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  • 16. Would you like to come with us to see ---(название фильма) Titanic at the (конкретно) cinema tomorrow

  • 22. If you ever go to London you must see the Tower of London and --- Tate Gallery.

  • )

  • 16. Do you know the(конкр) people who live next door

  • 25. Have you ever visited the(достоприм) Tower of London

  • работа с артиклям шпаргалка. аоао. 1. modern life is stressful абстрактно Whats the capital of your country конкретно

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    Название1. modern life is stressful абстрактно Whats the capital of your country конкретно
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    1. --- modern life is stressful. абстрактно

    2. What’s the capital of your country? конкретно

    3. A doctor earns more than a teacher. Ед.ч исчисл

    4. Do you know who invented а computer ? обобщение

    5. Have you seen the newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere. конкр

    6. Is this the first time you’ve stayed at the Hilton ? числительное; конкретно

    7. Is the Nile or the Amazon the longest river on --- earth ? конкр, степень сравнения, абстр

    8. Several million visitors a year are attracted to the ski slopes of the Alps. Ед ч, конкр конкр

    9. I’ll meet you outside the post office. I’ll be there in a quarter of an hour. Конкр, ед ч, ед ч

    10. --- young people tend to think that --- life was more difficult in the past. Неисч, абстр, конкр

    11. In my opinion --- education should be free. Абстр понятие

    12. The education I got at --- school was excellent. Конкретно; школа не как здание, а как уроки

    13. In some cities, --- cars have been banned from the centre. Множественное число и обобщенно

    14. I went to --- (с дворцами) Buckingham Palace today. It was great.

    15. I took а ( отдельная единица, а не транспортная система) train to London and then the underground to --- (станция) Victoria Station. It’s a (Описательное определение) short walk from there.

    16. Would you like to come with us to see ---(название фильма) Titanic at the (конкретно) cinema tomorrow?

    17. I had a bad experience at work today. Описательное определение

    18. The car sped past at 100 miles an hour. Значение единичности (вес, расстояние, время)

    19. --- (вершина) Mount Everest is the(сравн.степень) highest mountain in the world.

    20. --- (часть света) Middle East is one of the(обстоятельство места) world’s hot spots.

    21. We lived in the (страна в мн.ч) Netherlands before moving here.

    22. If you ever go to London you must see the Tower of London and --- Tate Gallery. ?

    23. We noticed a (Описательное определение) strong smell coming from the(конкретно) refrigerator.

    24. She lives in --- (нет нариц. Сущ) England, which is part of the (есть нариц.сущ) UK.

    25. After his wife’s death he left --- (абстр) home and joined the(конкретно) army.

    26. He should have called me an hour ago. Значение единичности (вес, расстояние, время)

    27. They visited grandmother in the hospital. (просто посетитель, не пациент)

    28. --- (абстрактно) history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is the (конкретно) history of the United States.

    29. The Browns often watch --- (абстактно) television in the evening. (Существительные morning, afternoon, evening в английском языке требуют перед собой предлога in с обязательным артиклем the.)

    30. Munich lies in the(сторона света) south of Germany.

    1. The moon goes round the(уникальный в своем роде предмет) earth every 27 days.

    2. The(есть нариц.сущ) Soviet Union was the(числ) first country to send a (обобщ) man into ----(абстрактно) space.

    3. Did you see the film on ---(абстрактно) television or at the cinema?( Со словами cinema и theatre артикль THE используется, даже когда говорящий не имеет в виду конкретное место)

    4. I'm not very hungry, I had a big breakfast. Описательное определение

    5. I never listen to the (конкретно?) radio. In fact, I haven't got a(обобщ) radio.

    6. What is the(степень сравнение прил) highest mountain in the(обстоятельство места?) world?

    7. It was a(Описательное определение) long voyage. We were at ---- (абстрактно?) sea for four weeks.

    8. Look at the (конкр, мн ч) apples on that tree. They're very large.

    9. --- women are often better teachers than ---- men. (абстрактно?)

    10. In Britain --- coffee is more expensive than ---- tea. (абстрактно?)

    11. We had a(Описательное определение) very nice meal. The cheese was especially good.

    12. They got married but the(конкретно?) marriage wasn't very successful.

    13. I know someone who wrote a(обощ?) book about the(конкретно) life of Gandhi.

    14. --- life would be very difficult without --- electricity. (абстрактно?)

    15. The Second World War ended in 1945. Историч событие

    16. Do you know the(конкр) people who live next door?

    17. Are you interested in ---- art or ---- architecture? (абстрактно?)

    18. Don't stay in that hotel. The ( конкретно?) beds are very uncomfortable.

    19. I hate ---- violence. (абстрактно)

    20. John himself doesn't go to ---- church. (абстрактно?)

    21. After ---- work Ann usually goes home. (абстрактно????)

    22. When Ann was ill, we went to the hospital to visit her. ( просто посетитель, не пациент)

    23. The British Prime Minister lives in ---- Downing Street 10. (название улицы)

    24. ----(потому что галерея?) Tate Gallery is the(Всегда с артиклем: the same, the main.) main modern art museum in London.

    25. Have you ever visited the(достоприм) Tower of London?

    26. Do you know the(конкретно?) time? Yes, the(конкр) clock in the(конкретно) hall has just struck nine.

    27. I am on ---- night duty. When you go to ---- bed, I go to ---- work. (абстрактно)

    28. There will always be a (синтаксическая функция подлежащего в предложениях с there is\was\will be) conflict between the old and the young. ----- young people want ---- change but old people want ---- things to stay the same.

    29. In the(???) past -----(неисчисл мн.ч) most young boys became a farmer or got another job in their village.

    30. ---- city life is very noisy, hectic and dirty. (абстрактно)

    31. The(конкретно) waste gases of cars and factories are the(конкретно) primary reasons for ----- (абстрактно) air pollution.

    32. People only have parks, where they can enjoy ---- nature. (абстрактно)

    33. At the(устойчивое) beginning I spoke about ---- tourism in ----- towns.(абстр)

    34. It's right that there aren't so many ways of spending ----(абстр) daily life in the(конкр) suburbs.

    35. But is it still true that the(географ. Ландшафт) countryside is praised to be the(степень сравн) best place for living.

    36. But when you live in ----- (абстр)solitude you are not always happy.

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