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  • Why did the British want to destroy Hindu temples that were later included in the UNESCO world heritage list

  • англ 1 семестр. Анализа рекомендуем ознакомиться со стихотворением Анчар. История создания стихотворения оно написано в 1828 год

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    НазваниеАнализа рекомендуем ознакомиться со стихотворением Анчар. История создания стихотворения оно написано в 1828 год
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    Перед прочтением данного анализа рекомендуем ознакомиться со стихотворением Анчар.

    История создания стихотворения – оно написано в 1828 году, когда прошло два года, как Пушкину было позволено вернуться из ссылки. Поэту стало ясно, что его идеям о творчестве без ограничений не суждено сбыться, и он излил свою печаль в тексте этого произведения.

    Тема стихотворения – гибельность власти, у которой нет ограничений. Силу этого явления Пушкин познал на себе, что сделало стихотворение необыкновенно убедительным и эмоционально глубоким.

    Композиция – произведение состоит из двух частей: в первой говорится о дереве, источающем яд, во второй – о человеке, который, повинуясь приказу своего господина, принес “смертельную смолу” и умер, сам отравленный ею.

    Жанр – лирическое стихотворение с элементами баллады.

    Стихотворный размер – четырехстопный ямб.

    Метафоры – “природа жаждущих степей его в день гнева породила“, “вихорь черный на древо смерти набежит“, “послушно в путь потек“.

    Эпитеты – “в пустыне чахлой и скупой“, “зелень мертвую“, “густой прозрачною смолою“.

    Сравнения – “анчар, как грозный часовой“.

    Инверсии – “зелень мертвую“, “густой прозрачною смолою“, “вихорь черный”.

    Подробнее: https://obrazovaka.ru/analiz-stihotvoreniya/pushkin/anchar.htmlИностранный язык

    Практическое занятие №4

    1Buddhist art is a historical trend in art that emerged in India after the life of Siddhartha Gautama in the VI-V centuries BC. as a result of contacts with various Asian cultures, Buddhist art evolved and spread throughout Asia.

    2Vedic religion, the name of this religion comes from the name of the Vedas-a collection of sacred texts, solemn hymns and sacrificial incantations; Hinduism, in modern times, Hinduism is the main religion of India, it is practiced by about 80% of the country's inhabitants;



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    Why did the British want to destroy Hindu temples that were later included in the UNESCO world heritage list?

    September 13, 2018

    10 thousand full reads

    2 min.

    Why did the British want to destroy Hindu temples that were later included in the UNESCO world heritage list?

    Let's start with a little history lesson. The famous group of Khajuraho monuments in India was built by the Indian Chandela dynasty. Nanuk, the first ruler of the dynasty, founded a small Kingdom around present-day Khajuraho in the first quarter of the 9th century ad. The construction of temples there began quite early in the history of the dynasty. Most of the construction was completed during the reign of king Yashovarman and then king Dhanga.

    4The art of Islam is a type of artistic creation, mainly in countries where Islam has become the state religion. In its main features, it was formed during the middle Ages. It was then that the Arab countries and regions where Islam was brought made a huge contribution to the Treasury of world civilization. The special appeal of Islamic art, its originality and traditions were able to make it go beyond time and space and become part of the universal heritage. - Read more at FB.ru:

    5Japanese pottery is one of the oldest in the world, with the earliest examples Dating back to the beginning of the jōmon period (15 000 — 11 800 years BC) [1][2]. Another feature of Japanese ceramics is the extraordinary development caused by the wide spread of the tea ceremony[2]. A significant part of Japanese ceramic products is characterized by non-standard and" natural "appearance, including intentionally left" defects " of the surface, drips, cracks and bubbles of glaze, finger marks, and so on [3], expressing the traditional aesthetic ideas of the Japanese — the desire for unabashedness, elegance, and modest simplicity.

    The age of a number of ancient settlements in China with ancient ceramics is about 12-9 thousand years from our time. For forming vessels, stones or wooden blocks were used as templates, and plastic clay mass was stuffed on them.The Neolithic cultures of Eastern China can rightly be considered one of the world's largest centers of ancient pottery.Masters made containers of different shapes and purposes. The beginnings of art can be attributed to 5 thousand BC (Hamudu culture).This is a kind of painting on ceramics in the form of drawn images of the animal world, plants.

    6History of Japanese Kabuki theater. The Creator of Kabuki-Izumo no Okuni-performed beautiful dances that have a special ritual meaning in the vicinity of Kyoto, and then in the city itself.

    Задание 2

    1 no

    2 yes


    4 no

    5 no

    6 yes

    7 no

    Задание 3 не поняла вопроса и как создать контур тста

    Задание 4Art of ancient India.

    The culture of India is one of the oldest cultures of mankind. It began to take shape in the 3rd Millennium BC. Indian art can be easily recognized by the desire for luxury and elegance. Painting and sculpture are rich in folk fantasies: heroes and gods. The architecture of Ancient India is based on stone religious buildings. Buddhist cave temples were called "Chaitya". Their facades were decorated with sculptures, jewelry, and many statues of Buddha. The next type of religious buildings was considered stambha-a monolithic stone pillar. The pillar contained carved Buddhist moral and religious precepts. At the top of the pillar was a sculpture of one of the sacred animals.

    Bronze casting items and jewelry were noted for their special execution skills. A variety of ceramic products, decorated with ornamental vessels. The drawings depicted the plant and animal worlds. Images of fish, birds, animals, and snakes were performed conditionally, they are always

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