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  • Find the words in the dialogue which mean: Найдите в тексте слова, которые означают

  • Translate the words

  • Fill in the gaps with

  • Read the sentences and choose

  • True/ False Arne Saknussemn send them a letter via Royal post. After that Otto and Axel decided to go on journey. True/False

  • Конспект урока англ яз. конспект 7 класс 07.10. Classwork Reading an adventure story Употребление конструкции used to

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    НазваниеClasswork Reading an adventure story Употребление конструкции used to
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    Имя файлаконспект 7 класс 07.10.docx

    Friday, the seventh of October


    Reading an adventure story

    Употребление конструкции used to.

    Конструкция used to + инфинитив глагола упортребляется, когда речь идет о привычках и регулярных действиях, имевших место в прошлом.

    В таких случаях конструкция может быть заменена на Past Simple без значительного изменения смысла. Но для действия, произошедшего в конкретный момент в прошлом необходимо упортеблять Past Simple.

    Также used to употребляется для описания действий, которые имели место в прошлом, но сейчас уже не происходят.

    Для передачи последовательности событий в прошлом используются предлоги as soon as, when, after, until.

    Запишите в тетрадь

    Я смотрел мультики Дисней, когда мне было 5

    Я не смотрел мультики, когда мне было 5

    Смотрел ли ты мультики, когда тебе было 5?
    I used to play hockey - Я раньше играл в хоккей (теперь НЕТ)

    He didn’t use to play tennis - Он раньше не играл в теннис (теперь ДА)

    Did she use to drive a car? - Она раньше водила машину?
    Основное содержание урока:


    Journey to the Center of the Earth is a famous adventure story by Jules Verne. It is about professor Otto Lidenbrock, and his nephew Axel and their fascinating journey.

    Axel and professor Lidenbrock find an old book and a mysterious message from explorer Arne Saknussemm. After reading this message together with their friend Hans they go on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth.

    They start their adventure, travelling by raft. Unfortunately their raft is broken against rocks. And that is how they discover an amazing place.
    They leave their friend Hans with the raft. And while he repairs the raft, Axel and the Professor take a look around.
    Professor: Ok. So let’s explore this area over here! Do you hear, what is that noise?
    Axel: Yes. Quick! Hide!
    And they hide behind the bushes.

    Axel: Ah, look! Huge elephants… er.. and a man!
    Professor: Unbelievable. Those elephants used to live thousands years ago.
    Professor: when we get back home, people for sure will be amazed by what we saw.
    Axel: Yes, but would they believe us?

    Professor: First we must get back to Hans. We need to get to the raft.
    Axel: Sure. Oh, wait. What is it?
    Professor: It looks like a knife, a very old one. My guess - it’s must be Arne Saknussemm’s knife!

    They look around and find initials on a cave wall.
    Professor: I’m sure. Saknussemm was here. We found it.

    Professor: this must be the last part of his journey!!!
    Axel: Yes, but quick. We need to find Hans and come back.

    Find the words in the dialogue which mean: Найдите в тексте слова, которые означают:

    1. look around

    2. the first letters of the name

    3. very big

    4. go somewhere you can’t be seen

    Домашняя работа!

    Упражнение 1

    Translate the words.Переведи слова

    1. explorer

    1. cave

    1. initials

    1. rocks

    1. bushes

    1. raft

    Упражнение 2 Вставь слова

    Fill in the gaps with: explore, rock, cave, adventure, nephew.

    1. That guy near the bookstore is my ........ . He is my brother’s son.

    2. I like this country house. It looks like a perfect place to spend the weekend. Let’s go and ........ the area.

    3. I left the key under the ........ near the door.

    4. When we were young we used to play pirates in that old ........ .

    5. Come on, let’s go rafting. It’ll be a real ........ .

    Упражнение 3 Определи правдивы ли утверждения

    Read the sentences and choose True or False.

    1. Otto and Axel found Arne Saknussemn in the cave. True/False

    2. They took the plane to travel to the Center of Earth. True/False.

    3. They saw a man and huge elephants. True/False

    4. Axel was fixing the raft when professor and Hans explored the area. True/False

    5. Arne Saknussemn send them a letter via Royal post. After that Otto and Axel decided to go on journey. True/False

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