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  • Анализ личности путем прохождения теста PI. Кандидат, Кандидат - Behavioral Report. Дата отчёта Кандидат Кандидат Дата

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    Имя файлаКандидат, Кандидат - Behavioral Report.docx

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    Кандидат Кандидат Дата оценки




    Оригинал инновационно и нестандартно мыслящий человек, который неустрашим неудачами.


    M: 25

    Стремящийся к совместной работе Сдержанный

    Деятельный Гибкий

    Самостоятельный Коммуникабельный Уравновешенный Скрупулезный


    M: 20

    Стремящийся к совместной работе Сдержанный

    Деятельный Гибкий Субъективный

    Самостоятельный Коммуникабельный Уравновешенный Скрупулезный Объективный


    M: 45 ИД результатов: 028 -3290 -882


    Кандидат больше всего будет проявлять следующие поведения:

    Risk-taking, daring, and focus on future goals; this individual is more concerned with where they’re going than either how they’ll get there, or where they’ve been. Adaptable, operates flexibly.

    Makes decisions and takes action, even with little proof confirming their decision. Confident in their own ideas and unimpressed with tradition.

    Flexible approach to “the book” often bends the rules and does things their own way. An innovative, "outside the box" thinker who is undaunted by failure.

    Socially informal, extroverted, and outgoing; gets familiar quickly. Communicates in an uninhibited, lively, and adaptable manner, drawing others into the conversation.

    Interested in people, building relationships, and teamwork rather than technical matters. Affable, optimistic, and easily trusting.

    Focused on goals and the people needed to get there, not details or plans; frequently delegates details. Proactivity, assertiveness, and sense of urgency in driving to reach personal goals. Openly challenges the world.

    Independent in putting forth their own ideas, which are often innovative and, if implemented, cause change. Resourcefully works through or around anything blocking completion of what they want to accomplish; aggressive when challenged.

    Impatient for results, puts pressure on themself and others for rapid implementation, and is far less productive when doing routine work.

    Краткое описание

    A very independent, confident, decisive, self-starter, intense and driving. This individual has a strong sense of urgency, can react and adjust quickly to changing conditions, generate novel ideas, and deal with them swiftly.

    Their drive is directed at getting the important things done. Competitive, ambitious and venturesome, they respond positively and actively to challenge and pressure, always sure of an ability to handle problems and people. This individual is outgoing and poised; a forceful, animated, communicator tending to be more authoritative than persuasive in style. They talk briskly, with assurance and conviction and are a stimulating influence on others, while being direct, determined and flexible.

    Sure of the value of personal judgments and opinions, and persistent in defending them if put under pressure to change them, Кандидат will question and challenge established company policies or systems and strive to prove in action the value of their ideas for change.

    More concerned with the achievement of goals than with the details of how things get done, this individual will freely delegate to others with loose follow-up, but with demand and pressure for timely results.

    Ingenious and venturesome, they will likely become restless and dissatisfied if required to work under close control or to do work which is routine or highly structured. Very much a generalist, Кандидат is more concerned with the strategies involved in reaching goals than with specific or detailed tactics.


    To maximize effectiveness, productivity, and job satisfaction, consider providing Кандидат with the following: High levels of autonomy and flexibility in the job

    Ample opportunity for expression of and action on their own ideas and initiatives Variety, challenge, responsibility, and opportunities to demonstrate abilities

    Recognition, advancement and tangible rewards for success.
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