important not just to teach a subject, but to form the ability for independent learning activity, which becomes an important component of the educational process in my lessons, allowing to implement a competency-based approach to teaching. At the same time, by competence I understand not just the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the ability to apply them in a variety of educational and life situations that allow you to perform effective actions.

    Of course, the teacher is not God, not a great sage, and cannot decide fate and predetermine the future. But the teacher is a direct participant in it and we must not forget about it. Not for a minute.
    I love my profession, I'm proud of it. Thinking about everything, I come to the conclusion that I am a happy person: I have a wonderful family, a favorite profession .... And tomorrow I go back to school...

    4) 1 first teacher?

    2 what is the name of the first method?

    3 what would you say about the second method?

    4 how many methods?

    5 what to do to make the child's psychological adaptation easier?

    6 why the very first lessons are held in a playful way?

    7 what is the most popular game for the first lesson?

    8 why is it hard for a child to sit out forty minutes of a lesson?

    9 how to understand that the adaptation of children to school is correct

    10 how to understand that the adaptation of children to school is not correct
    5) Safety rules for children at school and on the street
    1 do not leave the school grounds!

    2 do not act aggressively do not provoke conflicts!

    3 avoid all other hazards!

    be careful!

    5 listen to the teacher!

    6 do not run on ice in winter!

    7 look carefully at the traffic light!

    8 carefully cross railroad tracks!

    9 do not approach strangers!

    10 don't run down the school corridor!

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